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Middle East
  • Adib S Karwar reports on speech by Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah Secretary General of Hezbollah , Axis of Logic

    Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah secretary general of Hezbollah in a speech in Baalbek – Lebanon on Saturday January 14th declared that he would like to thank Mr. Ban Ki Moon Secretary General of the United Nations for worrying about Hezbollah’s growing military strength. Sayyed Nasrallah on Arbaeen: "Our Certainty of this... » read this article
  • Tony Cartalucci. The 4th Media. , The 4th Media

    Editor's Note: We bring this article back for those who may have missed it first time around. Axis of Logic Editor, Paul Richard Harris republished it first on December 27, 2011. - LMB In January of 2011, we were told that “spontaneous,” “indigenous” uprising had begun sweeping North Africa and... » read this article
  • Eric Walberg. Axis of Logic. , Axis of Logic

    “When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, “it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.” “The question is,” said Alice, “whether you can make words mean so many different things.” “The question is,” said Humpty Dumpty, “which is... » read this article
  • William James Martin and Sohrab Bohan , Rahmallah Online, submitted by William James Martin

    William James Martin interviewed by Iranian journalist Sohrab Bohan President of the 65th Session of the UN General Assembly, Joseph Deiss, said Palestinians cannot not join UN ranks as a member state without confirmation by the Security Council, and the US is set to veto such an initiative. How do... » read this article
  • Ministry of People’s Power for Foreign Affairs , MINCI

    Statement   Venezuela Rejects Statements by Israel's Vice Prime Minister The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela rejects the statements issued by Israeli Vice Prime Minister Moshe Yaalon in an interview during his visit to the sister Oriental Republic of Uruguay, in which he openly accused Venezuela of participating in plots to... » read this article
  • Kiyul Chung , The 4th Media

    A German Submarine Defends Palestine On October 31, 2011, Palestine was accepted as full member by UNESCO, which became the first UN agency to recognize it as an independent country. Several other agencies are expected to take a similar decision in following month. The US entered UN Alley, by opposing... » read this article
  • John Pilger ,

    On 22 May 2007, the Guardian's front page announced: "Iran's secret plan for summer offensive to force US out of Iraq." The writer, Simon Tisdall, claimed that Iran had secret plans to defeat American troops in Iraq, which included "forging ties with al-Qaida elements". The coming "showdown" was an Iranian... » read this article
  • Jim Rankin , Toronto Star

    SIDI BOUZID, TUNISIA—From his sidewalk stall, brimming with pomegranates, grapes, garlic and bananas, Ammari Sassi ponders the political and economic landscape since a fellow fruit vendor died by fire and sparked a revolution. “Nothing has changed; it’s still the same,” said Sassi, who has five children. Only one has a... » read this article
  • Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya ,

    Divide and conquer stratagems are back with a vengeance throughout the Arab world, fanning the flames of discontent and undermining national sovereignty. The stage is being set for a contrived "clash of civilizations," closely following the 1982 plan of Israeli strategist Oded Yinon, for which any form of peaceful coexistence... » read this article
  • Eric Walberg , Axis of Logic

    Editor's Note: The title of this essay/report could be misunderstood. Egypt is anything but "free" after Egyptians Spring 2011 revolt was co-opted by the Egyptian military who are now conducting a violent counter-revolution against their own people. But the author places emphasis on Israel's violations of their 1979 peace treaty... » read this article
  • Jesse Kline , National Post

    News this week that French President Nicolas Sarkozy called Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a “liar” and that U.S. President Barack Obama did not disagree has provided fodder for Republicans, but does anyone really think politicians are habitually challenged when it comes to telling the truth? The two world leaders... » read this article
  • Editorial Comment , Voltaire Network

    Washington responded to the admission of the Palestinian Authority to UNESCO by pulling out of the organization, but without leaving it formally. This is what the Reagan administration had done in 1984 for similar reasons. But this reflex response poses unexpected problems to the State Department. First, it is difficult... » read this article
  • Husayn Al-Kurdi , Iraq Palestine Committee

    November 6, 2011 By Al-Rai satellite television hosted Dr. Khodeir al-Murshidi,  official spokesperson of the Arab Ba'ath Socialist Party of Iraq, asking for him to comment on a variety of news items concerning the latest developments in Iraq. Foremost among the news items is announcement of the imminent withdrawal of... » read this article
  • Les Blough (Axis of Logic). Louis Charbonneau (Reuters) , Axis of Logic. Reuters.

    Editor's Comment: What is always ignored or hammered under by the corporate media is the fact that if the Iranian government wants to develop nuclear weapons it has a right to have them as an appropriate national defense against those who have nuclear arms and a history of threatening their country. This... » read this article
  • Dr. Yousif Shakir. Translated for Libya 360° by Meena Sovjani , Libya 360°

    The Tuaregs meet, vow to continue to defend Libya following the death of Muammar Gaddafi. (video in Arabic) Message from Dr. Yousif Shakir to the Tribes of Libya To All the Tribes Of Libya, All our tribes have suffered have suffered tremendous losses from the attacks of NATO and their... » read this article
  • Nicola Nasser , Submitted by author

    Surrounded by the Turkish veteran member of NATO in the north, the Israeli NATO partner and the navy fleets of the member states patrolling the Mediterranean in the west, the alliance’s Jordanian partner in the south, and in the east hosting a NATO mission in Iraq, which is expected to... » read this article
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