Camden-Abu Dis Friendship Assocation (Cadfa)
Some of you, together with people from other twinning groups, are already coming on our next visit to Palestine, which we are organising with the Twinning Network for the week after the Easter weekend. We are still taking bookings for that visit. We are planning a tour of north and south in the West Bank (staying in two places to allow travel without too much travelling) but we find we are now trying to fit in visits to TOO MANY towns, villages, refugee camps (and in all cases to local organisations including twinning groups) so we sent something to participants asking for their views on which places they would MOST like to go to.
See below for something we sent them, asking for their priorities. If this encourages any of you to join us, great – let us know please! And if you let us know right now which places among these are of most interest to you, you have a chance of shaping the tour.
Of course you will have plenty of time to get to know Abu DIs and to find out about CADFA work there. And April is such a lovely time of year there.
We really hope to encourage CADFA members and supporters to go on this visit – Please contact us if you are interested.
For more information contact Cadfa