Homeowners Facing Foreclosures Seek Help from HUD

New America Media, News report , Suzanne Manneh, Posted: Sep 28, 2010

STOCKTON, Calif. - Four of the 10 American cities with top rates of home foreclosures are in the Central Valley, with Stockton currently fifth, but fed-up residents and community organizations here are determined to see those rankings change.

“This is not healthy for our families,” said Carol Ornelas, CEO of Visionary Home Builders, (VHB) a long-time nonprofit housing development company and housing counseling agency based in Stockton. “We don’t even want to be on the top 10 list.”

Ornelas made that comment at a recent housing rights forum, ‘Your Home, Your Rights’ organized by HUD. the non-profit ethnic media news service New America Media, and community partners including VHB, and El Concilio.

The event, held at the Cathedral of the Annunciation School Gymnasium, also featured resource materials and free counseling by HUD-certified advisers for attendees, helping them save their homes.

Dozens of residents from across the Central Valley attended, expressing their personal experiences with the mortgage meltdown and their hopes for a road to recovery.

Stockton’s boom and bust

At the root of Stockton’s woes, analysts believe, is a tremendous, unsustainable boom in housing construction that began a decade ago, when large numbers of Bay Area urbanites began to relocate to the Central Valley, attracted by the lower price of home ownership.

In just five years, Stockton’s population shot up from 243,771 in 2000, to 278,895 in 2005, an increase of more than 14 percent.

Like the rest of the nation, much of the housing boom in Stockton was fueled by “financially unsound loans,” said Joan Jacobs of VHB.

Jacobs said that when renters consulted lenders about buying a home in Stockton, they were essentially asked why they would give their money to someone else, when they could own. Lenders emphasized that the trend was home prices would continue to rise endlessly, meaning homeowners would be making money with virtually no risk.

But then the housing market crashed.

“All bets were off,” she said. “People couldn’t sell or refinance.”

“People believed the lenders,” she added. “They thought ‘they're experts and wouldn’t give me money they know I wouldn’t be able to repay.’”

The weak economy and rising unemployment further exacerbated the situation, said Amelia Adams, Deputy Director of the Community Partnership for Families of San Joaquin.

Stockton’s unemployment rate now stands at over 17 percent.

Last year 9.5 percent of all Stockton’s properties were in some stage of foreclosure, the highest level in the nation.

Adams said most borrowers were on top of their mortgage payments, until they lost their jobs.

At that point, she said, it became impossible to maintain a $500,000 loan with a high interest rate and no income. Another factor was that most people lived in Stockton, but worked in the Bay Area, and spent most of their money there, further harming the local economy.

In addition, Adams says, immigrants whose first language was not English would buy into the notion of the American Dream, taking large loans unaware of the ramifications, relying on their children to translate for them. “Children don’t have the knowledge to tell a banker or lender ‘my parents can’t afford those interest rates,’” she said.

John Reddick, a retired Vietnam veteran, who has never owned a home himself, says that if the economy and housing market continue their current trends, he never will.

He says he attended the forum in order to empower himself with information that he can share with his neighbors who have been affected by the housing crisis..

“Banks are just exploiting folks,” he said, “and I don’t like that. There needs to be a way for people to get educated and protected,” he said.

Reddick says his brother, who has been unemployed for just under two years, plans to walk away from his home. Reddick added that his sister owned a home in Stockton, which she bought two years ago for $300,000. She just walked away from it, he says, because the value went down to $150,000 and she couldn’t sell, modify or afford the higher payments.

Other frustrated homeowners said the forum provided them with resources they did not know existed.

Carmen Gomez, a mother of three, recently found a second job to support her family. A teacher during the day, she now also works for Child Protective Services at night. Her husband has been unemployed for just over a year, receiving minimal benefits, and she can no longer keep up with her mortgage payments.

“I have applied for a loan modification three different times over the past year,” she said, “and each time, I have been denied without an explanation.”

Gomez said she has done everything possible to cut back costs and save money to keep her home. “I took my children out of private school and put them into public school,” she said, “I have maxed out my credit cards, almost exhausted my savings and my children’s college funds,” she continued.

“I have written and called Bank of America several times to ask about my modification,” she said, “and most recently, a top supervisor just hung up in my face. Can you believe it?" she asked, “this is the American Dream—you ask your bank for help and they say no.”

At the forum, Gomez received free help from a counselor and signed up for follow up appointments, so they can call Bank of America together. Gomez also learned about making income adjustments on her modification application, to be reconsidered, and how to protect herself from future predatory loans.

“I am still worried,” she said, “but I feel much better knowing there is this kind of support.”

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