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We provide links to articles we think will be of interest to our supporters, informing them of issues, events, debates and the wider context of the conflict. We are sympathetic to much of the content of what we post, but not to everything. The fact that something has been linked to here does not necessarily mean that we endorse the views expressed in it.


How to present all Europe as anti-semitic

The American Anti-Defamation League has carried out one of its regular polls to discover anti-semitic attitudes in Europe. Hungary, Poland, Spain top most of their measures but sharp differences are blurred. There is no question on Palestinians (see discussion below). Plus Haaretz +972 on anti-semitism in 2012.

The bullies who beat the critics with the ‘antisemite’ stick

The antisemitism charge is the first refuge of rightwing Zionists today writes Jerry Haber of such Jews in the US (and UK, we add); criticisms of Israeli positions which are normal discourse in Israel are frivolously attacked as antisemitic elsewhere.

Occupy Wall Street movement branded as antisemitic

Far-right Republicans, joined by the “Emergency Committee for Israel”, are attempting to smear the Occupy Wall Street movement as antisemitic. Prof of Journalism Eric Alterman points out that “The question to ask about anti-Semitism is not whether it exists, but whether its existence has any significant political or cultural implications.” Not in OWS, with, as you would expect in New York, a significant Jewish presence in its ranks.
Plus a message of support from members of the British Jewish community for ‘Occupy London’…

The day Islamophobes were shocked into thought – and forgetfulness

Since 9/11, Christian bigots and their Jewish Zionist allies have shared a rhetoric of Islamist take-over of the West, aided by compliant government. The slaughter by Breivik, and his pro-Israel ‘manifesto’, has shocked them into forgetting their own role in creating Islamophobia writes Ali Abuminah