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posted to Politics » on 06 Feb 2007 at 5:32 PM   |  Favorite   |  Watch    |   share:  Share on Twitter share via Email Share on Facebook   more»   |    Get this fabulous T-Shirt and impress the methane out of your friends! shirt it!

2611 Comments   (+0 »)

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2007-02-06 04:51:20 PM
(ok, maybe "asbestos underwear" dates me as an old usenet reader)
2007-02-06 05:36:34 PM
No personal attacks? shiat man, might as well not even have the damned thing then :D

Btw Mike, you should really change the filter so when someone times Ni--er it comes out as "son of the congo". Just sayin'
2007-02-06 05:37:27 PM
Ok that was a weird typo.

times=says. Still needs to be switched to "son of the congo" though :p
2007-02-06 05:40:15 PM
Mike: (ok, maybe "asbestos underwear" dates me as an old usenet reader)

:shrug: If that's the way you and Asbstos Underwear roll... :D
2007-02-06 05:41:40 PM
This country is run like it's ruled by a bunch of retarded monkeys. The only difference among them is which hand they use to throw poo.
2007-02-06 05:43:13 PM
If everyone that said "I don't want to waste my vote on a 3rd party candidate" would vote for a 3rd party candidate, maybe we can see some progress in the way government is currently run.
2007-02-06 05:43:17 PM
ohhh look scathing political debate libtardydemocraticanhippiecon bastards
2007-02-06 05:44:32 PM
Hi...is this where we sign up for the Flame War?

2007-02-06 05:46:40 PM
Lord_Baull: If everyone that said "I don't want to waste my vote on a 3rd party candidate" would vote for a 3rd party candidate, maybe we can see some progress in the way government is currently run.

Nah...we' just be waiting an extra five hours as they read the election results.

"and, tied for nith with one vote each are Abraham Abrams, Arnold Anderson, George Annui..."
2007-02-06 05:48:47 PM

If everyone that said "I don't want to waste my vote on a 3rd party candidate" would vote for a 3rd party candidate, maybe we can see some progress in the way government is currently run.

That is exactly the type of thinking I'd expect from some snaggletoothed monkey loving mongoloid.

/Did I just break the rules?
2007-02-06 05:51:15 PM
Stay in milk, drink school!
2007-02-06 05:51:24 PM
I have no idea what's going on here, but that's probably because I'm a hippie tree-hugging libtard.
2007-02-06 05:54:13 PM
If everyone that said "I don't want to waste my vote on a 3rd party candidate" would vote for a 3rd party candidate, maybe we can see some progress in the way government is currently run.

Heh, the last time I said something similar, I received an email that had a single sentence full of expletives. It's kind of funny to watch someone lose it like that.
2007-02-06 05:54:39 PM
If everyone that said "I don't want to waste my vote on a 3rd party candidate" would vote for a 3rd party candidate, maybe we can see some progress in the way government is currently run.

I don't know of a 3rd party that really represents my views any more than the two major parties. I end up voting strategically to get as close as I think I can get.

which party do you throw your votes away on anyway?

/hoping to see the a new third party soon
2007-02-06 05:56:16 PM
IXI Jim IXI [TotalFark]

Nah...we' just be waiting an extra five hours as they read the election results.

"and, tied for nith with one vote each are Abraham Abrams, Arnold Anderson, George Annui..."

That's why I'm changing my name before I run for Congress. To Aarnold Aamundson.
2007-02-06 05:57:30 PM
Mr.Asshat: What's going to happen in this thread?

Something wonderful.
2007-02-06 05:57:46 PM
Maud Dib: That's why I'm changing my name before I run for Congress. To Aarnold Aamundson.

Well, at least then you can just wait a few minutes to hear your name and turn the channel ;)
2007-02-06 05:59:27 PM
CravenMorehead: Something wonderful.

2007-02-06 05:59:52 PM
This headline makes no sense to me.
2007-02-06 06:01:56 PM
Mike: (ok, maybe "asbestos underwear" dates me as an old usenet reader)

Looked perfectly normal to me.

