New Bruce Springsteen album to arrive March 6

New Bruce Springsteen album to arrive March 6

Bruce Springsteen is ready to wreck.

The Boss is dropping his 17th studio effort, "Wrecking Ball," on March 6, and has pushed out the music video to the album's first single, "We Take Care of Our Own."

If you watch it, you'll notice that Springsteen wants to make sure you catch what he's saying: The lyrics flash across the screen as he sings in the background, "Wherever this flag's flown/we take care of our own/from Chicago to New Orleans, from the muscle to the bone/from the shotgun shack to the Super Dome/There ain't no help, the Calvary stayed home/There ain't no one hearing the bugle blowin'/we take care of our own."

Says Springsteen's manager, Jon Landau, in a statement on the artist's website, "Bruce has dug down as deep as he can to come up with this vision of modern life. The lyrics tell a story you can't hear anywhere else and the music is his most innovative in recent years."

"Wrecking Ball" contains 11 tracks of fresh music, and a special edition of the disc will also contain two bonus recordings.

Filed under: Bruce Springsteen • Music

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  1. ?


    January 20, 2012 at 9:20 am | Report abuse | Reply
    • 2112

      Yeah, that's right: *yawn because it's not another album from Lady Gaga or Beyonce. At least, Bruce Springsteen makes music with actual musical instruments played by real musicians. Oh, you're wrong about that! Lady Gaga is an epic musician. You keep drinking the Kool Aid.

      January 20, 2012 at 12:10 pm | Report abuse |
    • ?

      You must feel smart making assumptions on what I like, don't you? Truth hurts... you don't know much.

      January 20, 2012 at 12:42 pm | Report abuse |
    • ? Is Right

      Exactly. I think it's good Springsteen is starting to flash his lyrics, as he mumbles so bad that you can't understand what he's saying otherwise. The Beatles, The Stones, the Who, heck, even Whitney Houston has more talent than this immensely overhyped mumbler.

      January 20, 2012 at 12:57 pm | Report abuse |
    • x

      I wonder if he will have more than 6 words in any of his new songs. I doubt it....

      January 20, 2012 at 1:19 pm | Report abuse |
    • ?

      I'm with ?, The Boss can do a lot better than this. I hope for his fans sake that the rest of the album isn't phoning it in like this track.

      January 20, 2012 at 2:29 pm | Report abuse |
    • Fishtails444

      He hasn't done anything worth listening to since the Darkness on the edge of town album in the 70's. Then he sold out and did Born in the USA (Crap) and it was downhill from there.

      January 20, 2012 at 3:01 pm | Report abuse |
    • TC

      I miss Clarence!

      January 20, 2012 at 3:31 pm | Report abuse |
    • Brandt

      Springsteen sucks!

      January 20, 2012 at 8:12 pm | Report abuse |
    • TheBoss

      THANK GOD. I don't care if it isn't his best. I'm glad to hear real instruments in a song. I'm glad to hear his voice. I'm glad they didn't totally change the sound, and that this song still has some of his feel too it. I am hoping some of the other songs on the album have his enthusiastic side to them too... this one, obviously, has the soulful side, but is a little redundant for his style. Just thankful that HE IS PUTTING SOMETHING OUT, instead of all of the bubblegum crap that keeps getting worse out there. GO, BRUCE!

      January 20, 2012 at 10:30 pm | Report abuse |
    • borntorun45

      Why'd you even read the article? The headline was pretty clear...

      Look, you either understand Springsteen and the lyrics of his songs, or you don't, and if you understand where the man's coming from, you're likely to enjoy the music. If you aren't able to dig deep - if you're a shallow, immature person - then you take a pass. Simple as that. Springsteen's fans appreciate the complex stories he has to tell.

      January 21, 2012 at 3:34 am | Report abuse |
    • bmacwire

      Spelled (and sang) CAV-ALRY wrong. Cavarly is the military term. CALvary is the hill where Jesus died. But it might take Cavalry AND Calvary to save this weak effort.

      January 21, 2012 at 8:35 am | Report abuse |
    • Leigh

      Thanks for pointing that out. I noticed that, too. It's cavalry, not CALVARY.

      January 21, 2012 at 11:04 am | Report abuse |
    • pegleg

      The line that follows clarifies Bruce's intention to sing – cavalry – -ain't no one hearin' the bugle blown-. This lapse reminds me of his goof singing about a one legged dog. Ludicrous! He meant to sing about a three legged dog. A true self-editing disappointment.

      January 21, 2012 at 12:48 pm | Report abuse |
    • Randall "Texrat" Arnold

      I'll take Springsteen's worst over the "best" of the rest these days.

      January 21, 2012 at 2:24 pm | Report abuse |
    • VegasRage

      I second your yawn and raise you one. He was boring even before Lady Gaga or Beyonce were around.

      January 21, 2012 at 10:36 pm | Report abuse |
    • KMC from FLA

      Agree 100%. And, to be clear, I don't care for Lady Gaga or Beyonce either.

