Commentary: The Last Soldier to Die in Iraq Was Black, Commentary, Posted: Dec 21, 2011

Last week, after nearly nine years of fighting, America’s most recent war with Iraq ended. The remaining American soldiers left Iraq yesterday, rolling into Kuwait in a huge convoy, hooping and hollering all along the way.

Suicide Rate Among National Guard Members Is a Call To Action


TC Daily Planet, News Report, Posted: Dec 20, 2011

As Minnesota’s National Guard members return from their deployment to Kuwait, the state can expect the problems faced by returning veterans to increase to a “tsunami” level.” Uppermost on that list is the potential for suicide.


NAM Radio: 10th Anniversary of the War in Afghanistan


New America Media, Audio, Shirin Sadeghi, Posted: Oct 07, 2011

October 7th marks exactly ten years since the war in Afghanistan began -- the longest war in U.S. history.


NAM Radio: The Legacies of Chemical Warfare in Vietnam


New America Media, Audio, Shirin Sadeghi, Posted: Oct 03, 2011

Most of us have little understanding of how Agent Orange came to be used in Vietnam & how it is still hurting people & the environment to this day.


Home From War and Facing Eviction


Investigative Reporting Workshop, News Report, Donald Barlett and James Steele , Posted: Jul 25, 2011

Veterans of today's wars are confronting a much different housing situation than their predecessors.


NAM Radio: What Is Patriotism?


New America Media, Audio, Shirin Sadeghi, Posted: Jul 05, 2011

There's a division amongst Americans between those who feel comfort in patriotism and those who worry about its dangers.


NAM Radio: US Soldiers & Fragging Assaults in Vietnam


New America Media, Audio, Shirin Sadeghi, Posted: Jul 01, 2011

The number of fragging incidents during the Vietnam War still remains uncertain, but a new in-depth study of the practice and its origins might have some clues.


New Evidence Could Win Medal of Honor for Black WWI Hero


Black America Web, News Feature, F. Finley McRae, Posted: Jun 05, 2011

Almost a century ago, the incomparable heroism of Henry Lincoln Johnson and the famous "Harlem Hellcats" instilled pride and hope in black Americans seeking political and economic justice.


New America Now: Fighting for Rights, Respect and Safety


New America Now, Audio, Shirin Sadeghi, Posted: Mar 11, 2011

How International Women's Day has changed over the last 100 years and an in-depth look at reporting coverage of the drug wars in Juarez.


American Soldiers and Torture in Iraq and Afghanistan


New America Media, Audio, Shirin Sadeghi, Posted: Mar 11, 2011

The facts and stories behind American soldiers and torture in Iraq and Afghanistan.

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Featured Video

‘Opium Nation’ -- The Women of Afghanistan’s Drug Trade
‘Opium Nation’ -- The Women of Afghanistan’s Drug Trade

By Peter Schurmann / Video: Cliff Parker,
Posted: Dec 23, 2011



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