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  • Les Blough, Axis of Logic. Natalia Cote-Muñoz, COHA. , Axis of Logic. COHA

    Natalia Cote-Muñoz' report is primarily focused on criminal gangs who have been murdering, raping and exploited migrants for the last 6 years in Mexico. But in her report she also states, "The government’s current approach to migrants is demeaning at best." and she concludes: "Meanwhile, as long as authorities remain... » read this article
  • Dan La Botz , Labor Notes

    Seventy thousand teachers in the Mexican state of Oaxaca struck May 23, demanding better funding for their students. The strike began with a march from four different points to the city’s square, where the educators rallied and then spread out to put pressure on both government and business. Teachers blockaded... » read this article
  • James Petras. Axis of Logic , Axis of Logic

    In May 2011, Mexican investigators uncovered another mass clandestine grave with dozens of mutilated corpses; bringing the total number of victims to 40,000 killed since 2006 when the Calderon regime announced its “war on drug traffickers”.  Backed by advisers, agents and arms, the White House has been the principal promotor... » read this article
  • Chris Arsenault , Al Jazeera

    The scenery is almost postcard perfect: a tiny beach nestled in a cove and surrounded by a lively mangrove forest ecosystem. But local fisherman Bulfrano Castillo is worried; major hotels are rising up around the beach, and the owners are telling local people to scram. "They can't just kick us... » read this article
  • Chris Arsenault , Al Jazeera

    The poverty-stricken people of Chiapas are still marginalised and experiencing great hardship, 17 years after rebellion. Tuxtla Gutierrez, Dec 31, 2010 - Seventeen years after rallying cries for land and freedom sparked the Zapatista rebellion, a quiet mist cloaks the mountains of Chiapas state in southeast Mexico. Unlike previous years,... » read this article
  • Staff reporters , BBC Latin America

    Gunmen in Guatemala have stormed a prison near the Mexican border and freed a suspected murderer. About 20 men with assault rifles and grenade-launchers attacked the jail in the town of Malacatan and then escaped in a convoy of vehicles pursued by the Guatemalan army and police. A police officer... » read this article
  • Jeff Conant , Mobilization for Climate Justice

    With their 1994 battle cry, “Ya basta!” (“Enough already!”) Mexico’s Zapatista uprising became the spearhead of two convergent movements: Mexico’s movement for indigenous rights and the international movement against corporate globalization. Skip to 2010: the movements for indigenous rights and against corporate globalization have converged again, this time globally, in the... » read this article
  • David Agren , Canadian Broadcasting Corporation

    Filmmaker Luis Estrada has a knack for capturing the national mood of Mexico with his tragicomedies - and coming to the conclusion with each project, "We've touched bottom" as a country. A decade ago, with Mexico flirting with a possible democratic transition, his film La Ley de Herodes, or Herod's... » read this article
  • Peter Watt , ZCommunications

    In an interview with La Jornada Michoacán, Daniela Morales talks to British academic, Peter Watt, who argues that neoliberal policies and the war on Mexican drug cartels are part of the same project; to maintain a weak democracy and a militarized state with the purpose of preserving economic and political... » read this article
  • James C. McKinley, Jr. , The Gainsville Sun

    TUCSON — Dr. Bruce Parks unzips a white body bag on a steel gurney and gingerly lifts out a human skull and mandible, turning them over in his hands and examining the few teeth still in their sockets. Bodies are stored in a refrigerated area of the Pima County morgue,... » read this article
  • Charles Bowden and Molly Molloy , The Nation

    With at least 25,000 people slaughtered in Mexico since President Felipe Calderón hurled the Mexican Army into the anti-cartel battle, three questions remain unanswered: Who is being killed, who is doing the killing and why are people being killed? This is apparently considered a small matter to US leaders in... » read this article
  • Bill Van Auken , WSWS

    27 May 2010 President Barack Obama’s order deploying 1,200 National Guard troops to the Mexican border marks another reactionary turn in his immigration policy and a threat of intensified violence against immigrant workers. The order will more than quadruple the National Guard force presently operating in the four southern border states—California,... » read this article
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