      January 22, 2012 at 1:54 pm | Report abuse |
    • rbanka

      Well, please do enlighten us all knowing one who thinks so highly of his/her own opinion. Go ahead and trash the boss, no problem there, but now you've done what most email posters do (...oh praise annonymity!) -shut done and not allowed us to know what grooves you – what knocks YOUR socks off. You stood up my man/gal – and when you stand up, you are in a position to be shot down. This is how he game SHOULD BE played, no?

      January 22, 2012 at 3:04 pm | Report abuse |
  2. Observer

    Good news for a Friday!
    Nice to see The Boss still going after all these years.

    January 20, 2012 at 11:08 am | Report abuse | Reply
  3. palintwit

    Everytime I think of Sarah Palin, I think of teabaggers. Everytime I think of teabaggers, I think of nascar. Everytime I think of nascar, I think of assault rifles. Everytime I think of assault rifles, I think of trailer trash. Everytime I think of trailer trash, I think of Sarah Palin. Every time I think of Sarah Palin, I think of......

    January 20, 2012 at 11:31 am | Report abuse | Reply
    • Mike in NYC


      January 20, 2012 at 12:15 pm | Report abuse |
    • ImaLindatoo

      So, you think of Sarah Palin often, huh? We have some otherr words for you. DELUSIONAL OBSESSIVE STALKER.

      January 20, 2012 at 4:32 pm | Report abuse |
    • trigtwit palin... America's favorite tard baby

      ImaLindatoo --> *poot*

      January 21, 2012 at 10:28 am | Report abuse |
    • KMC from FLA

      Funny how a term that eminently applies to Bill Clinton's and Barney Frank's escapades should come to be applied to a bunch of patriotic tax cutters.

      January 22, 2012 at 1:59 pm | Report abuse |
  4. idano

    Show me some Teabags......and I'll show you some Meat and Potatoes !

    January 20, 2012 at 11:51 am | Report abuse | Reply
  5. B$

    Time to protect the paint on your walls because it is about to start peeling from his awful voice!

    January 20, 2012 at 11:59 am | Report abuse | Reply
    • Ramon

      I don't agree with you, but funny!

      January 20, 2012 at 12:19 pm | Report abuse |
  6. ?

    Any1 want to dance in the dark ?nekked?

    January 20, 2012 at 12:01 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  7. David


    January 20, 2012 at 12:05 pm | Report abuse | Reply
    • Bryan

      Yes, because most talentless people have 40-year careers in the music industry. Perhaps his music is not your type, but he is hardly talentless.

      January 20, 2012 at 1:24 pm | Report abuse |
    • Edwin

      Bryan, a 40 year career doesn't necessarily equate to talent. Bruce has been coasting since 1980 or thereabouts. His shows are still entertaining (if preachy). But his work product has been lacking for going on 30 years now.

      January 20, 2012 at 2:34 pm | Report abuse |
    • derp

      Born in the USA was mid eighties. Enormously popular, but not his best stuff. However, his first five albums are remarkable. Very few people ever make one album that strong, let alone five straight. Springsteen is a legend for a reason.

      January 20, 2012 at 2:58 pm | Report abuse |
    • Observer@David

      Go back to listening to Katy Perry. Tool.

      January 20, 2012 at 5:22 pm | Report abuse |
  8. Hot Carl

    Yaaay! There's another one I won't buy! I'm from NJ and I can't stand him, never could.

    January 20, 2012 at 12:09 pm | Report abuse | Reply
    • Nunya

      I hear ya ... I cant stand anyone from NJ either.

      January 22, 2012 at 11:22 am | Report abuse |
  9. smartnsweet1

    It's good. Very good. Glad to see him wall of sounding again. Miss Clarence. Message is great. Only thing I'd want to add is a story arc like he had in his Asbury Park and Born to Run works, that builds to a peak. Definitely plan to buy the album. Kudos, Bruce.

    January 20, 2012 at 12:13 pm | Report abuse | Reply
    • enoch100

      Who is Miss Clarence?

      January 22, 2012 at 6:41 pm | Report abuse |
  10. Steven

    Why so much knee jerk politics here? I thought the article was about a legendary musician's new album.

    January 20, 2012 at 12:13 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  11. Justin

    Generic music by old washed up pop culture icon...

    January 20, 2012 at 12:39 pm | Report abuse | Reply
    • nsr

      A generic trolling post by a washed-up hack working in a cubicle.

      January 20, 2012 at 10:10 pm | Report abuse |
  12. cruella

    "We take care of our own" ??? Um, what country is he living in? Cuz, I know that's not America.

    January 20, 2012 at 12:42 pm | Report abuse | Reply
    • Bryan

      As a longtime Springsteen fan, I can assure you that he is being sarcastic in this song

      January 20, 2012 at 1:21 pm | Report abuse |
    • Peten

      My thoughts exactly Cruella..while we rush to the aid of impoverished countries,we allow families to starve and live on the streets in our own backward. Mr Springsteen has obviously turned to fiction for his writing inspirations.Look no further than the Americans on the sunken Italian cruise,and hear the horror stories they got when arriving at the American Embassy.This country is lost!!!

      January 20, 2012 at 1:29 pm | Report abuse |
    • estreet16

      that's the point he is making cruella. that's why he mentions the Superdome where we didn't take care of our own.

