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  • Luis E. Aguilar. Co-edited and translated by Colectivo Morazán , Frente Nacional de Resistencia Popular (FNRP)

    The manner in which people commute is another indicator of the structural violence lived every day by the working class in Honduras and throughout Latin America. Amid high prices, pollution, theft and immobility, grants are given to transport media owners and not to the user. Millions of people in Honduras... » read this article
  • Communications Associate , Witness for Peace

    The Organization of American States has readmitted Honduras to the association, two years after the military coup that led to widely disputed elections and deteriorating human rights conditions. The vote came just three days after deposed president Mel Zelaya's return to the country, a deal brokered primarily by the presidents... » read this article
  • Lisa Sullivan, Latin America Coordinator for SOA Watch , SOA Watch

    Excellent video report by Democracy Now! follows Lisa Sullivan's story This past Saturday, Fr. Roy Bourgeois and I accompanied President Manuel Zelaya back to his native Honduras, almost two years after a military coup led by SOA graduates removed him from his country at gunpoint. The short flight we took... » read this article
  • Alexander Main , Common Dreams

    Editor's Comment: There are some on the revolutionary left who tend toward a knee-jerk prejudgement of President Chávez for his political negotiations with Colombia's right-wing president, Juan Manuel Santos. We encourage them and others to read this analysis very carefully. Whatever else he might be wrongly accused of, Chávez is no fool and his... » read this article
  • Bill Quigley and Laura Raymond , Common Dreams

    Today, October 21, the democratic resistance in Honduras will celebrate Artists in Resistance Day. This event contrasts directly with today’s official recognition of Honduras Armed Forces day. The resistance, which is working for a truly democratic Honduras, renamed the day and created an alternative celebration because of a brutal police... » read this article
  • Karen Spring, Rights Action , Canadian Dimension

    The incredible pro-democracy resistance movement (known as the National Front of Popular Resistance-FNRP) has collected 1,269,142 million signatures (and counting) demanding a National Constituent Assembly (NCA) that will mark an important step in their struggle towards the refoundation of their society and their country. In the last 5 months, volunteers... » read this article
  • Rosemary A. Joyce and Russell N. Sheptak , Upside Down World

    Editor's Note: Update follows with the second article below. - LMB Wednesday, 09 June 2010 U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton speaking at the Organization of American States (OAS) annual meeting in Lima, Peru on Monday urged countries in the hemisphere to readmit Honduras into the regional organization. The OAS... » read this article
  • Roz Dzelzitis, Executive Director , May I Speak Freely Media

    Honduras News in Review—May 2010 May I Speak Freely Media June 3, 2010 Judges dismissed from posts in alleged political reprisal More resistance figures killed Resistance leader threatened anew Journalists remembered, abuse and intimidation continue Resistance leader kidnapped, escapes More repression in Aguán Union uncovers alleged list of assassination targets... » read this article
  • Joseph Huff-Hannon , Global Post

    BUENOS AIRES, Argentina - Katia Lara and Carlos del Valle grabbed their cameras last June and started shooting: protesters gathered on the Tegucigalpa streets, soldiers firing live rounds into crowds. They filmed for five months, starting the day the Honduran military kidnapped then-President Manuel Zelaya and kicked him out of... » read this article
  • Hunger Strike Against Impunity , Proyecto Hondureño

    HUNGER STRIKE AGAINST IMPUNITY The Association of Judges for Democracy (AJD) come before the citizens of Honduras and the international community to manifest the following: The Judges of the Supreme Court decided May 5, 2010 to arbitrarily dismiss Judges Chévez Luis Alonzo de la Rocha, Ramon Enrique Barrios, Guillermo López... » read this article
  • Adrienne Pine , Quotha

    May 12, 2010 Official Communique of the Olancho Environmental Movement   It is with deep sadness that we are informing the Honduran and international community of the murder of our companero Adalberto Figueroa. This morning, Saturday the 8th of May at about the 8:30 a.m., when he was getting ready... » read this article
  • Roz Dzelzitis , May I Speak Freely

    Editor's note: The Honduran Human Rights Platform, an association of major human rights organizations in Honduras, was scheduled to give a press conference on the alternate truth commission this morning. Details will be published at May I Speak Freely once they are available. - Roz Dzelzitis, Editor Truth Commission to launch... » read this article
  • Jeremy Kryt , In These Times

    Honduran oligarchs target members of the National Front of Popular Resistance.  TEGUCIGALPA, HONDURAS—Late in the afternoon on February 3, Vanessa Zepeda, a 28-year-old registered nurse, left a union hall after a meeting and began walking to the supermarket to buy school supplies for her children and formula for her baby... » read this article
  • RAJ , Honduras Culture and Politics

    As we previously noted, supporters of the government of Porfirio Lobo Sosa and the government itself are desperate to find any indication of "recognition" that they can. So pro-coup Honduran news media claimed that Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega had "recognized" Honduras by signing an accord to reauthorize a border dispute... » read this article
  • Produced by Jesse Freeston , The Real News Network

    A tentative and controversial resolution has been reached in a long-standing land conflict in Honduras. The controversy lies in the mobilization of the military, in the form of at least 2,000 soldiers, to pressure the campesinos into signing the latest negotiated deal. The group of 3,500 campesino families has agreed... » read this article
  • Special Report on Honduras , Organización Política Los Necios and Honduras Solidarity

    Distribute by Honduras Solidarity Opposing the coup by Honduras' military against democratically elected president Mel Zelaya, and supporting the resistance movement against the coup regime. Building publicity and support for the fight against the coup in Manchester and generally. Urgent Message from Organización Política Los Necios We make a call... » read this article
  • Video Report , The Real News

    Editorial Comment: What you are about to see tells all any of us need to know about the continuing U.S. raid on Latin American democracy. While nation by nation, Latin Americans turn against Yankee imperialism on their continent, Washington reacts with the building and maintenance of 13 military bases in... » read this article
  • Roz Dzelzitis—Executive Director/Producer. May I Speak Freely? , May I Speak Freely?

    Editor's Note: This comprehensive review of the news on Honduras brings us up to date on the ongoing crisis, Washington's efforts to normalize the illegal coup that was executed on June 28, 2009 - and the work of the Resistance against the illegal regime now in place under fraudulent presidency... » read this article
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