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  • Eric Walberg , Axis of Logic

    As the Arab Spring grinds on into autumn, the Russians are asking once again whether they should follow the policy “If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.” Muammar Al-Gaddafi’s demise is all but a done thing, carried out with a UN blessing, however dubious, and only belatedly opposed by Russia... » read this article
  • Boris Kagarlitsky , The Moscow Times

    On June 1, U.S. Congress rejected a bill to increase the debt limit by $2.4 trillion, delivering a humiliating defeat to President Barack Obama. For now, there is no immediate threat of a U.S. default on its debt, but the government will have to dramatically cut costs or go back... » read this article
  • Mankh (Walter E. Harris III). Axis of Logic , Axis of Logic

    It is not difficult to get lulled into thinking that one’s actions have little effect, what with the powerful rule of the corporate-governmental elite too often hiding behind their armies, mercenaries and three-card montes, or behind their “press # to speak to...” a real person, if they even have a... » read this article
  • Rick Rozoff , Stop NATO

    This week plans for U.S. and North Atlantic Treaty Organization military intervention in the Baltic Sea region gained attention after information from American State Department cables released by WikiLeaks were published in Britain’s Guardian newspaper. Details include the alleged military defense of new NATO members Poland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania... » read this article
  • F. William Engdahl* , Voltaire Network

    Germany’s foreign policy is split between, on the one hand, the ties it developed with the U.S. occupier during the 20th Century and, on the other hand, its economic interests vis-à-vis its historical partner, Russia. Gerard Shroder embodies this dilemma best. Formerly an atlantistic Chancellor, he is today CEO of... » read this article
  • Shahid R. Siddiqi in Pakistan. Axis of Logic , Axis of Logic

    Changing geopolitical realities demand that Pakistan should broaden its foreign policy base. March 22, 2010, Axis of Logic - Pakistan and the former Soviet Union have followed a roller coaster model in their relations, oscillating between ‘cordial’ to ‘hostile’, for several decades before the latter collapsed. They both realized the... » read this article
  • Niall Green , WSWS

    1 October 2009 AvtoVAZ, Russia’s largest car maker, announced last week that would axe more than one quarter of its total workforce—throwing 27,600 workers onto the unemployment lines or into early retirement. The week before, Aeroflot, Russia’s main international airline, announced that it plans to cut 2,215 staff over the... » read this article
  • Eric Walberg , Axis of Logic

    Obama's geopolitical demarche in Russia's backyard is moving ahead nicely -- for the present, notes Eric Walberg First there was the election in Bulgaria 5 July which brought a new party to power -- Boyko Borisov's Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria. Borisov, or Batman, as he is affectionately called,... » read this article
  • Paul Goble , Window on Eurasia

    Furious at what they see as threats to their language and culture, the Erzyas, a 300,000 plus-strong Finno-Ugric linguistic community that Moscow has long treated as part of the Mordvin nation, are demanding that Moscow agree to establish a separate and distinct Erzyan Autonomous Republic within the Russian Federation The... » read this article
  • James Suggett , Venezuelan Analysis

    A delegation of Venezuelan officials led by Vice President Ramon Carrizalez met with Russian officials including former President Vladimir Putin in Moscow to create the bank and review the progress of ongoing bilateral projects. The vice ministers of finance of the two countries, Dmitry Pankin of Russia and Gustavo Hernandez... » read this article
  • Oleg Shchedrov , St. Petersburg Times

    Russia is ready to drastically cut its nuclear stockpiles in a new arms pact with the United States if Washington meets Moscow’s concerns over missile defense, President Dmitry Medvedev said Saturday. “We are ready to reduce by several times the number of nuclear delivery vehicles in comparison with the START-1... » read this article
  • Chris Hedges , Truthdig

    This week marks the end of the dollar’s reign as the world’s reserve currency.  It marks the start of a terrible period of economic and political decline in the United States. And it signals the last gasp of the American imperium. That’s over. It is not coming back. And what... » read this article
  • Eric Walberg , Axis of Logic

    Bringing the threat of war to Russia’s borders is having wide-ranging repercussions, argues Eric Walberg As Russian troops marched to celebrate the victory over Nazi Germany 8 May, NATO troops — 1,300 of them from 10 member countries and six “partners” — were beginning their month-long Cooperative Longbow/Lancer war “games”... » read this article
  • News Bulletin , Russia Today

    Georgian Opposition Stage Mass Rally  Tens of thousands of opposition supporters were expected to take to the streets of  the Georgian capital Tbilisi Thursday for the start of mass protests aimed at ousting  President Mikheil Saakashvili.   Opposition leaders have vowed to rally at least 100,000 supporters and to continue ... » read this article
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