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Twinning with Palestine

The Britain - Palestine Twinning Network - "promoting twinning and friendship links"

Activities for the network in 2011 include * Women's visit - March * Twinning Conference in Palestine - April * Visits to Palestine April and October * Conference in Liverpool - November.

This is the website of the Britain - Palestine Twinning Network which was established from the Twinning in Palestine Conference held in London in September 2005.

Download a Twinning network leaflet (PDF)

The networks last event was the International Women's Day tour in March 2011.

We then had a Twinning Conference in Palestine 25th April in Ramallah.

On Saturday 26th November, the Seventh Annual Britain Palestine Twinning Conference will take place in Liverpool at The Casa Bar, 29 Hope Street. L1 9BQ.

Fundraising in 2011 - 1) Raffle. Prizes donated included a week in the French Alpes in a ski flat (summer), and a week in the French Pyrenees. If you can donate a worthwhile prize for future raffles, please contact us - Thank you.

Winners of the raffle 2011. Congratulations to the winners. Number (Name). 234 - Tom Eisner / 1237 - Kate Harris / 1283 - Elizabeth Braun / 3349 - Anna / 4304 - Hazel / 1957 - Dinah Monley / 4309 - Somia / 3339 - Luca / 2851 - Amira Shaheen / 2890 - Katy Gold.

2) 100 Club, we are finalising a 100 club, which will see profits split between the nominated group and the Twinning network activities fund. If you wish to support the Network numerous activities, please join now.

The 2010 Annual Conference was held in Bristol. Over 19 groups, including a large number of students, participated in a day of workshops, speeches from our Palestinian visitors (From CADFA), and a social and dinner in the evening.

The AGM was held and Officers elected to the Committee.

Welcome to the Bristol - Gaza Link. This group's work is an excellent example of how to involve everyone.

New leaflets - please contact us if you want any for your stalls.

Activities fund - We are starting an activities fund to help us run national tours, which will help existing groups and will also take the issue of Palestine and the idea of twinning to new places. If you have any fund raising ideas, the committee would like to hear from you.

Keeping in touch. We regularly have skype meetings and all are welcome to particpate, just e-mail us with your skype details if you want to be included. We are also setting up regional groups this year to encourage group co-operation.

Why twinning? Getting to know Palestinians shows us in a very personal way, what goes on in Palestine. Groups can take up issues and lobby here in the U.K. A good example fo this if the Camden Abu Dis group's letter to the Israeli Ambassador regarding house demolitions (word doc).

New group? Please download these word documents and return to us; 1) Questionnaire, 2) Membership form, Constitution.

We have many places in Palestine looking for a twinning partner in the U.K. (and worldwide). If you want to consider starting a group, please contact us.

Many new groups have started up this year - find out if your community is twinned with somewhere in Palestine.

Unions are increasingly recognizing the importance of twinning - thanks to the University and College Union for passing a motion committing itself to twinning. Affiliation form for organisations (word doc)

Visit Palestine - our next tour to Palestine is in April 2011. The tours cost about £450 excluding airfare. They are an excellent way of finding out more about the conflict and meeting our friends.

An excellent report on the recent visit (November 2009) to Palestine organised by the Twinning network - it really gives you a good idea was is involved (word doc).

The next tour by Palestinian women organised by the CADFA with the support of the twinning network will be in March 2011.

2009 women's Tour blog

Reminder - The Twinning network membership is January to December - please send any outstanding monies to; PO Box 34265. London. NW5 2WD. Membership fees are £30 for established groups and free for new groups. Cheques payable to Britain Palestine Twinning Network.

Constitution (word doc)

Our new banner - if your group has not yet sent a 30 x 30 cm square please do so now!

Next tour - Twinning Network - April 2011.

The twinning network is a network of groups making friendship and twinning links between places big and small in Britain and in Palestine. It exists in order to promote and support the development of such friendship links and to enable groups taking part to learn from each other’s experiences. The groups which link to the network are organised in quite different ways from each other. They can become members of the twinning network if they agree with its aims:

(1) The core aim of the Twinning Network is to;

- to promote human rights (as set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and subsequent United Nations conventions and declarations) and respect for international humanitarian law in Palestine,

- by raising awareness of human rights and humanitarian issues relevant to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

- and by promoting public support for human rights and the observance of international humanitarian law

(2) In order to do this, the Twinning Network will;

- organise meetings, conferences, speaking tours and visits to Palestine

- promote formal and informal links at all levels between British and Palestinian communities, with emphasis on grass roots friendship links

- provide resources that will enable interested new groups to establish friendship links with Palestinian Communities

- bring together groups in Britain that have friendship links with Palestine, to share their experiences and ideas and help them to achieve the aims of the network

If you are interested in twinning or building friendship links with Palestinian communities please contact us.

(Membership costs just £30 per group per annum. Individuals who support our work can join for free, donations towards our costs welcome. More ....)

About Twinning ...

In the United Kingdom, for long term partnerships between two communities the term "twinning" is used. In the USA and many American countries the term is "Sister Cities". In Germany they say "Partner Cities", and in Japan and China they prefer "Friendship Cities". Unofficial links are often referred to as grassroots twinnings.

Our logo (Large 1000 pixels wide, Medium 500 pixels (below), Small 200 pixels)

New book! Stories from our Mothers - stories of women's experience with a focus on women's lives in Palestine under Israeli occupation.

New DVD! Stories from our Mothers; Meetings of Palestinian and British women (showing two exchange visits, British women going to Palestine, Palestinian women coming to Britain - a beautiful film and good for discussions of twinning / links with Palestine)

Book price £10, film price £8

Comments on Stories from our Mothers: "A wonderful addition to an essential Palestinian narrative though a women's oral history that is rarely heard. Vivid and poignant." Ghada Karmi, author of "Married to Another Man: Israel's Dilemma in Palestine"

"A beautifully presented set of stories of dispossession and loss, courage and love which remind us of our shared humanity." Gillian Slovo, author

Order from contact at

Contact us

Events in 2011

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Women's Tour March 2011

Conference Palestine April 2011

Conference - Liverpool November 2011

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Help us develop the Twinning with Palestine network

Group Membership - Supporters

Join the Twinning with Palestine Groups facebook page for the latest news and events.

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Please support our work - click here

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Would you like to visit Palestine? We regularly organise tours to Palestine. Book for the October 2010 tour now!

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Greeting Cards (Eid / Xmas)

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NEW BOOK & DVD - "Stories from our Mother's"

The First Six Days - Camden Abu Dis stories

The First Six Days: Oral history of the Six Day War in 1967. Memories from Abu Dis and Camden - the Beginning of the Israeli Occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip. £8.00

The map of Palestine set in a garden wall

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The Israeli Apartheid wall "security barrier"

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Twinning Banner

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Zaytoun Olive Oil

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Getting there - Airlines activists use

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