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Letters from France
Robert Thompson was our senior writer on Axis of Logic and all his essays are published in his column, "Letters from France". His essays offer refreshing perspectives on international relations with a European perspective. He was a French citizen and a retired Avocat (Trial Lawyer) at the Boulogne-sur-Mer Bar. He lived with his wife in a small village in Northern France until the time of his death on May 20, 2009. He was born at Leek (North Staffordshire, England) in 1931, and, after reading Jurisprudence at Oxford University, he became an English Solicitor. He later went to work at the International Chamber of Commerce in Paris. There he was Director in charge of the Legal Department and also Secretary General of the Court of Arbitration, the most important international commercial arbitration centre on the world. While there, he became the I.C.C. Director in charge of relations with the Arab states, where he travelled for professional reasons, and he worked towards legal cooperation with the countries then within the Comecon.

  • Robert Thompson , Axis of Logic exclusive

    The following was Robert's final essay, published on April 9, 2009. He typed it with his one remaining functional (non-dominant) arm and hand. He died on May 20, 2009 at his home in the North of France. In my situation, being now in very poor health, it is still better... » read this article
  • Michael C. Feltham. Axis of Logic , The Independent

    Editors' Note: Michael C. Feltham, Axis author of "Feltham on the Economy" wrote the following obituary for his good friend, Axis of Logic columnist, Robert Thompson which was published in The Independent (UK). This report of Robert's life contains many details which were not included in our own memorial to him, published in May. Robert's... » read this article
  • Robert Thompson , Axis of Logic exclusive

    President Obama of the U.S.A. has spoken, and on a smaller scale so has his latest poodle, our President Sarkozy, to be followed on Tuesday by President Medvedev.   The first has confirmed his desire to surround the Russian Federation with interception and surveillance equipment, the second has announced the handing over... » read this article
  • Robert Thompson in France. Axis of Logic , Axis of Logic

    Over the past years, I have heard and read much commentary on what makes, and keeps us happy, and what can be done to improve the enjoyment of our lives. The solutions put forward are many and various, and I have serious doubts about the efficacy of a great number of... » read this article
  • Robert Thompson , Axis of Logic exclusive

    It is often difficult to understand, never mind express, our feelings, since they do not always appear totally logical, even to ourselves. We also have to be careful about hurting the feelings of others, since it is the height of discourtesy not to think what our sayings or doings might... » read this article
  • Robert Thompson , Axis of Logic exclusive

    Do the supporters of the theft of lands and homes ever really think of the effect of their thefts on those who have lost everything? Burglars often care little for those whose homes they have emptied of possessions, some of commercial value, and others of great sentimental value to the individual... » read this article
  • Robert Thompson , Axis of Logic exclusive

    Writing in the English newspaper "The Independent", Bruce Anderson (March 6, 2009) reaches the conclusion that: "The neocons' desire to universalise US values was not imperialism. It was generosity". He argues in favour of this startling view that many of the Neocons came from families which had come to the USA to... » read this article
  • Robert Thompson , Axis of Logic exclusive

    The good news is that two envoys have been sent by the USA to Damascus, and that they have discussed with the Syrian Foreign Minister what can be done to improve Syria's relations with the USA, now that a new régime is in place in Washington.   The bad news is that these... » read this article
  • Robert Thompson , Axis of Logic exclusive

    Mr James Gordon Brown, Britain's latest Scottish Prime Minister, has been in Washington to have a brief chat with President Obama, and also address a joint meeting of the United States' Congress. Not the least of his problems was that his performance and its... » read this article
  • Robert Thompson , Axis of Logic exclusive

    Each of us should ask himself or herself this question regularly, just to make sure that he or she is still on track to lead a decent, and hopefully useful, life. If someone else asks any one of us who he or she is, do we always give a truthful answer?... » read this article
  • Robert Thompson , Axis of Logic exclusive

    As soon as I heard that Mrs Clinton was going to direct USA foreign policy, my first thought took me straight back to the question of which President, Clinton or Bush II, had caused the deaths of more innocent Iraqis. Was it the sanctions... » read this article
  • Robert Thompson , Axis of Logic exclusive

    My wife and I have never had the opportunity to become wealthy; but, despite struggles from time to time due basically to our unwillingness to consider wealth as the most important thing in life, we have managed to remain more or less afloat financially.... » read this article
  • Robert Thompson , Axis of Logic exclusive

    I can never understand why those who wish to mislead us (and they are many) always say of something which is embarrassing to them -that it is "complicated". It would show some courage if they were to admit that they are merely frightened of it.  ... » read this article
  • Robert Thompson , Axxis of Logic exclusive

    We all have to learn from someone or somewhere, and, as we get older, we are increasingly able to choose our own sources of information. We should also become increasingly capable of understanding how to sift out from certain sources, in themselves intended to mislead, just what it is that the said... » read this article
  • Robert Thompson in France , Axis of Logic

    Apart from a calendar, which reminds me of such events, the excellent article on Uruknet by Ghada Karmi, entitled "The Legacy of Resolution 194 - The UN Resolution That Time Forgot", has brought me back to thinking again about that clear statement of the right of return to their homes... » read this article
  • Robert Thompson , Axis of Logic exclusive

    I still cannot get over the event. It was sharper for many of us than the original events of 11th September 2001, since it was such a shock. In Europe, we had already had to become accustomed to terrorist attacks, many of them planned and hatched in the » read this article
  • Robert Thompson , Axis of Logic exclusive

    Today, 6th December, is the Feast of Saint Nicholas (whose name became corrupted through the Dutch Sint Niklaus into the North American Santa Claus, thereafter passed on to the whole English-speaking world). In Artois, where I live, and in neighbouring ancient cross-border Provinces, such as... » read this article
  • Robert Thompson , Axis of Logic exclusive

    Perhaps the worst aspect of the Bush régime, soon to become the Obama régime (with many of the same faces in the usual photos), has been its "War on Terror", by which it has increased its military and financial imperialist actions in a desperate desire to dominate the whole world.» read this article
  • Robert Thompson , Axis of Logic exclusive

    We are all interested in time, even if we are not all rabidly worried about punctuality. We have got used to the idea of seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and years, without thinking very often where these divisions come from. Being a person of mathematical bent, I often think of such... » read this article
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