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ETUC expresses support for TURK-SEN public sector workers fighting privatisation

The European Trade Union Confederation today expressed full support for its affiliate TURK-SEN and its members in the telecommunications and electricity industries who have called an indefinite strike, starting on 19 January, against privatisations in the North of Cyprus.

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The ETUC condemns the nationalistic turn being taken by Hungary

The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) is seriously concerned at the nationalistic, authoritarian turn being taken by the government in Hungary. Citizens are now subject to a Constitution which stifles freedom and daily erodes their public and private liberties. Media pluralism and the independence of the justice system are under threat.

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ETUC shows solidarity with Greece

The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) reaffirms its support for Greek workers, who are enduring the unbearable conditions imposed by the Troika. The Troika continue to pursue brutal attacks on social protection, employment and the minimum wage. Austerity measures are not solving anything; they are pushing the country further into crisis. The ETUC also condemns the arrest of GENOP/DEI trade unionists.

- GSEE press release:

- We encourage you to add your name to the petition - Labourstart:

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