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  • Eric X. Li , The 4th Media

    A DEBATE between Henry Kissinger, Fareed Zakaria, Niall Ferguson, and Li Daokui: Is This the Chinese Century? A CENTURY FOR SALE, ANY TAKER? The Munk Debate in Toronto has in the past three years become a significant forum for discussing global issues of our age. The most recent one held... » read this article
  • F. William Engdahl , The 4th Media

    While nervously watching China edging closer to becoming the predominant world power in the 21st century, Washington has also been keeping a keen eye on China’s heavy reliance on foreign oil to meet its growing energy needs. Engdahl analyses the oil trap that Washington has laid for China in Libya... » read this article
  • Lee Hyo-sik & Noam Chomsky , The 4th Media

    The resistance is a grassroots movement that goes well beyond the issue of the island’s militarization. Human rights, the environment and free speech are also at stake. Jeju Island, 50 miles southeast of South Korea’s mainland, has been called the most idyllic place on the planet. The pristine, 706-square-mile volcanic... » read this article
  • F. William Engdahl , The 4th Media

    AFRICOM and the Threat to China’s National Energy Security The Washington-led decision by NATO to bomb Gaddafi’s Libya into submission over recent months, at an estimated cost to US taxpayers of at least $1 billion, has little if anything to do with what the Obama Administration claims was a mission... » read this article
  • Chen Xin (China Daily). Les Blough (Axis of Logic) , China Daily. Axis of Logic

    The doomsayers who predict the collapse of the bourgeoning Chinese economy have been saying that China's dependence on exports will be their downfall as the world economy continues its downward spiral. But this view of China's dependence on foreign markets is both, narrow and short-sighted for a number of reasons.... » read this article
  • Patrick O’Connor , WSWS

    26 July 2011 The Obama administration’s aggressive drive to counter China’s growing strategic and military influence in East Asia has seen the South China Sea become one of the globe’s most dangerous flashpoints. Washington has made a series of provocative statements over the disputed waters. The latest was an address... » read this article
  • China Lee , Axis of Logic

    With pure logic, Axis of Logic Reader, China Lee responds to China warns US to stay out of maritime spat: Proximity must not supersede historical title During the 1982 Falkland Islands War, the United States rejected Argentina's argument of physical proximity. Instead, the United States supported British military efforts to... » read this article
  • Eric Walberg. Axis of Logic. , Axis of Logic (submitted by the author)

    Editor's Note: Eric Walberg has put into the proverbial 'nutshell' the biggest picture of what's happening today in international relations. This essay should be of interest to all who have thought that the US/NATO Mafia will be able to continue to run roughshod around the planet, unhindered. Nobody can predict the manifold outcomes but we... » read this article
  • Suara Merdeka, Indonesia , Watching America

    26 May 2011 Masdar F Masíudi uttered an interesting opinion during the discussion "Dismantling the Root of Terrorism" in Jakarta earlier this week. According to the PBNU official, China opposes the hegemony of the United States not with violence, but by quietly building its economy, society, politics and military for... » read this article
  • Lizzie Cocker*. Axis of Logic , Axis of Logic

    The US and Europe’s “medieval crusade” being waged in full force in Libya, and forever looking for other ripe targets, signals the depth of denial they are in that their days of global dominance are over. And that dominance is no more, precisely because of the emergence of governments via... » read this article
  • ,

    "There is some urgency in this quest. The bulk of global trade is only possible by sea-borne freight. Beijing feels it must protect the sea lanes that make both the movement of goods (about 90 percent of its import and exports) and the importation of resources and energy possible, without... » read this article
  • John Blofeld. Taoism. The Road to Immortality. , Taoism. The Road to Immortality.

    Editor’s Note: In his book, Taoism, The Road to Immortality, John Blofeld tells of one of his visits to the hermitages in the mountains of China where Taoist masters lived, 'cultivating the Way'. This is a story of a recluse he met at a hermitage he found in the Sichuan... » read this article
  • Chandi Sinnathurai. Axis of Logic. , Axis of Logic

    According to Sri Lankan press the U S have praised the Sri Lankan Government's efforts in resettling the IDPs (Internally Displaced People). The work however is far from over.  But it certainly is good news. It is the innocent victims such as these, who were trapped between the State Armed... » read this article
  • Al Jazeera and Agencies , Al Jazeera

    The United States believes that China has "no morals" in its dealings with Africa, according to an assessment in a leaked diplomatic cable. The cable quotes Johnnie Carson, the US assistant secretary of state for African affairs, describing China as a "pernicious economic competitor" whose investments prop up unsavoury regimes.... » read this article
  • Staff reporters , BBC Asia

    Tensions have risen since the South Korean island of Yeonpyeong was shelled by the North last month China has hit back at US comments criticising Beijing for not reining in its North Korean ally, saying military threats cannot resolve tensions on the Korean peninsula. Earlier, US top general Adm Mike... » read this article
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