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  • John Pilger , New Statesman

    From Jammu Kashmir to Maharashtra, in a land of empty advertising slogans and fantastic wealth that barely conceals vast poverty, you can see the first signs of a popular new uprising. When the early morning fog rises and drifting skeins from wood fires carry the sweet smell of India, the... » read this article
  • Arundhati Roy , The Guardian

    Arundhati Roy speaking at the People's University in Washington Square Park, New York, held at Judson Memorial Church, 16 November 2011 Tuesday morning, the police cleared Zuccotti Park, but today the people are back. The police should know that this protest is not a battle for territory. We're not fighting... » read this article
  • Valmik Thapar , Call of the Wild Sanctuary

    October 2011 Introduction How do you begin to introduce the best 35 years of your life? All I know is that since early 1976, my life has been completely entangled with tigers. And it has been fantastic. Sheer magic! It was in 1961 that I saw my first tigers at... » read this article
  • Siv O'Neall, Axis of Logic , Axis of Logic exclusive

    The greatest threat to the future of food production in the world is the introduction of genetically engineered foods from the bio-tech industry. Contrary to their mendacious propagandized promises of solving the problem of world hunger through the so-called second green revolution, the bio-tech companies are instead in the process... » read this article
  • Julien Bouissou - translation Siv O'Neall , Le Monde:

    New Delhi, Letter – The National Biodiversity Authority of India announced on August 11 it would take legal action against Monsanto for American seeds which have developed a genetically modified eggplant (Bt brinjal) from local variations and without permission. It is the very first time in India that a company... » read this article
  • Les Blough. Axis of Logic , Axis of Logic

    "If people want more courage and inspiration to fight the Monsantos and the Cargills, to deal with the corporations, to deal with the GMO's, to deal with the economic slowdown, I think coming to India and seeing what is happening will give you renewed confidence." - Dr. Vanana Shiva CNN... » read this article
  • Vandana Shiva , ZNet

    Editorial comment: What is taking place in multiple Indian states is a clear robbery of farmers' rights, which is driving Indian farmers to suicide by the thousands every year. Vandana Shiva, who is the major guardian in the world against the onslaught of robbery by Corporations like Monsanto, says: "It... » read this article
  • Vandana Shiva interviewed by , GRITtv

    Laura Flanders :  "We Americans are actually being colonized by our own corporations." "The American people should see that corporations have abandoned them long ago," says scientist, environmentalist, and food justice activist Dr. Vandana Shiva, named one of the seven most influential women in the world by Forbes magazine. "The... » read this article
  • Shahid R. Siddiqi. Axis of Logic , Axis of Logic

    Editor's Note: We thank Axis of Logic columnist, Shahid Siddiqi for this clarifying message in support of the people of Kashmir. Kashmir solidarity day will be observed on Feb. 5. - Les Blough, Editor In solidarity with the Kashmiris in their freedom struggle, the people of the world who are engaged in... » read this article
  • Shahid Siddiqi. Axis of Logic , Axis of Logic

    Promising Hindu superiority, Hindutva has been turned into a vicious doctrine that promotes ultra-nationalism, religious fundamentalism and intolerance Muslims are a suspect community in India and, in some states more than others, they are increasingly becoming targets of scorn and terrorism at the hands of radical and fundamentalist Hindu outfits.... » read this article
  • Vandana Shiva , Asian Age

    2011 is the year of the forest. It is also Rabindranath Tagore’s 150th birth anniversary. Forests were central to Tagore’s works and institution building as they have been for India’s creative expressions through the centuries. As Tagore wrote in The Religion of the Forests, the ideal of perfection preached by... » read this article
  • Chandi Sinnathurai. Axis of Logic. , Axis of Logic

    According to Sri Lankan press the U S have praised the Sri Lankan Government's efforts in resettling the IDPs (Internally Displaced People). The work however is far from over.  But it certainly is good news. It is the innocent victims such as these, who were trapped between the State Armed... » read this article
  • Staff reporters , The Times of India

    MUMBAI: There is reason for cheer as we usher in the New Year. Thanks to the positive sentiments running across various industries in India Inc, the Manpower Employment Outlook survey suggests that job prospects will continue to be robust across India in the first three months of 2011. The report... » read this article
  • Staff reporters , BBC World News

    December 7, 2010 A one-year-old girl has been killed and at least 34 people have been injured by a bomb explosion in the northern Indian holy city of Varanasi, officials say. The small, improvised device was hidden in a milk canister at a bathing point on the banks of the... » read this article
  • Shahid R. Siddiqi. Axis of Logic , Axis of Logic

    The US DEA agent who ran amuck in the terrorist underworld of Pak-Afghan border region and might have played a role in Mumbai attacks India’s blame game Two years later, the Mumbai terrorist attack continues to cast a shadow on Pakistan-India relations. Indians struggle to find answers to the bloody... » read this article
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