      January 20, 2012 at 8:44 pm | Report abuse |
    • victorian

      Wow Cruella and's SARCASM. You probably think 'Born in the USA' is a pro-USA song! Listen (and read) all of the words before you comment.

      January 20, 2012 at 9:47 pm | Report abuse |
    • monah

      And yet is is known for giving back to the community. He has donated some of the proceeds from his shows to the LOCAL food banks in the cities he performs and encourages his fans to do the same . That effort has put thousand of dollars into the local community. That's more than most musicians do for the local economy. Those donations stay right here in the US!

      January 21, 2012 at 10:55 am | Report abuse |
    • AGuest9

      "No Child Left Behind"... I guess they no longer teach literature, civics, history, current affairs or critical thinking in school.

      January 22, 2012 at 2:02 pm | Report abuse |
  13. ?

    At least it'll be better than the Paris Hilton album. I think we can all agree on that.

    January 20, 2012 at 12:48 pm | Report abuse | Reply
    • enoch100

      Recorded chicken pharts would be better than a Paris Hilton album.

      January 22, 2012 at 6:43 pm | Report abuse |
  14. OhWelles

    The lyrics are displayed the same way they are in many church worship videos and the lyrics seem particularly critical of Christianity. e.g.:I’ve been knocking on the door that holds the throne.
    I’ve been stumbling on good hearts turned to stone.
    The road of good intentions has gone dry as a bone.
    The calvary’s stayed home
    Where are the eyes, the eyes with the will to see?
    Where are the hearts that run over with mercy?
    Where’s the love that has not forsaken me?
    Where’s the work that will set my hands,my soul free?
    Where’s the spirit that will reign, rain over me

    This is a very bitter Springsteen.

    January 20, 2012 at 12:50 pm | Report abuse | Reply
    • LeRoy_Was_Here

      If you had been paying any attention to what has happened to our country in the last thirty years, you'd probably be bitter, too.

      January 20, 2012 at 4:17 pm | Report abuse |
    • Mike

      I think this is a song about the current depression we are going through, and the reality of the situation, our major corperations have abandoned America, our government is corrupt and incompetant, we are broke..worse than broke, we are seriously in debt, and lots of people are falling through the cracks...and we are still spending trillions we don't have,..

      January 20, 2012 at 6:20 pm | Report abuse |
  15. OhWelles

    Calvary is Golgotha, by the way. The hill where Jesus died.

    January 20, 2012 at 12:50 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  16. Bruce's Buddy

    Bruce is really pumped about his new album coming out and he wanted me to pass along a message. "huummhsm, buhhhbarjhh hhhuuuuum bar harabummmm.. yeshhhhhh yooooo yooooharra huuuuum"

    January 20, 2012 at 1:05 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  17. Me

    I have to admit, I cannot stand his voice. I mean, can-not-stand-it. But can anyone tell me if he writes and arranges most of the music? If so, my hat is off to him. He's a real success for sure..

    January 20, 2012 at 1:09 pm | Report abuse | Reply
    • Bryan

      Yes, he writes and arranges the music, and he writes the lyrics. He has sole writing credit on almost all of his songs and has written a few #1 hits for other artists.

      January 20, 2012 at 1:15 pm | Report abuse |
  18. Alejandra

    Wow this song was not good at all. it was terrible. He lost his touch. i was very excited for this album now im not.

    January 20, 2012 at 1:10 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  19. Bruce!

    This is great news. If you have ever seen him in concert, you would understand.

    January 20, 2012 at 1:20 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  20. Andy

    I find the line "The Calvary's stayed home" to be very interesting. Lots of potential meanings behind that, Calvary being the hill where Jesus was crucified. The way the line flows in the song, you would think he intended to say that the Cavalry's (horse mounte force of the US Army) stayed home, I went back and looked at the lyrics again in the video and it definitely is Calvary. I can't imagine that a spelling mistake like that would make it trhough the editing process. Yet he does not make any other reference to the religous side of social justice.

    Anyone have thoughts on that?

    January 20, 2012 at 1:36 pm | Report abuse | Reply
    • Robert

      "Calvary" is likely a typo, so is "Where're".
      Who proof-read this video?

      January 21, 2012 at 3:14 pm | Report abuse |
  21. cc

    UH not buying it.This first song is boring.Bruce can put on a good concert show I give him that.

    January 20, 2012 at 1:40 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  22. adrifter

    Each person has their own musical tastes, but some of these comments are ridiculous. Bruce Spingsteen writes great songs, has a social conscience, and has one of the best live shows if have ever seen – and I've seen hundred of concerts. Anyone who has never listened to a Bruce Springsteen CD do yourself a favour and pick up 'Born to Run' or 'The Rising' and you'll be hooked for life. See him in concert and you'll think he is a force of nature. Don't listen to the trolls. Listen for yourself.

    January 20, 2012 at 1:49 pm | Report abuse | Reply
    • ? Is Right

      I have listened. It doesn't get any better the more time I do listen. I've often thought that Springsteen, Bob Dylan, and Neil Young should go out on the road together . . . They could call it the Overrated Mumblers Tour of the Century.

