
Making Web Solutions Easy For Business


Event Management Software


Customized Event Websites
With DW Event you can set up a website for your event in minutes to house all relevant information (both external and internal), accessible from any Internet connection in the world.
Attendee Management
Take each attendee's unique situation into consideration without lifting a finger: manage individual meal and seating preferences to corporate discounts to hotel and travel arrangements, and more.
Marketing and Communication
Save money and time with email and online marketing tools that will streamline and strengthen your outreach. From content management to social media to viral marketing, you'll have a many options to choose from when promoting your event.
Registration and Programming
Our registration system is easy-to-use but also flexible enough for you to handle the many different ticketing scenarios that a complex event requires.
Membership Management
Successfully managing a membership-based event is a world of its own, with issues from dues to continuing education credits. Rest easy: DW Event can organize a complex association conference in a snap.
Full CRM
A complete CRM as well as Integrations with external CRM platforms will give you one of the most powerful keys to properly managing your attendees and contacts. No event planning software should be without it.
Reports and Analytics
Track your progress during and after planning your event. With our variety of reports, statistics, charts and other data-management tools you can quickly identify strengths and areas for improvement, and continue to build your event planning capacity.

Read our Full Features List or click here for a free trial

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DW Event At-a-Glance

  • Online registration
  • Custom websites and branding
  • Flexible payment processing
  • Multiple registration types
  • Advanced programming
  • Automated billing
  • Conferences, tradeshows, expos, seminars, networking events, social events
  • Advanced speaker and exhibitor management
  • Bulk and automatic email broadcasting
  • Travel and hotel reservations
  • Integrated with our virtual office tools
  • Association and membership management
  • Competitive prices
  • +1 510 903 0644

  • Reduce deforestation by transitioning to a paperless office
  • Move your administration, communications, documentation, and filing online
  • Less paper, printing, and machinery translates into more money saved
  • Save time, energy and oil by telecommuting
  • Working from home enriches the quality of life for you and your employees
  • DW Alliance is a medium-sized company whose staff live in six countries. All our coordination is done online!
  • Our commitment: we plant 500 trees per month with Trees for the Future