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Climate Change Adaptation Fund accepting project proposals, says board Chair

ECA Press Release No. 98/2010   CANCUN, Mexico, December 4, 2010 (ECA) – The Chair of the Climate Change Adaptation Fund on late Friday announced that the fund is currently accepting proposals, although it is yet to meet the demands of some 20 project documents awaiting financing at the fund. Addressing participants at a side [...]


ECA’s forthcoming flagship underscores role of the State in governing development

ECA Press Release No. 107/2010 Addis Ababa, 28 December 2010 (ECA) – The forthcoming 2011 edition of the Economic Report on Africa (ERA), the annual flagship publication of the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) and the African Union, will examine the role of the state in governing development, triggering economic transformation, and as a catalyst [...]


Cancun agreements raise expectations for COP 17 in South Africa next year

ECA Press Release No. 106/2010 CANCUN, Mexico, 13 December 2010 (ECA) – Last-minute agreements at the just-ended Cancun UN Climate Change Conference have been greeted with enthusiasm by negotiators and participants who now see a real possibility for some kind of a legally binding instrument being adopted in Durban, South Africa next year, according to [...]


Good debut for ACPC at Cancun climate change conference

CANCUN, Mexico, 08 December 2010 (ECA) – The newly launched African Climate Policy Centre (ACPC) has been making an impressive debut at the current UN Conference on climate change in Cancun, according to correspondents of the Information and Communication Service (ICS) of the UN Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) covering the conference.The Centre is a [...]


Climate Change Adaptation Fund accepting project proposals, says board Chair

ECA Press Release No. 98/2010   CANCUN, Mexico, December 4, 2010 (ECA) – The Chair of the Climate Change Adaptation Fund on late Friday announced that the fund is currently accepting proposals, although it is yet to meet the demands of some 20 project documents awaiting financing at the fund. Addressing participants at a side [...]


ECA’s forthcoming flagship underscores role of the State in governing development

ECA Press Release No. 107/2010 Addis Ababa, 28 December 2010 (ECA) – The forthcoming 2011 edition of the Economic Report on Africa (ERA), the annual flagship publication of the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) and the African Union, will examine the role of the state in governing development, triggering economic transformation, and as a catalyst [...]


Cancun agreements raise expectations for COP 17 in South Africa next year

ECA Press Release No. 106/2010 CANCUN, Mexico, 13 December 2010 (ECA) – Last-minute agreements at the just-ended Cancun UN Climate Change Conference have been greeted with enthusiasm by negotiators and participants who now see a real possibility for some kind of a legally binding instrument being adopted in Durban, South Africa next year, according to [...]


Good debut for ACPC at Cancun climate change conference

CANCUN, Mexico, 08 December 2010 (ECA) – The newly launched African Climate Policy Centre (ACPC) has been making an impressive debut at the current UN Conference on climate change in Cancun, according to correspondents of the Information and Communication Service (ICS) of the UN Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) covering the conference.The Centre is a [...]