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Culture and Art
  • Tracy Chapman. From her album titled Tracy Chapman , Tracy Chapman

    Axis Reader, CanDoJack's comment today in the Reader Comment section below, prompted us to bring Tracy and her brilliant music back for a replay. Her lyrics and music in these three songs are prophetic, even more relevant today than when she first wrote and sang them. - LMB Editor's Note:... » read this article
  • La Colmenita. Edited/compiled by Axis of Logic , La Colmenita

    Editor's Comment: In this rare appearance the world renown Children's Theater of Cuba, known as La Colmenita, is performing Abracadabra on this rare tour of the United States in October. Abracadabra is a play written by the children themselves. The name derives from the ancient Aramaic language and is used as an incantation... » read this article
  • Terje Sørgjerd , TSO Photogaphy on Vimeo

    Time Lapse videos by Norwegian landscape photographer Terje Sørgjerd Editor's note: The northern lights, or aurora borealis, are seen when the solar wind stream hits Earth's magnetic field, sparking bright auroras around the Arctic Circle. Norwegian landscape photographer Terje Sørgjerd spent one week around Kirkenes and the Norway-Russia border, in... » read this article
  • Hans Silvester (photography). Ryuichi Sakamoto (music) , Sangre de America

    The wonderful people of the Omo Valley (Ethiopia) Does helping them mean marking off their territory?... dressing them, teaching them to write, to build cities, or long-distance adoption of their children? Are we sure that having them emulate our society, which is fast heading for self destruction, is really in... » read this article
  • Tarika, Hanitra and friends , Madagascar

    Taste this! (The video is an Axis of Logic republication from October 27, 2010. We've been asked at times about the lyrics of the song. From what we understand, it's about "Koba," a rice dish and how to prepare it. - eds.)... » read this article
  • Jesus M. Castro Pablo, Ana Veydó, and Victor Escalona (videos); Les Blough (Axis of Logic) , Jesus Menez, Handrey Correa Diego Barajas and SDG (videos). Axis of Logic (Introduction)

    The great Orinoco River flows in a region shared by Venezuela and Colombia and along the watershed of the river lies Los Llanos, grasslands as far as the eye can behold. The unresticted openness and wild beauty of the plains have attracted humans for thousands of years, first with nomadic... » read this article
  • Jason Palmer , BBC

    Editor's Note: We have always heard that time is not an absolute but rather, an invention of mankind that rules our lives. This fascinating Amazonian tribe have no concept of time; nor do they have the concept of "river" as we know rivers; nor do they measure their lives in... » read this article
  • John Blofeld. Taoism. The Road to Immortality. , From the book, Taoism. The Road to Immortality

    In his book, Taoism. The Road to Immortality, John Blofeld quoted the following selections from the Tao te' Ching on the subject of wisdom. He elaborates, following the quote: Because he has no high opinion of himself, [his] mind is luminous; not caring for status, he becomes illustrious; being without... » read this article
  • Elizabeth Evans ,

    Editor's Note: I don't know about anyone else in this room but all Eddie Murphy ever had to do to make me laugh was to show his face. What I do know however is that there has to be something I'm missing that is politically incorrect about this publication - something that will... » read this article
  • Dady Chery. Axis of Logic Exclusive. , Axis of Logic

    About the story  “Tézin Nan Dlo” is one of Haiti’s most popular folk tales.  The créole, “té” indicates the past tense, and “zin” means “hook”.  It is about hooking and being hooked.  This is a story about the enticements of love, family, and the natural world.  It is also a... » read this article
  • Madhu Suri Prakash , Yes! Magazine

    Bhutanese Prime Minister Jigmi Y. Thinley on Gross National Happiness, his country's traditions, and the importance of democracy. Bhutan has pioneered the use of Gross National Happiness (GNH) as a measure of progress, instead of the more commonly used GNP. GNH measures not only economic activity, but also cultural, ecological,... » read this article
  • Special Report , Renewal 4 Haiti

    Yep, you read that correctly! Weird right? But hear me out as I lay out the context (quick history lesson) It all started with Toussaint L'Ouverture, a self educated former slave. After England and Spain invaded Haiti (then called Saint-Domingue and 100% controlled by the French), he made a pact... » read this article
  • Mankh (Walter E. Harris III). Axis of Logic , Axis of Logic

    I am not from the East or the West... I belong to the beloved, have seen the two worlds as one... - Rumi1 I remember my first wild strawberry... so tiny... but the flavor was magnified, as compared with the large, store-bought kind that my city-upbringing taste buds were accustomed... » read this article
  • Christopher Hitchens ,

    For those readers who might not know, British writer Christopher Hitchens has terminal cancer. He is an admirable example of a man accepting of his fate, and wanting to conduct the balance of his life with as much normalcy as possible. Despite his condition, Hitchens has taken the trouble to... » read this article
  • Stacy Mitchell , YES! Magazine

    Detroit entrepreneurs are learning to rely on each other, finding the seeds of a new economy in resources discarded by corporate America. A couple of weeks ago I was invited to spend a day in Detroit meeting with local entrepreneurs and sharing ideas for spurring small business development. Detroit is... » read this article
  • Aldo Leopold. The Sand County Almanac , The Sand County Almanac

    Editor’s Comment In “Marshland Elegy” a chapter in his famous book, A Sand County Almanac and sketches here and there, Aldo Leopold tells the story of the noble Crane and of how the crane marsh has been displaced by the short-sighted and wasteful ‘progress’ of human beings. The only beauty... » read this article
  • Anita Singh in Venice , The Telegraph (UK)

    Dame Helen Mirren is poised to divide Shakespeare purists by changing the gender of one of his greatest characters in a new adaptation of The Tempest. The Oscar-winning actress follows in the illustrious footsteps of Sir John Gielgud, Michael Redgrave and Derek Jacobi by taking the role of Prospero -... » read this article
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