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  • Natasha Gilbert , Nature News

    Editor's Note: Dengue fever infects around 100 million people in the tropics each year. Some sources say the disease is fatal for 40,000 people a year while the article below says 12,500. I don't know who is doing the counting! Dengue is a mosquito-borne disease that is passed from one... » read this article
  • John Pilger , Socialist Worker

    Remembrance for Australia's war dead has long been used to glorify militarism--and promote Australia's status as a junior partner to U.S. imperial aims. THE STREET where I grew up in Sydney was a war street. There were long silences, then the smashing of glass and screams. Pete and I played... » read this article
  • Phil Mercer , BBC News, Sydney

    The Australian government is to fund emergency measures to help combat suicide in Aboriginal communities in the remote Kimberley region. It has seen a sharp increase in the number of indigenous people taking their own lives. Young Aborigines are four times more likely to commit suicide than their non-indigenous counterparts.... » read this article
  • Eric Walberg , Counterpunch

    It was United States president Woodrow Wilson who called for "open diplomacy" — number one of his fourteen points in 1918 — so that "diplomacy shall proceed always frankly and in the public view." He would surely approve of Wikileaks' efforts at open diplomacy, though current US Secretary of State... » read this article
  • Linda Levin , WSWS

    24 August 2010 The socialist and internationalist program advanced by the SEP in the 2010 Australian federal election has won a powerful response from significant layers of workers and young people throughout the country. Emails, inquiries, expressions of support and applications to join the party have come not only from... » read this article
  • Ghali Hassan, Axis of Logic , Axis of Logic exclusive

    “The truth is that all men [and women] having power ought to be mistrusted”. - James Madison, U.S. president 1809-1817       In a nation that prides itself of being a “tolerant” and a “fair go” for all Australians, one expects the candidates campaigning for Prime Minister position will be... » read this article
  • Ghali Hassan, Axis of Logic , Axis of Logic exclusive

    The Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd was elected in 2007 by a majority of Australians. On Thursday morning, June 24, 2010, Mr Rudd was ousted and replaced by his deputy, Ms Julia Gillard, in one of the most vicious political executions in Australia’s political history, a bloodless coup d'état.  ... » read this article
  • Sanna Andrew , Socialist Alliance via Green Left Weekly

    Sanna Andrew is the Socialist Alliance candidate for Fremantle, Western Australia, in the coming federal elections. She joined the Socialist Alliance in 2007. She is a qualified social worker and has worked in community-based mental health service provision for more than a decade. Andrew is also an active member of... » read this article
  • News Bulletin , ABC News (Australia)

    A former high-ranking United States defence official says Australian troops could be in Afghanistan for the next 30 years. Australia's strategy in the country has been thrust back into the spotlight this week with the deaths of two Australian Army engineers in Uruzgan province. Defence Minister John Faulkner says Australian... » read this article
  • James Dryburgh , Tasmanian Times

    (Photos included below) It is important to begin these impressions of Venezuela by explaining that our time in this country, in which we have been lucky enough to get beneath the surface, has confirmed suspicions that 90 per cent of what we hear about Venezuela in Australia is utter nonsense.... » read this article
  • Ghali Hassan, Axis of Logic , Axis of Logic exclusive

    The ongoing, racially-motivated attacks on international students and people from non-Anglo-Saxon backgrounds, and concerted efforts by the Australian Government and the media to downplay racism, prove that Australians are unable and unwilling to live as a civilised society without racism. In white Anglo-Saxon Australia, it remains as deeply-entrenched as ever.... » read this article
  • Terry Cook , WSWS

    11 February 2010 Deputy Prime Minister and Workplace Relations Minister Julia Gillard has sent a clear message to business that the Rudd government will take whatever measures are needed to suppress any action by workers over jobs, wages and working conditions. Gillard last week announced amendments to Labor’s already draconian... » read this article
  • Ghali Hassan, Axis of Logic , Axis of Logic exclusive

    The role of the Ombudsman is ‘to safeguard the rights of citizens by establishing a supervisory agency independent of the executive branch’.  Unlike Sweden – where an Ombudsman was first established in 1809 –, in Australian, the Ombudsman is a tool of the executive branch to legitimate and protect corruption... » read this article
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