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Manchester Mule
Reel News
Coal Action Scotland
Freedom Press
Earth First!

Free Steve Topley!

A campaign has begun to free a man detained by police since 11th April for allegedly making a threatening comment during a DWP interview. According to the campaign website, police were called to...

19 Apr 13 05:42

Bristol anarchist bookfair 2013

this is a bristol indymedia story

Bristol Indymedia
17 Apr 13 11:28

Why we should Stop the G8 - film and discussion night

this is a bristol indymedia story

Bristol Indymedia
13 Apr 13 10:35

Nottingham reacts to Thatcher's death

Nottingham saw an expression of joy at the news of Margaret Thatcher’s death on Monday. People gathered after work in the Market Square to celebrate the passing of the architect of the...

10 Apr 13 08:21

Hundreds celebrate death of Thatcher

this is a bristol indymedia story

Bristol Indymedia
9 Apr 13 03:57

Street Party to celebrate end of Thatcher tonite

this is a bristol indymedia story

Bristol Indymedia
8 Apr 13 05:15

Fight the Bedroom Tax – Local Meetings

After last Saturday’s successful Bedroom Tax protest it was agreed to hold meetings across Edinburgh with the aim of establishing local groups to fight back against the Bedroom Tax. The meeting...

Scotland Indymedia
7 Apr 13 11:21

Open letter on the future of the peace camp

Open letter on the future of Faslane Peace CampRead more: more

Scotland Indymedia
6 Apr 13 07:26

North Kelvin Meadows at the square

Read more: more

6 Apr 13 12:20
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22 Apr 13

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