      January 20, 2012 at 3:16 pm | Report abuse |
    • estreet16


      January 20, 2012 at 8:48 pm | Report abuse |
  23. RBlue

    Love the Boss, but he has a skewed view of the world that is decidely to the left. If you set aside that, you can appreciate his music for what it is – well arranged, well written and musically sound.

    January 20, 2012 at 2:04 pm | Report abuse | Reply
    • Bob

      Only looks left from the far right.

      January 20, 2012 at 8:18 pm | Report abuse |
    • stork

      Bruce is definately far left, he campaigned for Kerry. Bruce writes about times in his life. The first albums were of getting out. After BTR, he wrote about the dealings with the record industry over the rights of his music. Then he started writing about merica and not his own personal life. Then came the marriage turmoils he wrote about in Tunnel of Love. This is where the social conscience starting becoming a focus in his life -Nebrsaka, Devils and Dust. Then politics starting making way into his music – Magic and working on a dream. Whereas other artists regurgitate the same themes, Bruce's music changes with the times. If you dont see that, you are just a bubble gummer – you just wont admit it.
      The nicest voices generally dont write thier own songs, they are a one talent horse, nice voice and thats it

      January 22, 2012 at 8:54 am | Report abuse |
  24. monkeymix

    Wish he would go back to the 70s funk, like the stuff from Born to Run and The Wild, the Innocent and the E Street Shuffle. Man, that's some good stuff.

    January 20, 2012 at 2:05 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  25. OhWelles

    See what I wrote 6 +7 posts above yours.

    January 20, 2012 at 2:07 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  26. CVaughan

    listen, read the lyrics to the Bruce Springsteen written song... I'm on Fire
    that song alone would NOT be played on the radio now as much as it was
    back in '85 and '86

    he has never had a number one song, however has written a handful of
    decent songs... over rated i would say most definitely


    January 20, 2012 at 2:17 pm | Report abuse | Reply
    • monkeymix

      Is that why he always makes it on the best lyricists of all time lists?

      January 20, 2012 at 2:25 pm | Report abuse |
  27. Kevin

    I'm not embarrassed for Bruce... because (after all) he pronounces the word wrong so somebody else should tell him how it is spelled. But I am embarrassed for all the highly-paid marketing and distribution schmucks at his label who don't know how to use a spell-checker. The word is "cavalry," folks. "Calvary" is where Jesus died. Why don't you record label schmucks try to fix it in post-production and get us a revised video.

    January 20, 2012 at 2:25 pm | Report abuse | Reply
    • OhWelles

      Kevin: It's not just the Calvary line. I posted this above, but here it is again:
      The lyrics are displayed the same way they are in many church worship videos and the lyrics seem particularly critical of Christianity. e.g.:I’ve been knocking on the door that holds the throne.
      I’ve been stumbling on good hearts turned to stone.
      The road of good intentions has gone dry as a bone.
      The calvary’s stayed home
      Where are the eyes, the eyes with the will to see?
      Where are the hearts that run over with mercy?
      Where’s the love that has not forsaken me?
      Where’s the work that will set my hands,my soul free?
      Where’s the spirit that will reign, rain over me

      This is a very bitter Springsteen.

      January 20, 2012 at 2:28 pm | Report abuse |
  28. Edwin

    Up to and including The River, the Boss was a world-beater. Since then? He's nothing to get worked up about. Sure, he wears his ultra-liberalism on his sleeve. He's the working man's favorite 1%er. Bet he wrote this tripe while waiting for his daughter's horsie-ridin' practice to end.

    January 20, 2012 at 2:26 pm | Report abuse | Reply
    • CVaughan

      that describes it appropriately

      January 20, 2012 at 2:34 pm | Report abuse |
  29. neal

    just a note: wife works in Asbury. earlier this week everyone in the office went downstairs so they could be in his video!! very exciting for all the Bruce fans....

    January 20, 2012 at 3:04 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  30. Teddy

    Awesome song...You're right C Vaughn "I'm on Fire" wouldn't be played today; radio only plays crap today.

    January 20, 2012 at 3:13 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  31. Andy

    Used to be a HUGE fan but listen to Dylan and U2 a lot more now. That being said "Racing in the Street" is a classic I will always love.

    January 20, 2012 at 3:16 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  32. TeeJay

    Bruce Springsteen is Walt Whitman mixed with WoodyGuthrie

    January 20, 2012 at 3:24 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  33. Dom

    Calvary is just spelled wrong – he is referring to the US Army and the fact the US goverment was late to help New Orleans after the hurricane. read the rest of the song... clearly Bruce is talking about Katrina and the slow response to it – maybe he spelled it wrong to try to get a double meaning but i doubt it – this is a song about America.

    January 20, 2012 at 3:30 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  34. Scott

    The world's greatest living poet returns with new album out March 6th and new video. I want you to remember that he is 62 and his concerts are mind blowing 3 1/2 hour marathons. Cant wait.

    January 20, 2012 at 3:49 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  35. Brian Kerry

    We're in an election cycle, so it must be time for a Springsteen record. Do your part Bruce! Rally against the Man! Let's all come together in popular media to keep a Democrat in the White House and the ecomony in the tank!!

    January 20, 2012 at 4:03 pm | Report abuse | Reply
    • Rod from Indy

      Or we could elect a Republican and let him finish the job W. tried of totally ruining this country.

