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Sites Made with Drupal

Drupal is used by some of the biggest sites on the Web, like The Economist, Examiner.com and The White House. Read more Drupal success stories.

754,880 people in 228 countries* speaking 181 languages power Drupal.
39.743148 -104.994804
DrupalCon Denver
March 19‐23, 2012
-41.3000000 174.8000000
44.9000000 -65.1000000
48.2000000 16.4000000
48.4000000 -4.5000000
47.4000000 8.5000000
48.2000000 16.4000000
40.2000000 -105.1000000
59.3000000 18.1000000
12.9000000 80.2000000
-35.3000000 149.1000000
59.3000000 18.1000000
47.8000000 -122.1000000
59.3000000 18.1000000
37.9000000 -122.2000000
30.5000000 -91.2000000
43.1000000 -71.5000000
52.5000000 13.4000000
47.6000000 -122.4000000
59.3000000 18.1000000
55.6000000 13.0000000
59.3000000 18.1000000
49.3000000 -122.8000000
59.3000000 18.1000000
Drupal Association 2012 elections are on!

Come one, come all! As of January 18, 2012 nominations are open for the 2012 elections of two "at large" directors of the Drupal Association. Read more

Docs Team 4th Quarter 2011 Update

Documentation Team Leadership Change

Community Spotlight: Jess (xjm)

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HowTo: Add Google Webmasters Tools verification meta tag via the themes template.php file.
Import new users and their "Profile2"-fields from one CSV-file
Dhindsa’s prestige at stake in Sangrur
Drush - Drupal Shell utility
Securing your site

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Excessively slow CCK and Views updates
I want to install Drupal on my webroot and not a subdirectory. How???
Is this a safe way to query the database?
how to test my hook_schema iplementation?
printing an array of links in a list.

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