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Crime and Punishment
  • Sarah Hashash, Cairo (BBC)
    Editorial comment (Axis of Logic)
    , BBC (news report). Axis of Logic (commentary)

    "Farewell, my library! Farewell, the house of wisdom, the abode of philosophers, a house and witness for literature! How many sleepless nights I spent there, reading and writing, the night is silent and the people asleep… goodbye, my books!... I know not what has become of you after we left:... » read this article
  • Andre Damon. WSWS , WSWS

    15 November 2011 Throughout the United States, city administrations are moving to break up encampments of the Occupy protests, trampling underfoot the constitutionally protected right of assembly. Police cleared out the Occupy camp in Oakland, California in a predawn raid on Monday, resulting in 32 arrests. This followed the shutting... » read this article
  • P. Ngigi Njoroge , I Just Said That (via Empire Strikes Back)

    I get terribly affected by the kind of things that are happening today, and confess to not being able to be dispassionate. But some important facts we should keep in view if we want to remain sane and work out a saving response to European and American criminal aggression against... » read this article
  • James Petras. Axis of Logic , Axis of Logic

    The killing of Anwar al-Awlaki a U.S citizen in Yemen by a CIA drone missile on September 30 has been publicized by the mass media, President Obama and the usual experts on al-Qaeda as “a major blow to the jihadist network founded by Osama bin Laden” US officials called Awlaki... » read this article
  • Elias Davidsson (analysis). Evan Perez and Keith Johnson (WSJ) , Email Transmission (analysis).. Wall Street Journal (fiction)

    Editor's Note: We received this WSJ article (in black print) via e-mail, with incisive analysis (in color) by Elias Davidsson. - Les Blough, Editor Killings Pose Legal and Moral Quandary Wall Street Journal by Evan Perez and Keith Johnson October 1, 2011 Federal investigators needed a judge's permission to wiretap Anwar... » read this article
  • James Petras. Axis of Logic , Axis of Logic

    Editor's comment: The destruction of Libya affects us all with a profundity deeper than the enemy's other great crimes over the last decade. In this informative essay, James Petras plumbs the depths and covers the expanse of the war on Libya. What he wrote here strips the mask off the fiend... » read this article
  • Felicity Arbuthnot , Global Research

    Patriotism is the virtue of the vicious. - Oscar Wilde Another “Liberation”, another Unimaginable International Criminal Tragedy As Eid, the great post Ramadan celebration of that month of abstinence, self sacrifice and reflection, dawned on Libya, marked there this year on August 31st,  the NATO “liberated” country, after seven months,... » read this article
  • News Bulletin , RT News

    Editor's Comment: As good as it is to see Ciavarella put away there should be no illusions that he's some sort of an exception among judges in the U.S. The only thing that distinguishes him is that his particular crimes rose to a level of visibility that they could not... » read this article
  • Various (identified in the videos and text) , Human Rights Investigations; Global Research; Axis of Logic

    Editor's Comment: The first video republished below shows the people of Zliten, Libya following the merciless attack by British war planes from approximately two o'clock to four o'clock on the morning of August 8. The video is in Arabic but the panic and horror on their faces and the physical... » read this article
  • Editorial , BBC

    Nigeria's Ogoniland region could take 30 years to recover fully from the damage caused by years of oil spills, a long-awated United Nations report says. The study says complete restoration could entail the world's "most wide-ranging and long-term oil clean-up". Communities faced a severe health risk, with some families drinking... » read this article
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