/old usenet reader
2007-02-06 06:02:45 PM
the dems that voted to give the president the authority to invade iraq are just as responsible as the republicans for the mess in iraq.

whether or not saddam had wmd the post invasion phase was still not reasonably considered. even with a wmd armed saddam threatening the world the post-invasion phase was a consequence of the invasion that anyone should know needed addressing before the actual invasion. what's up with that?

2007-02-06 06:08:21 PM

Ummm... last time we tried that, we got Ross Perot.

So, next time we don't run a batshiat crazy fark and an incompetant VP...problem solved.
2007-02-06 06:13:12 PM
A perpetual flamewar thread. Good. Allow me to make the introduction:

2007-02-06 06:17:35 PM

hey -- they said no personal attacks, and that's a straight dis...
2007-02-06 06:19:02 PM
Fark the troops.
2007-02-06 06:20:21 PM
Lord_Baull: If everyone that said "I don't want to waste my vote on a 3rd party candidate" would vote for a 3rd party candidate, maybe we can see some progress in the way government is currently run.

Why not just wish for people to vote in responsible and honest people from the existing two parties and vote out the dishonest ones regardless of their party. Get the politicians to clean up government by getting the dirty money out, publicly funding campaigns, and enacting ethical standards.

If there's a blizzard in hell and a third party does supplant one of the current two, it will not be any better than the party it supplants if people casting the votes don't change.
2007-02-06 06:20:24 PM
Holy crap...a fireproof forum.

I guess we'll see how long this lasts...
2007-02-06 06:23:06 PM
Jack Johnson FTW.
2007-02-06 06:27:20 PM

Ummm... last time we tried that, we got Ross Perot.

So, next time we don't run a batshiat crazy fark and an incompetant VP...problem solved.

Look, you can't put a porcupine in a barn and expect to get licorice.
2007-02-06 06:28:40 PM
I'd like to say that, on principle, I am opposed to Pizza Hut Cheezy Bites pizza, and anyone who orders one is a lemonheaded terrorist.
2007-02-06 06:31:16 PM
Who and the what now?

\this thread makes no sense
2007-02-06 06:33:06 PM
Dammit, I forgot to set the porcupine on fire. I lose at the internets.
2007-02-06 06:35:31 PM
Your opinion is wrong!

My opinion is right!
2007-02-06 06:37:37 PM
AgentOrangeDrink: Dammit, I forgot to set the porcupine on fire. I lose at the internets.

huh. i thought you were going for a disjointed perotism. i thought it was funny....what does that make me lose at?

also, i agree with BizzaroHulk. +1
2007-02-06 06:38:56 PM
AgentOrangeDrink: Look, you can't put a porcupine in a barn and expect to get licorice.

Almost sounds like something a Dan Ratherism. Partisan shill, but I loved his sayings.
2007-02-06 06:39:34 PM
the_gospel_of_thomas: *Nods my head in agreement*

Seriously, though.

You don't believe there should be more than the two established parties here in the US?

Where's the fun in that? You don't think that sooner or later people are going to get tired of the racket and vote a third party majority?
2007-02-06 06:50:36 PM
I've been wanting to see hand written ballots. That'll make the parties in power fix education overnight, when they realize that if their constituents can read or write, they also can't vote.

The old reading test were rigged because the person administering the test chose the reading, and would ask the black man to read sanskrit.

All I want is to see blank ballots, perhaps with no offices or measures listed, and some minimum % of votes cast must have voted about the subject to retain the office or proposal.

Then we can also see repeat voters when they all look alike.

Thats right, DE-DIEBOLD the process. Sure, it'll take forever to count, but the results will be worth it. No more two party ballots.
2007-02-06 06:51:19 PM
the_gospel_of_thomas: How do you propose we change our political and government structures to facilitate that?

I don't believe it's been a problem before.

We not have Independents in Congress...

And we have had other parties besides the Republicrats.

