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  • Mankh (Walter E. Harris III). Axis of Logic , Axis of Logic

    Reinvent America and the world. -Lawrence Ferlingehtti, from Poetry As Insurgent Art  About the only inventions that the guardians of the corporate-state covet and have recently employed are high and low tech gadgets. While the high tech is mostly unleashed by the military for wars, the low tech, being used... » read this article
  • Greg Grist. With Axis of Logic editorial comment , Axis of Logic

    Editor's Note: Please permit me to add a few things to Greg Grist's brilliant essay: if anyone by happenstance were to take our publication of this essay as even the slightest suggestion of our endorsement or liking of Ron Paul as a US presidential candidate ... well ... you're wrong... » read this article
  • Onan Musoy. Axis of Logic , Axis of Logic Exclusive

    A popular movement is massing itself on the streets and bringing awareness of its cause to the greater public. This movement has been confronted by municipal law enforcement, who have been arresting or detaining citizens on misdemeanor charges in order to supersede First Amendment rights guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution.... » read this article
  • Action Report , OccupyWallStreet

    #Mockupy: OWS Occupies "Law & Order" Zuccotti Set in Foley Square! Saturday December 10th Global Day of Action Human Rights Day #10 DECEMBER   Click Here to learn more    #Mockupy: OWS Occupies "Law & Order" Zuccotti Set in Foley Square! Posted 18 hours ago on Dec. 8, 2011, 11:50 p.m. EST... » read this article
  • UC Davis Students. Commentary by John Spritzler, Occupy Wall Street , Occupy Wall Street!

    John Spritzler, activist, author, Axis of Logic correspondent and friend from Boston sent this to us with the following words: There have been a lot of positive developments in the Occupy movement in the last few days. Much of it is reported at (which announces in its header: “The... » read this article
  • Andre Damon. WSWS , WSWS

    15 November 2011 Throughout the United States, city administrations are moving to break up encampments of the Occupy protests, trampling underfoot the constitutionally protected right of assembly. Police cleared out the Occupy camp in Oakland, California in a predawn raid on Monday, resulting in 32 arrests. This followed the shutting... » read this article
  • Stephen Kent , Save the Delaware Campaign

    A proposed 20k gas wells now threaten the Delaware River via regulations to be voted on November 21, 2011 by the Delaware River Basin Commission. We must protect this important watershed from pollution created by toxic gas drilling. The Delaware River Basin, an intergovernmental body, is about to move forward... » read this article
  • Kate Randall , WSWS

    9 November 2011 As the Anti-Wall Street protests that began in New York City near the end of their second month, occupations in a number of cities continue to face police harassment, arrests and threats to their encampments. The protests began September 17 in New York City when protesters set... » read this article
  • Alexandra Valiente, Editor, Libya 360° and Adel Khalifa Dorda , Libya 360°

    Editor's Note: Alexandra Valiente, Editor of Libya 360° has reliable contacts inside Libya. She is a meticulous fact-checker, very careful to vet her sources and it is rare that we have an opportunity to act on behalf of individual victims of NATO/NTC crimes in Libya as we have in this... » read this article
  • David Icke. DI Channel on YouTube ,

    Editor's Comment: We have published many articles that explain the plans of Global Corporate Empire for a new world government, a world central bank, single world currency and one world military in the past. But in this video, David Icke breaks it down all down with exquisite clarity and provides... » read this article
  • Michael D. Yates , Monthly Review

    The Occupy Wall Street movement has transfixed the nation.  In just a few weeks, it has spread from Manhattan to hundreds of towns and cities, and it has now taken root in other countries.  It has focused the widespread anger that we feel toward a tiny group of extraordinarily rich... » read this article
  • Mankh (Walter E. Harris III). Axis of Logic , Axis of Logic

    Until recently, until the burgeoning of the People’s Movement, the center of American society has been “a job.” The impetus and guiding force of the schooling system, especially college, is considered a stepping stone, and once you have “a job” you are then an accepted member of society, able to... » read this article
  • Call to Action! , United 15 October

    On October 15th people from all over the world will take to the streets and squares. From America to Asia, from Africa to Europe, people are rising up to claim their rights and demand a true democracy. Now it is time for all of us to join in a global... » read this article
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