      January 20, 2012 at 5:49 pm | Report abuse |
  36. gazzy

    He sings "cavalry" but the words print "calvary" (biblical mount of crucifiction) I think the lyrics are misprinted.

    January 20, 2012 at 4:36 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  37. lorne harvey

    im feeling happy with music now.
    with real music not this auto tuned nonsense coming back
    adele, mumford and suns, i think we have had enough of britney and her legions of kid-pop.
    thanks bruce.

    January 20, 2012 at 4:38 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  38. Down with SOPA

    Ooooh! I can't wait to steal it off the internet!!

    January 20, 2012 at 4:51 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  39. Craig from Pa.

    Mellencamp is, by far a better musician/writer/performer than Bruce ever was.....sorry but that's how it really is!

    January 20, 2012 at 5:56 pm | Report abuse | Reply
    • mike

      Mellencamp, was one of my favorite musicians of all time, I loved his music, I played "I need a lover and taxi dancer to death in Highschool, loved "aint even done with the night" "Jack and Diane" (American fool) "Scarecrow" was awesome, but let me tell you this, I've seen Mellencamp 3 times, and never...never..did he come close to a Springsteen concert...not even close...I doubt you have ever seen Bruce in concert, there is no comparison here..what a joke..

      January 20, 2012 at 6:31 pm | Report abuse |
  40. Rick

    The Boss = most overrated singer EVER. Springsteen sucks

    January 20, 2012 at 6:11 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  41. terry

    good lyrics, horrible song. The Boss live is a yawn fest. Justin Bieber is a musical genius, I think the Boss should get some pointers from that kid, he could use some. The Boss=Lame, Bieber=THE GREATEST and time will prove this fact.

    January 20, 2012 at 6:46 pm | Report abuse | Reply
    • Timmy

      I agree Bieber is the best!!! The Boss sucks live. You want a live band one word NICKLEBACK! I stood the whole time. Saw the Boss and was in my seat half way through the first song

      January 20, 2012 at 6:55 pm | Report abuse |
    • victorian

      Seriously? Bieber and Nickelback better? I'm Canadian and I wouldn't EVER say they are better than Bieber. In fact, most people cannot stand Nickelback in Canada. And could NOT disagree more about seeing him live...Giants Stadium, 54,000 people on their feet the entire concert, he's amazing. You should listen to the lyrics too, they are amazing. Oh, and guys, HE HATES the term 'The Boss'.

      January 20, 2012 at 9:36 pm | Report abuse |
  42. Mari

    Would LOVE to see this new 'album' be issued as vinyl as well as CD format....ACDC did it a few years back with their BLACK ICE release. Some of us still spin 'em ;-)

    January 20, 2012 at 7:39 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  43. Jim

    Sad. Just an awful song. If anyone else, it would never see air time.

    January 20, 2012 at 8:23 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  44. estreet16

    I think its a great song. I love the drum part at the beginning. I think the message can be taken in a couple of ways. 1) Sarcasm as there are definitely times when we don't take care of our own like Hurricane Katrina. 2) There are factions within America who DO take care of their own. For example, a corporate CEO gets a huge salary approved by other rich executives while workers for his company struggle or are laid off. As for those who claim there has been nothing good since the 70's, What about Nebraska? Another great one was The Rising. A well written album with great imagery. I also like the Seeger Sessions as it paid homage to American folk music. Bruce mixed in some banjos and a horn section for a different sound. Artists need to grow, change and try new things. Do you want every album to sound like BTR? If he did that people would criticize him for always doing the same thing over and over. Finally those that sing the praises of his live shows are exactly right. That's what got me started on this long journey of following him back in 1985. Is there anything better than the house lights coming up and everybody at the show singing Born to Run in unison? Good stuff Bruce. I can't wait for the album and I definitely can't wait for the tour. I'll be at a couple of shows.

    January 20, 2012 at 9:20 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  45. Greg LeMaster

    The most overrated artist (if you can call him that) of all-time next to Lou Reed... UGH!

    January 20, 2012 at 9:44 pm | Report abuse | Reply
    • estreet16

      Yeah the Velvet Underground sucked! (Sarcasm)

      January 20, 2012 at 10:39 pm | Report abuse |
  46. TheBoss

    -THANK GOD. I don't care if it isn't his best. I'm glad to hear real instruments in a song. I'm glad to hear his voice. I'm glad they didn't totally change the sound, and that this song still has some of his feel too it. I am hoping some of the other songs on the album have his enthusiastic side to them too... this one, obviously, has the soulful side, but is a little redundant for his style. Just thankful that HE IS PUTTING SOMETHING OUT, instead of all of the bubblegum crap that keeps getting worse out there. GO, BRUCE!

    January 20, 2012 at 10:31 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  47. Boss

    -THANK GOD. I don't care if it isn't his best. I'm glad to hear real instruments in a song. I'm glad to hear his voice. I'm glad they didn't totally change the sound, and that this song still has some of his feel too it. I am hoping some of the other songs on the album have his enthusiastic side to them too... this one, obviously, has the soulful side, but is a little redundant for his style. Just thankful that HE IS PUTTING SOMETHING OUT, instead of all of the bubblegum crap that keeps getting worse out there. GO, BRUCE!

