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MAP's Medicine Crisis Appeal

£10 could help supply a life saving vaccine

£50 could help supply 10 doses of anti epilepsy drugs

£100 could help supply 700 Intravenous drips

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Medicine crisis appeal - zero stock drugs in Gaza and the West Bank

Medicine crisis appeal - zero stock drugs in Gaza and the West Bank
Thursday 26 January 2012
A 23-year-old mother is waiting for her baby to receive life-saving treatment for congenital heart disease. He is just...

MAP Children Appeal

MAP Children Appeal
Friday 9 December 2011
The young children in the occupied Palestinian territory have lived through horrendous atrocities: air strikes and rocket attacks by...

MAP's Bedouin Appeal

MAP's Bedouin Appeal
Thursday 20 October 2011
In the UK, people always have first aid kits close to hand and trained emergency services that can reach...



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Al Jazeera World - Gaza Lives On


The Israeli blockade may have taken a heavy toll on Gazans, but this film reveals life and hope among the devastation.


FILM - Life In The Shadows: Palestinians in Lebanon


What is it like to live in a refugee camp in Lebanon? This powerful film highlights the plight of some tens of thousands of Palestinian refugees who are dispersed across 12 refugee camps in Lebanon.


Terminal Decline? Palestinian Refugee Health in Lebanon


NEW REPORT - The findings of this report reveal that Palestinian healthcare in Lebanon is underfunded and chronically unfit for the needs of the refugee population. Of particular concern are the overburdened and under-resourced United Nations clinics,an acute shortage of Palestinians training to become doctors and an inadequate tertiary healthcare system that places unbearable stress upon patients.The dignity associated with access to adequate healthcare is both a matter of life and death as well as one of international responsibility.


Birth In the Shadows : Protecting Mothers and Newborns in the Palestinian Refugee Camps


Pregnancy and childbirth are vulnerable times for mothers and newborns across the world. But in the Palestinian refugee camps of Lebanon this vulnerability is magnified by poverty and neglect. The dark, overcrowded camps set a precarious backdrop for pregnant women and their newborn infants. With no government, and few rights in Lebanon, MAP's Maternal and Child Health works provides an opportunity for change and empowerment, and the protection of mothers and babies.


Medical Referrals from Gaza


Each year thousands of Palestinians residing in the Gaza Strip are referred by their physicians to hospitals outside of Gaza in order to access necessary, often life saving,medical services that are unavailable locally. The need for referrals outside of Gaza has been exacerbated by the lack of adequate development of the public health care systemfor the population of 1.5 million Palestinians in Gaza.

Gaza: health care is in danger

Gaza: health care is in danger
Monday 30 January 2012
ICRC - There are restrictions on importing medical supplies into the Gaza Strip, leading to frequent shortages of essential...

Lebanese Minister visits Palestinian camp

Lebanese Minister visits Palestinian camp
Thursday 26 January 2012
(Daily Star)Lebanon: Social Affairs Minister Wael Abu Faour became the first Lebanese Cabinet member to make an official visit...

EU report calls for action over Israeli settlement growth

EU report calls for action over Israeli settlement growth
Wednesday 18 January 2012
H. Sherwood (Guardian) Diplomats in Jerusalem say states should consider law to discourage 'financial transactions in support of settlement activity' The...


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