KC Labor
For Class and Climate Justice
‘Without Our Brain and Muscle Not a Single Wheel Can Turn!’
Founded March, 2000. An unofficial, non-commercial site, based in Kansas City, created and maintained by volunteer labor

Original content © 2000-2012—This site is best viewed with a 1024x768, medium text, full window display—Optimized for Firefox

Who We Are

Know Your Rights

Social Security
Labor History
Labor Culture

We are planning some major changes in features and format of this website. We appreciate your patience during our remodeling.

Can My Boss Do That?



 Click for Kansas City, Missouri Forecast


You don't need to register to access all of the hundreds of pages and links we provide on KC Labor. We don't share any information about our visitors with anyone--period. You won't find a pay wall around any of our own material. Nor do we accept grants, subsidies, or commercial advertising. We are solely dependent on visitor support. If you appreciate our site and want to help please visit our Donate Page

Click to join Our Yahoo E-Mail List

Labor Advocate Blog

The Blog is where you will now find our news links, updated and sometimes with commentary, by 9AM Central, Monday-Friday

For analysis and opinion visit

Labor Advocate Online
Most recent featured article
No Middle Ground

For News and Views On the Environment and Climate Change Go To:
Alliance for Class & Climate Justice

Good & Welfare
Privacy Policy, Copyright Issues
Bill Onasch, webmaster@kclabor.org

The webmaster is a member of

WWW kclabor.org


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