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Poverty/World Hunger
  • Siv O'Neall , Axis of LOgic

    "Every five seconds, a child under 10 dies of hunger.  – Thirty-five million people die each year from hunger or its immediate aftermath. – One billion people are permanently and severely malnourished and the situation is becoming increasingly catastrophic." (Jean Ziegler)   In his latest book “Mass Destruction – the... » read this article
  • Michael Parenti , Youtube

    Editorial comment: It's NOT CAPITALISM that's the source of our high standard of living, says Michael Parenti in this fabulous video from 2007. Time to drag it out once again and then again and again. The Capitalists have done EVERYTHING IN THEIR POWER to stop the good life from spreading... » read this article
  • SAMUEL LOEWENBERG , The New York Times

    Editorial comment: "The right to food is a human right. It protects the right of all human beings to live in dignity, free from hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition. The right to food is not about charity, but about ensuring that all people have the capacity to feed themselves in... » read this article
  • Jean Ziegler and Siv O'Neall , La libre Belgique

    Interview with Jean Ziegler by Gilles Toussaint: Introduction and translation by Siv O'Neall Introduction The victims are the poor, the former subsistence farmers in Africa who have been deprived of their land and whose countries now have to import food at exorbitant prices, due to the speculation in agricultural commodities... » read this article
  • Frances Moore Lappé , The Nation

    Editor's Note: Frances Moore Lappé's essay below kicks off our forum on the food movement. Raj Patel, Vandana Shiva, Eric Schlosser, and Michael Pollan have contributed replies. For years I’ve been asked, “Since you wrote Diet for a Small Planet in 1971, have things gotten better or worse?” Hoping I don’t... » read this article
  • Human Wrongs Watch Editors.
    Les Blough (commentary)
    , Human Wrongs Watch. Axis of Logic

    South Sudan: Another Kitchen-Garden? Its was expected; nevertheless, the announcement that agricultural development will be among the top cooperation priorities between Israel and South Sudan has raised fresh, deep fears in Cairo and Khartoum that intensive farming techniques and dams construction will end up depriving Sudan and Egypt from a... » read this article
  • Interview with Vandana Shiva , cookingupastory - Youtube

    This 3-part series of interviews with Dr. Vandana Shiva about the future of food is one of the most contentious, revolutionary, profound, and important discussions of any, we have had to date on Food News. This is more than about the safety of biotechnology; its about the ability of all... » read this article
  • Sukant Chandan interviewed on RT , RT News

    Sukant Chandan gets it right - pointing his finger directly at Cameron.  The British Prime Minister has vowed that rioters will pay for what they've done, as he addressed Parliament in the wake of clashes that engulfed the country. What started as a peaceful protest against police shooting a man in... » read this article
  • Ken Livingstone , Labor List

    The first priority must be to restore calm and peace to Tottenham. This is vital for the safety and wellbeing of all Londoners. As Tottenham's Labour MP David Lammy has also said, justice can only follow a thorough investigation of the facts, but to understand those facts, we must have... » read this article
  • Jeffrey Gettleman , Truthout

    The Shabab Islamist insurgent group, which controls much of southern Somalia, is blocking starving people from fleeing the country and setting up a cantonment camp where it is imprisoning displaced people who were trying to escape Shabab territory. The group is widely blamed for causing a famine in Somalia by... » read this article
  • Grant Potter , Nourishing the Planet

    Slow Food International continues to make progress on its ambitious pledge to create 1,000 vegetable gardens in every African community participating in its Terra Madre network. The aptly named “A Thousand Gardens in Africa” is now in its most active stage as coordinators fundraise for future gardens, inaugurate new gardens,... » read this article
  • Scott Thill , AlterNet

    Early last month, pharmaceutical titan Merck became the latest multinational to pledge allegiance to the CEO Water Mandate, the United Nations' public-private initiative "designed to assist companies in the development, implementation and disclosure of water sustainability policies and practices." But there's darker data beneath that sunny marketing: The CEO Water... » read this article
  • Patrick Martin , WSWS

    30 June 2011 At a press conference Wednesday, US President Barack Obama reiterated his determination to impose trillions of dollars of spending cuts on the elderly, the sick, school children and college students. He appealed to congressional Republicans to agree to a handful of minor tax increases on the wealthy... » read this article
  • Appalachia Rising , RT News

    Coal miners have marched on Blair Mountain in 1921 and 2011. In 1921, West Virginian coal miners took up arms against coal companies in the largest insurrection since the American Civil War. On Blair Mountain, miners with red bandanas tied around their necks (the origin of the term ‘redneck’) battled... » read this article
  • Chris Arsenault , Al Jazeera

    The world's largest commodities trader is issuing a stock sale, and critics say the firm causes spikes in food prices. The rapid rise in prices for food, fuel and commodities has been disastrous for the world's poor, including Indonesian market vendor Lia Romi. But it's a bonanza for multinational trading... » read this article
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