    January 20, 2012 at 10:32 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  48. Larrry

    I don't get it? How can anyone say this or anything else he's done is good? He's a cheeseball.

    January 20, 2012 at 10:45 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  49. tcaros

    Springsteen is a corny SOB.

    January 21, 2012 at 4:20 am | Report abuse | Reply
  50. tcaros

    He's corny.
    Probably will be wearing faded blue jeans with alot of flags around.
    I think he lives in France most of the time.

    January 21, 2012 at 4:21 am | Report abuse | Reply
  51. LT28

    The Boss is still Tougher than the Rest.

    January 21, 2012 at 6:23 am | Report abuse | Reply
    • Independent Mama

      Amen, Brother.

      January 21, 2012 at 2:08 pm | Report abuse |
  52. COLEY BOY Clearwater

    When you get tired of being the "BOSS" lets meet at Ducky Slattery's Sinclair gas station and have a Cold One Together.

    January 21, 2012 at 7:42 am | Report abuse | Reply
  53. Omingomak

    mmm... You know when I see comments like: Springsteen is old and corny, The most overrated artist (if you can call him that) of all-time next to Lou Reed. etc, You are left wondering if maybe the problem with the record industry isn't so much the artist or record companies problem as much as it is the "consumers of music".. I guess if auto tune or a sample of someone elses work isn't incorporated into a "song" then its crap now-a-daze... Springsteen represents a dieing breed of muscian, one that writes from the heart, sings from the heart and actually has something to say... Just look at the top forty and you'll know I'm right...

    January 21, 2012 at 8:04 am | Report abuse | Reply
  54. Lawrence


    You are so brainwashed by the media.

    January 21, 2012 at 8:31 am | Report abuse | Reply
  55. Fan of his music

    He's a great writer of songs, and an even greater live performer.

    He is also, however, a lousy economist. For decades he's preached socialism, and now that we have a socialist in the White House, he still isn't happy. Like most liberals, he just doesn't get it. Capitalism works if you LET it work. All the jobs that have gone overseas? They're because in America, we double-tax our coporations. Ergo, they take their jobs elsewhere.

    As for the current fiscal crisis, it all started because liberals decided that rather than letting the banks write loans based on risk assessment (a capitalist principle), they were forced into the disastrous, non-capitalist policy of writing loans for who people who could not afford to pay those loans back.

    (P.S. Why haven't Frank and Dodd fallen on their swords? Are they proud of having precipated a global economic catastrophe?)

    January 21, 2012 at 10:41 am | Report abuse | Reply
    • estreet16

      yeah and it has nothing to do with an unnecessary and unfunded war that Bush got us into in Iraq. or an unfunded tax cut for the rich. if we returned to the tax rate the rich paid when Reagan was in office we'd be much better off. Reagan wouldn't even be able to win the nomination in today's unbending, uncompromising, ultra conservative, whacked out tea bagging bunch of hypocrites.

      January 21, 2012 at 12:13 pm | Report abuse |
  56. Jerry

    New Springsteen Album? WOW I haven't been so excited since.....oh, who am I kidding. Who cares??

    January 21, 2012 at 12:31 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  57. A HUGE FAN

    This song is some sort of effortless American retread of Born in the USA. The lyrics are ambiguous and uninteresting. This is throw away canned Springsteen trash. He's trying to stay relevant after 60, which I can appreciate. But this is junk. The canned background synth is sad. The true gems of the new album, if there are any, will never make it to radio. I'm saddened by Bruce's decision to release this joke of a song. He failed to address a new theme with courage. He must of thought, "well, they seem to like stuff like this. I can crank out songs like this in my sleep. Here. Have another."

    January 21, 2012 at 12:32 pm | Report abuse | Reply
    • ===

      I agree. The lyrics are phony. Like someone paid him to write them for the DNC convention. They're an overreach. They're just not genuine. He doesn't sound like his heart was in it, like he did with Born in the USA.

      January 22, 2012 at 7:17 am | Report abuse |
  58. Claudio


    January 21, 2012 at 1:06 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  59. Dean from Canada

    umm, I wouldn't normally comment, but I have to stand up for Bruce and music, music with a heart and music played organically with actual fingers and instruments and no autotune. Obviously the majority of folks who comment on internet boards are too young to appreciate that Bruce, thankfully, remains one of the few who make music and write poetry that is current with the times and who does this with the purpose of affecting positive change, in the same vain and worthy successor to Dylan...another name the internet generation is unfamiliar with, or doesn't understand why. When the USA goes to other countries to secure oil fields for their own markets, or DOESN'T provide universal healthcare to it's citizens, it's unclear whether or not Bruce is being sarcastic OR hopeful.....but I believe that the tone of the music is actually hopeful and that he's trying to inspire folks to imagine a time when the flag, as seen around the world, actually would represent that the country does take care of its people. I think Bruce has been all about that, so no, I don't think he was being sarcastic at two cents...hope it wasn't too long of a post.

