Different Face : Different Emphasis?


We’ve had a bit of a chat across the Collective about whether the Blog is working. This stems largely from my feeling that often I am slow to post a Blog response to shifting events. My excuse is that I’m not a blogger, by neither nature nor nurture: that I worry the life out of every sentence I compose. Hence, despite my daydreams, I would never have made a reporter working to tight deadlines. Thus my friends, pandering to my dull sloth, have agreed we’ll try the following approach in the coming period:

- We will aim to produce a new Blog made up of commentary, information, links and articles to be published at the beginning of every month. This does not rule out other postings, but will be our major priority.

- We would encourage all our readers, supporters and critics to submit material for inclusion in our monthly offering – send to tonymtaylor@gmail.com

- In addition we would encourage you to leave comments when you are so moved!

Looking ahead therefore to our February Blog we should be carrying articles on ‘Democracy and Youth Work‘ and ‘Politics and Youth Work‘, together with news about the possible initiative around an Open Letter ‘Defending Democratic Youth Work’. Cartoons, jokes and gossip are also promised.


[Thanks to  http://www.toothpastefordinner.com for the above.]

As you might have noticed, to celebrate the turn to a monthly we have changed the face of the Blog. What do you reckon?

Thanks for your patience. Be sure to visit us as February dawns.


Published in: on January 25, 2009 at 12:08 pm  Comments (2)  
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