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Race and Ethnicity
  • jack mothershed. Axis of Logic exclusive , Axis of Logic

    NONCONNAH YARDS One railroad came from Chicago, bound for New Orleans Or vice versa One railroad came from Little Rock headed for Charleston Or the other way around In Nonconnah Yards south of Memphis The rails crossed My father knew that My father rode those rails Long before the Great... » read this article
  • News Report (Black Radio Network). Commentary, (Axis of Logic) , Black Radio Network (report). Axis of Logic (commentary)

    Editor's Commentary: The people of New Orleans were first hit by Hurricane Katrina and then hit again by "Hurricane FEMA" in the U.S. In November, 2005 I left my room at the Jack London hotel in Oakland, California and went to the lobby to check out for my return trip to... » read this article
  • Max Blumenthal , Max

    Anders Behring Breivik, a perfect product of the Axis of Islamophobia When I wrote my analysis last December on the “Axis of Islamophobia,"laying out a new international political network of right-wing ultra-Zionists, Christian evangelicals, Tea Party activists and racist British soccer hooligans, I did not foresee a terrorist like Anders... » read this article
  • Dilwar Hussain , Common Ground News Service via World Press Review

    British universities have been under some considerable scrutiny of late, especially after it emerged that Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, who attempted the "Christmas Day bombing" of 2009 on a flight headed for the United States, studied as an undergraduate at University College London. The ensuing inquiry and report, released earlier this... » read this article
  • Brenda Heard. Friends of Lebanon , Friends of Lebanon

    The turmoil that has beleaguered the Middle East for decades has been described many ways. On the 5th of June, however, the terminology turned vulgar. This enduring conflict was publically characterised as a ‘war between the civilized man and the savage'. Boldly announced with a plea to ‘support "Israel"/defeat Jihad',... » read this article
  • Gilbert "Gil" Scott-Heron. Blqlite Channel. , Blqlite's Channel on You Tube

    Gilbert "Gil" Scott-Heron (April 1, 1949 – May 27, 2011) was an American poet, musician, and author known primarily for his work as a spoken wordperformer in the 1970s and 80s, and for his collaborative soul works with musician Brian Jackson. His collaborative efforts with Jackson featured a musical fusion... » read this article
  • Rashad, James, Gabriel, William, Dani, Matt, Natasha, and the rest of the team , Color of Change

    Editor's Note: Satoshi Kanazawa started a firestorm by publish his pseudo-scientific analysis that measured black women as being less attractive than other women. Why he would want to attempt such an absurdity and why Psychology Today would publish this racist article can perhaps be best understood in terms of his... » read this article
  • Phil Mercer , BBC News, Sydney

    The Australian government is to fund emergency measures to help combat suicide in Aboriginal communities in the remote Kimberley region. It has seen a sharp increase in the number of indigenous people taking their own lives. Young Aborigines are four times more likely to commit suicide than their non-indigenous counterparts.... » read this article
  • Progress Report. Embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to the United States. , Embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to the United States

    Suggestion from Axis of Logic: Don't miss the two stories below this report: Sixth World Week of Africa Venezuela Celebrates Afro-Descendent Month and In the Bolivarian Hall Debate on Progress and Challenges in Fighting for Afro-Venezuelan Rights Today Venezuela is making unprecedented progress in combating the historical legacy of racism... » read this article
  • Call to Action! , Jeremy Marks Defense Committee, ANSWER Coalition, Berkeley CopWatch, Center for Progressive Action, Homies Empowerment Program & OSCAR GRANT COMMITTEE Against Police Brutality & State Repression

    Editor's Note: The young girl was assaulted by Robles, the police officer when she was seen puffing a cigarette, joint or cigar when Robles objected. Jeremy Marks home was later raided by the police. Jeremy's mother, Rochelle Pittman told the media that, when her neighbor Jason Glothon saw what was unfolding, "he came... » read this article
  • Elizabeth Evans ,

    Editor's Note: I don't know about anyone else in this room but all Eddie Murphy ever had to do to make me laugh was to show his face. What I do know however is that there has to be something I'm missing that is politically incorrect about this publication - something that will... » read this article
  • Gwynne Dyer. The Straight. , The Straight

    One of the incidental pleasures of the past few weeks has been watching the western media struggling to come to terms with the notion of Arab democracy. The Arabs themselves seem clear enough on the concept of a democratic revolution, but elsewhere there is much hand-wringing about whether Arabs can... » read this article
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