    January 21, 2012 at 1:11 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  60. Froot Snaxx

    I'm a huge Springsteen fan and have been for over 30 years but I have to admit this song is weak. Even the lyrics aren't up to his usual standards. Hope the rest of the album is better.

    January 21, 2012 at 1:12 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  61. TORI ©

    Springsteen may be from another generation @tcaros but you obviously don't appreciate that he is a brilliant lyricist in spite of a gravely voice which I tend to likel "Corny" is certainly not applicable to the Boss. Listen to Born to Run or Streets of Philadelphia once you can step away from the cRAP music I'm sure you prefer.

    January 21, 2012 at 2:14 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  62. Independent Mama

    Come on, folks... the Magic of Bruce is that his lyrics can take you to a time and place that we all have been.
    Angst, terror, love, forgiveness, hope, joy.... life. If you don't like something, don't listen. If you don't have anything positve to contribute, please keep your nasty comments to yourself because you look really ugly when you're whining.

    January 21, 2012 at 2:15 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  63. annotate

    Bruce has written some great lyrics but his music has never moved me. I like music to move me, make me feel. Bruce doesn't do that for me. Maybe, 'Hungry Heart' did but nothing else I've heard.

    January 21, 2012 at 2:25 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  64. GhostColin

    I like Springsteen a lot, but wow. This track is phoning it in. Here's hoping the rest of the CD is better.

    January 21, 2012 at 2:54 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  65. calvin

    He must be running low on money. Anytime a singer starts running low after living a life of luxury, they put out something else, then go away again for a long time. Don't believe me ? Look at Barry Manilow, who released his first album after TEN years. These people don't just release albums because they want to continue their career. Money, money, money. Barry will disappear again for a long time or even not come back.

    January 21, 2012 at 2:56 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  66. 2012


    January 21, 2012 at 3:52 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  67. John

    Hasn't anyone heard his album 'The Rising' ? This man makes good music. I am 20 years old, and already like the sound of his new album. Bruce Springsteen is what America is about, not this auto-tuned talent-less garbage that passes for music.

    January 21, 2012 at 5:14 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  68. Snarky

    Springstein's still alive? Color me surprised.

    January 21, 2012 at 5:24 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  69. BSpringstone

    This is by the best song Bruce has ever written...
    I am sure he will make no money from it or the album... he will give it all to those in need
    His concert tickets will not be over inflated
    His t-shirts will be cheap
    He is one of the 99%

    Okay, I can be as sarcastic as he can. He does take care of his...he could care a less about the working man. I miss his talent and real music...even 'born to run' had hope and an edge to it...this is plain awful.

    I guess it's time to break out "Greetings from Asbury Park" and "The wild the innocent and the e street shuffle" I have to get this awful noise out of me head....'we take care of our own...from chicago to the bone.." what the hell is that? He needs to stop writing new songs or be revoked from the Rock N Roll hall of fame...

    January 21, 2012 at 8:25 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  70. Mort Adella

    I think Springsteen is a legend but this song is not good. Sorry.

    January 21, 2012 at 8:50 pm | Report abuse | Reply
    • _______

      I like Springsteen, but I have to agree with you. It sounds like he wrote it for the Democrat Convention - kind of phony.

      January 22, 2012 at 7:14 am | Report abuse |
  71. leroy buck jones

    he ol mans now. never new what da big deal was bout' him. my grandchilen says they pretended to like him in da 80's cause he was da hip thing and if you likes him you were cool. he ol man now and has affairs an sleeps wit anyones who looks his way from whats i hear.

    January 21, 2012 at 9:04 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  72. Rachel

    Ick. I'm SO done with this guy. Lost interest back in the 80s.

    January 21, 2012 at 9:41 pm | Report abuse | Reply
    • _______

      Are you done with him or is the world done with YOU?

      January 22, 2012 at 7:13 am | Report abuse |
  73. Bruce fan

    At 1:29 minutes in, do you think Bruce means "cavalry" (the unit) rather than Calvary (the place)? But given his fondness for Catholic metaphors, maybe he really does mean "Calvary", or maybe the video producer forgot to turn off spell check?

    January 21, 2012 at 9:52 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  74. Jazzman

    Springsteen is a one-percenter pretending he is a 99-percenter. The working class troubadour routine is getting weary, Bruce.

    January 21, 2012 at 10:40 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  75. myself

    Never knew this many people hated Genius. Sign of the times. springsteen has been the voice of the everyday person for his entire career. Can't wait for the album.

    January 21, 2012 at 11:01 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  76. Andrew

    Wow, what negative comments. The man has won 20 Grammy awards, an Academy award, sold 120 million records, a member of the rock and roll hall of fame, the songwriters hall of fame, his songs have been covered by the likes of Johnny Cash, David Bowie, Elvis Costello and countless others. When he goes on tour he is consistently one of the top grossing tours of the year, and he has been doing it for over 40 years now. Sorry but you don't get all of that being a boring, no talent, hack. You may not be a fan of his music, but millions of people around the world are.

    Very curious as to why people feel the need to throw baseless insults at an artist just because they don't like his work. Can't you just say to yourself "I am not a fan" and leave it at that? Do you somehow feel more important because you threw out an insult on forum? Truly pathetic.

