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Updated January 19, 2012 - 10:05 PM EST
SOPA Sponsors Abandon Bill Amid Mass Protests
Copter Down in Afghanistan, 6 NATO Troops Die
  Afghan Governor: NATO Kills 5 Civilians
  UK Soldiers Arrested on Charges of Sexually Abusing Afghan Children
  Bomb Attacks Kill 19 in Southern Afghanistan
US Rejects Israeli Complaints: Sanctions Hurt Iran
  House Foreign Affairs Chair: Iran Talks 'A Foolish Waste of Time'
Iraq Sunni Leader Arrested on Terrorism Charges

Iranian Lawmaker: Obama Proposed Direct Talks

Egypt’s Military Rulers Warn of ‘Grave Danger’
UN: Gaza Blockade Is Collective Punishment
Syrian Army, Rebels Agree to Truce in One Town
Libya 'Freedom Fighters' Impose Harsh Brand of Islam

Back From Libya, Tuaregs Fight for Northern Mali

Bahrain Police Again Attack Protesters
Yemen Promises Elections Will Occur as Scheduled
Obama's Dumbest Defender Takes on Obama's Dumbest Critics  by Conor Friedersdorf
More Intellectual Dishonesty at The New York Times  by Thomas Harrington
Korea Shows All That Is Wrong With US Foreign Policy  by Laurence M. Vance
Will 2012 Be to Iran What 1998 Was to Iraq?  by Justin Logan
Time to Quiet War Drums With Iran  by Rami G. Khouri
Guantanamo Remembered: A Personal Perspective  by Moazzam Begg

More Viewpoints


Coalition Censors Details on Troops Killed by Afghan Soldiers, Police

US: Al-Qaeda Magazine Got Into Guantánamo Cell

UK Rendition and Torture Collusion Inquiry Scrapped

Not Quite a Foe, US Looms Large in Russian Worldview

Britain Accuses Argentina of Colonialism Over Falklands


Pakistan Scandal's Latest Twist: Naked Wrestling

Pakistan 'Will Arrest Pervez Musharraf if He Returns'


Rocket Hits Turkish Embassy in Iraq

Vacationing in Iraq? Better Get a Visa.


OPEC President Iraq Wants Hormuz Assurance From Iran

NATO Urges Iran to Ensure Security of Oil Supply

Iran Says It Is in Touch With Powers on New Talks, EU Denies

Barak Says Israeli Decision on Iran Strike Remains 'Far Off'


India, China Seek to Avoid Border Flare-Ups

'Path Open' for North Korea Talks, Neighbors Say

Aung San Suu Kyi Registers for Myanmar Election Run

Chinese Dissident Details Alleged Torture

United States

US Army Burns Off Final Chemical Weapons in Utah Depot

From US Private School Student to Militant

TSA Admits Errors in Searches of Elderly Women in NY

Brother of Slain Former SEAL Dies of Wounds


Russia Vows to Block Western Intervention in Syria

Britain Urges Tougher Syria Sanctions

Baghdad Sends International Rescue to Protect Iraqi Refugees in Syria

Arab League Meeting to Condemn Syria

Lebanese Druze Leader Fears Civil War in Syria

Middle East

Radioactive Material Said Stolen From Egypt Plant

Rising to Power, Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood Mixes Pragmatism, Ideology on Israel Peace

Libya Militia Leader 'Tortured and Killed in Detention'

Gulf Allies Move to Reap Spoils of Libya War


Israeli Strike Kills Two in Gaza

Mabhouh, Mossad and the 'Jackal' Who Vanished Into Thin Air

Israel Seeks to End Ancient African Jewish Custom


Tourists From 5 Nations Victims in Ethiopia Attack, Eritrea Blamed

Nigeria Army Outpost Attacked in Northeast, 2 Dead

Kenya Troops Claim They Kill Six Shabab, All 'Commanders'


Mexico Drug War Bloodies Areas Thought Safe

Chavez Defends Venezuela's New Military Chief

Nicaraguans Worry About Ortega's Foreign Friends

Read more

Justin Raimondo
The Gingrich Doctrine: 'Kill Them!'

Philip Giraldi
Creating American Terrorists

Ivan Eland
Cut Carriers Now

Kelley B. Vlahos
Michael Hastings vs. Team America

Charles V. Peņa
The Myth of Military Budget Cuts

Nebojsa Malic
Tides of Darkness

Ran HaCohen
Was Elliott Abrams Hitler's Senior Advisor?

David R. Henderson
The Left's Antiwar Movement in Monterey: Down but Not Out

Additional Contributors
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