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Fidel Castro
  • Fidel Castro Ruz. Granma International , Granma International

    Reflections of Fidel NATO's genocidal role (Taken from CubaDebate) October 24, 2011 THIS brutal military alliance has become the most perfidious tool of repression known in the history of humanity. NATO assumed this global repressive role as soon as the USSR, which had served as the U.S. pretext for its... » read this article
  • Fidel Castro Ruz , Granma Internacional

    If our Nobel Prize winner is deceiving himself – something that has yet to be established – that perhaps explains the incredible contradictions in his reasoning and the confusion sowed among his listeners. There is not a drop of morality, not even of politics, in his attempt to justify his... » read this article
  • Fidel Castro Ruz , Granma Internacional

    (Taken from CubaDebate) I am halting the tasks which have been totally occupying my time recently to dedicate some words to the singular opportunity presented to political science by the 60th Session of the United Nations General Assembly. The annual event demands a singular effort on the part of those... » read this article
  • Fidel Castro Ruz , Prensa Latina

    Havana, Apr 28 (Prensa Latina) Reflections by Comrade Fidel (Translated by ESTI) A FIRE THAT COULD BURN EVERYONE You may agree or not with Gaddafi’s political ideas, but no one has the right to question the existence of Libya as an independent state and member of the United Nations. The... » read this article
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    Havana, Mar 31 (Prensa Latina) The Disaster in Japan and a Visit from a Friend is the title of the latest reflection by leader of the Cuban Revolution Fidel Castro. Prensa Latina post below the full-text: (Translation provided by ESTI) Today I had the pleasure of greeting Jimmy Carter, who... » read this article
  • Fidel Castro Ruz , Granma

    I didn't have to be a fortune teller to divine what I foresaw with rigorous precision in three Reflections which I published on the CubaDebate website between February 21 and March 3: "NATO's Plan Is to Occupy Libya," "Cynicism's Danse Macabre," and "NATO's Inevitable War." . . . I do... » read this article
  • Fidel Castro Ruz , Prensa Latina

    Saturday evening, the 19th, after a sumptuous banquet, NATO leaders ordered the attack on Libya. Of course, nothing could occur without the United States claiming its irrefutable role as supreme leader. From its command post of that institution in Europe, a senior official declared that "Odyssey Dawn" was about to... » read this article
  • Fidel Castro Ruz ,

    In contrast with what is happening in Egypt and Tunisia, Libya occupies the first spot on the Human Development Index for Africa and it has the highest life expectancy on the continent.  Education and health receive special attention from the State.  The cultural level of its population is without a... » read this article
  • Fidel Castro Ruz , Granma

    I said several days ago that the die was cast for Mubarak and that not even Obama could save him. The world knows what is taking place in the Middle East. The news is circulating at incredible speed. Politicians barely have time to read the cables coming in by the... » read this article
  • Fidel Castro Ruiz , Granma

    JUST 11 days ago, January 19, under the title "Now is the time to do something," I wrote: "The worst is that, to a large degree, their solutions will depend on the richest and most developed countries, which will reach a situation that they really are not in a position... » read this article
  • Fidel Castro Ruz , Granma

    Yesterday I analyzed the atrocious act of violence against US congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, in which 18 people were shot; six died and another 12 were wounded, some of them extremely seriously, among them the congresswoman who was shot in the head, leaving the team of doctors no alternative but to... » read this article
  • Fidel Castro Ruz , Granma International

    ON Friday, December 3, the UN decided to devote a session of the General Assembly to an analysis of the cholera epidemic in this neighboring country. The news of that decision was hopeful. Surely it would serve to alert international opinion to the gravity of the situation and mobilize support... » read this article
  • Fidel Castro Ruz. Cuba Debate via Granma Int'l , Cuba Debate. Granma International. Axis of Logic

    Editor's Comment: Peacemaker and Senator Piedad Córdoba was removed from office on September 27 and blocked from public office for 18 years by the new Manuel Santos regime in Bogota. This attack on Senadora Córdoba is a testament to her leadership and heroism and to Colombia's rejection of transparency, justice and even... » read this article
  • Fidel Castro Ruz , Z Communications

    In his latest reflection, Cuban Revolution leader Fidel Castro referred to the outcomes of parliamentary elections in Venezuela. Today, the Bolivarian Revolution has the Executive Power, a large majority in the parliament and a party capable of mobilizing millions of combatants in favour of socialism, he also pointed out.  ... » read this article
  • Fidel Castro Ruiz , Granma International

    Editor's Note: Any questions anyone may have about the effects of age on the mind of Fidel should be put to rest with his discourse below. In this wide-ranging treatise, he brings together events that include everything from methane gas escaping the floor of the Gulf of Mexico and the bombing of... » read this article
  • Fidel Castro Ruiz , Periodico 25

    In the meeting I had with the economists of CIEM (World Economy Research Center) on Tuesday, July 13, I talked to them about an excellent documentary film by the French director Yann Arthus-Bertrand which includes statements by the most farsighted and well informed international personalities about another terrible danger threatening... » read this article
  • Fidel Castro, Former President of Cuba , Granma International

    Editor's Note: Here in South America, we had the pleasure of seeing Fidel on TeleSur. last night. He was looking good at age 83, clear-minded and animated, alerting all people that a U.S./Israeli attack on Iran may be imminent with devastating consequences for the entire world. He delivered his message in... » read this article
  • Fidel Castro , Fidel's Z Space

    WHEN these lines are published tomorrow, Friday, in Granma newspaper, the 26th of July, a date on which we always recall with pride the honor of having resisted the onslaughts of the empire, will still be in the distance, despite it being only 32 days away.   Those who determine... » read this article
  • Fidel Castro Ruz , Cuba Debate via Granma International

    (Taken from CubaDebate) I was left with no alternative other than to write two "Reflections" on Iran and Korea, which explain the imminent danger of war with the use of nuclear weapons. I have also expressed the opinion that one of them could be overcome if China decided to veto... » read this article
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