    January 22, 2012 at 12:05 am | Report abuse | Reply
    • MRK

      Well said, I don't understand why people would even bother to read an article about an artist they dislike so much. Seems silly...

      January 22, 2012 at 7:21 am | Report abuse |
  77. Samir Chala

    Nice to see Bruce back, but we want more ..........let's kick like the eighties!!!!!

    January 22, 2012 at 12:32 am | Report abuse | Reply
  78. Samir Chala

    Bruce is "not old and corny" he is a LEGENDEl. If you really followed his music in the 80' you'll know what I am talking about!!!! You don't know what you are missed.

    January 22, 2012 at 12:38 am | Report abuse | Reply
  79. Doug Ericson


    January 22, 2012 at 6:53 am | Report abuse | Reply
  80. MarkPA

    Springsteen requires a depth of understanding that many are incapable of.
    He asks you to think into the music and the lyrics. To accept the imperfections of our humanity and the beligirence of our ignorant patriotism while asking yourself why we can't be better to ourselves, our brothers and sisters and our world.
    He praises the hardship of the laborer and the beauty of the "every-man" and "every-woman" who pop-culture have tossed aside for plastic beauty and paper souls.
    His music goes to something deeper than "I can dance to it" and asks that you think with it.
    Likemany musician or artist, he had his period of vapidity but he has spent the last decade rediscovering the soul he put on a shelf in favor of nthe glitter thatn still pollutes most of the music spilling from the mass-digestion production facilities.
    Bruce is a poet and a traveller who is willing to say what we hide from in order to find the beauty in all that surrounds us.

    January 22, 2012 at 8:52 am | Report abuse | Reply
  81. ten

    I use to like him but now he is just a commie.

    January 22, 2012 at 11:35 am | Report abuse | Reply
  82. whatever

    Will this article still be up when the album is released?

    January 22, 2012 at 11:48 am | Report abuse | Reply
  83. Thelodius

    I might borrow this new Bruce Springsteen album so I can play it softly when I go to bed. It will definately put me to sleep.

    January 22, 2012 at 12:38 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  84. Revolverdude

    Lost a lot of respect for this dude when I realized he is a Liberal Democrat that believes in Socialism. Thing is, he isn't gonna spread his millions around- just our money. He will be one of the elitists.

    January 22, 2012 at 12:47 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  85. Rick

    Remember when he was on Time magazine and was the greatest ever, diidn't do anything for awhile after that, didn't come into his own untill later, now just another blowmouth on politics, the Beebs has been much more successful, when I think of him I think of Jethro Tull's=Living in the Past

    January 22, 2012 at 1:44 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  86. John

    It has been a very long time since bruce did anything but issue retreaded melodies. I always loved his music but as time passes I realize how limited his legacy is. Frankly I think Billy Joel is both more original and ultimately more important to music.

    January 22, 2012 at 1:47 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  87. Willy Brown

    16 to 18 tracks of mumbling with way loud music to hide it.for 2112

    January 22, 2012 at 2:07 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  88. steck

    Isn't that thermin in the intro exactly like the Beach Boys' song "Wild Honey"?

    January 22, 2012 at 2:10 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  89. Doug Ericson

    Limp dicked mall music.....maybe.

    January 22, 2012 at 2:56 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  90. W8a2nd

    I liked it. Despite the many juvenal comments on this board I hope Obama uses it in the upcoming presidential campaign. It brings his message of inclusiveness and compassion to the forefront and would serve him well. And if you have any doubts about this great artist check this out.

    January 22, 2012 at 5:55 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  91. L.A.

    Re: "Calvary" instead of "cavalry": I'll bet Springsteen intended that as a pun.

    January 22, 2012 at 8:50 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  92. Dave

    His music is just awful. Take some lessons from the Beatles circa 1963, go back 30 years Bruce, and try it all over again. Terrible song-writing, poor poor hooks.

    January 22, 2012 at 8:59 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  93. ryan

    you are absolute trash.

    January 20, 2012 at 11:42 am | Report abuse | Reply
  94. buffin

    I think you must be confusing the BIg Man with your mom, dad, or some other family member of yours.

    January 20, 2012 at 12:17 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  95. Julie

    you really have no respect for anyone, do you?

    January 20, 2012 at 12:18 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  96. ?

    That's more harsh than your usual fare, Tracie. Rough day at the doo doo mines?

    January 20, 2012 at 12:46 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  97. James

    Come one everybody, it's some immature kid with nothing better to do and you're all getting bent out of shape over it.

    January 20, 2012 at 1:06 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  98. Snorlax

    Richard Fore is an idiot.

    January 20, 2012 at 5:24 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  99. tcaros

    Springsteen is old and corny.
    I never liked his style. Probably alot of voice wavering lyrics. He can't even sing well.

    January 21, 2012 at 4:23 am | Report abuse | Reply
  100. _______________

    When all the rap & hip hop hate peddlers are laying dead from gunshot wounds in an alleyway because they looked at someone the wrong way, Springsteen will still be a classic.

    January 22, 2012 at 7:12 am | Report abuse | Reply
  101. Freehold

    You can always yank to Justin Bieber then.

    January 22, 2012 at 7:33 pm | Report abuse | Reply

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