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Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
  • Ministry of People’s Power for Foreign Affairs , Embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

    Statement Venezuela Withdraws Consular Personnel in Miami The government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela has verified with extreme concern the increase in threats against Venezuelan consular personnel in Miami, Florida. The U.S. government’s decision to declare the Consul General of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela persona non grata based... » read this article
  • Eva Golinger. Correo del Orinoco , Correo del Orinoco (English)

    "Despite warnings from the Obama administration that Latin America should not engage in relations with Iran, President Ahmadinejad held a successful four-country tour in the region forging commerce and trade and consolidating relations."  T/ COI P/ Presidential Press Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez received his Iranian counterpart, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, in Caracas... » read this article
  • Eva Golinger. The Chavez Code. , The Chavez Code

    Washington has made no secret of its disdain for Venezuela’s President Chavez and mass media have turned a democratic leader into a dictatorship. Does Venezuela really represent a threat to the United States or is the hype just an excuse for regime change? [NOTE: I accompanied President Chavez on his... » read this article
  • Axis of Logic Foundation and Editorial Board. , Axis of Logic

    AGUA FOR HAITI Axis of Logic Foundation Ships 9,000 Liters of Potable Water to Haiti (Includes photo essay) January 8, 2012 At 5:20 p.m., Thursday, December 8, 2011 our shipment of 9,000 liters of clean water left the El Libertador Air Base (BAEL), at Palo Negro, Venezuela and landed at... » read this article
  • Ministry of People’s Power for Foreign Affairs , MINCI

    Statement   Venezuela Rejects Statements by Israel's Vice Prime Minister The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela rejects the statements issued by Israeli Vice Prime Minister Moshe Yaalon in an interview during his visit to the sister Oriental Republic of Uruguay, in which he openly accused Venezuela of participating in plots to... » read this article
  • P/Agencies. T/COI , Correo del Orinoco

    "While most recommendations were favorable, including a suggestion by Nicaragua that “the revolutionary policies of the Venezuelan government be strengthened so that all Venezuelans can fully enjoy their fundamental rights”, other countries such as the United States, France, and Israel criticized what they said were limitations of “freedom of expression”... » read this article
  • Axis of Logic Foundation and Editorial Board. , Axis of Logic

    Status Report to Axis of Logic Contributors and Readers November 12, 2011 Our project to ship 9,000 litres of potable water to Haiti has been postponed a number of times over the past year. This has been a source of embarrassment for us and we apologize to all contributors for... » read this article
  • Editorial , Correo del Orinoco via Venezuela Analysis

    This week, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez called on all individuals, organizations, and social movements committed to the Bolivarian Revolution to join the “Great Patriotic Pole”, a grassroots coalition tasked with achieving a sweeping victory in next year’s presidential elections. Speaking at a Council of Ministers meeting on Saturday, Chavez told... » read this article
  • Hugo Chávez Frías, President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
    (En inglés y español)
    , Embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

    Venezuela Ratifies Sovereignty of Palestinian State Editor's Note: On September 17, 2011 Hugo Chávez Frias, President of The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela sent the following letter to Ban Ki-Moon, Secretary General of the United Nations, to confirm the Venezuelan government's support for the establishment of the State of Palestine. The Venezuelan president... » read this article
  • Javier Salado , Rebelión (Spanish). Pravda (English)

    Recent events in the Middle East, characterized by popular revolts that occurred in Tunisia, Egypt and Yemen, with participation of the Special Services of the Western world in Libya and Syria, infiltrating provocateurs, weapons, means and money, much money, in each country, have encouraged the hopes of the planners of... » read this article
  • James Petras. Axis of Logic , Axis of Logic

    Introduction Two incumbent presidents are running for re-election in 2012, Hugo Chavez in Venezuela and Barack Obama in the United States. What makes these two electoral contests significant is that they represent contrasting responses to the global economic crises: Chavez following his democratic socialist program pursues policies promoting large scale... » read this article
  • Eva Golinger , Correo del Orinoco

    The Venezuelan government, together with the private sector and international partners, is finding creative solutions to the nation’s housing deficit, including the construction of new, communal-oriented cities. Pushing forward with its large-scale public housing program that seeks to construct two million new homes in the next 6 years, the Venezuelan... » read this article
  • Eva Golinger , The Chávez Code

    Washington is preparing funds to support the opposition’s campaign against President Hugo Chavez during the coming presidential elections in 2012 Since Hugo Chavez won his first presidential elections in 1998, the US government has been trying to remove him from power. With multimillion-dollar investments, every year Washington’s agencies advise and... » read this article
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