I'm just not seeing much of a choice these days. There's little difference between the two parties once you look past the surface.

If you are going to have a plurality, its going to necessitate quite a big change in procedure.

Please elaborate. What would have to change?
2007-02-06 06:57:17 PM
whidbey: What would have to change?

Single-member districts with first-past-the-post winners would have to change. That is the reason we have only two viable parties.
2007-02-06 07:00:11 PM
I for one would like there to be no political parties. As it stands now about the only purpose that they serve is as a crutch for the mentally lazy, after all you don't have to think about the issues if you can just check off the little D or R. The main purpose of the parties seems to be to raise money for other people in that party to get elected. To that end here is my proposal:

You may not donate money to any specific candidate nor to any specific group of candidates. Any and all money shall be donated to a single pool. The money in that pool will then be divided amongst those who are running for a specific office and are legally eligable for that office.

Candidates for a given office may not spend their own money on any given campaign, save that they donate that money to the aforementioned pool.

Thoughts? (other than it will never happen, I know that.)
2007-02-06 07:01:20 PM
the_gospel_of_thomas: do you really want the office of the presidency to be determined by just 20% of the nations vote?

How do you know that would be the case?

Perhaps there would be an overwhelming majority of voters.

Third parties have never broken the bank before. They promote diversity.

Abagadro: Single-member districts with first-past-the-post winners would have to change. That is the reason we have only two viable parties.

Change how?
2007-02-06 07:02:07 PM
the_gospel_of_thomas: If you have 3, 4 or 5 political parties running for office, do you really want the office of the presidency to be determined by just 20% of the nations vote?

How about instant run-offs? Or instead of pick 1 you put the candidates on the ballot in order of preference.
2007-02-06 07:02:42 PM
Anybody who doesn't agree with me is an uneducated retard!

//The very heart of farkness
2007-02-06 07:08:09 PM
This is boring. We're not allowed to call anyone an uneducated retard in here.
2007-02-06 07:13:50 PM
the_gospel_of_thomas: Give it a try, clifton. You might actually find it refreshing.

Heh yeah, that will happen.
2007-02-06 07:17:13 PM

You can't just say "vote for third parties". Well, you can, but it won't happen, at least not consistently. The U.S. system of government and specifically, the majoritarian method of electing people, is set up to favor a two party system.

3rd parties have existed in our nation's history, but the movements are brief and fizzle quickly because the other two parties adjust to usurp their voting demographic.

To that end, though, they're effective in forcing the controlling parties to change.

If you want a more long-lasting 3rd part movement, we need to move to electing by plurality. For instance, I'm in Missouri, and we have 9 reps (I think). In a plural system, if the green party got roughly 11% of the vote statewide, they would get one of our seats. There wouldn't be districts that each seaprately elected in the person with the most votes. Run-off systems also work, but not very well. UK uses them, as well as Louisiana, but the end result is usually two parties with a minor delegation or 3rds (Liberal Democrats in UK).

So if we want to change, we need to change the constitution.

I suggest you read "Patterns of Democracy" by Arend Lijphart. It's textbook-y but a very good comprehensive overview of how institutions of government interact and affect voting patterns.
2007-02-06 07:17:23 PM
the_gospel_of_thomas: If you've got 5 politicians running for office, and you think that one would get over 50% of the vote? With Perot, he got 19%, Bush got 37% and Clinton got 43% in 1992 & won with - LESS votes than W got in 2000.

But you're talking about the popular vote.

Why wouldn't the Electoral College offset this? Wouldn't there still have to be a certain number of actual states they'd have to win?

Sorry, but I can't buy into a viable bi-ocracy rule...

There's no way that either of our parties addresses the needs of the majority. There has to be more diversity...
2007-02-06 07:19:50 PM
And thanks, Clonod. Will seek that title out. I have a lot of strong feelings about this topic, but confess I am something of a Know-Nothing regarding some of the reasons...
2007-02-06 07:20:15 PM
I really don't even understand the purpose of this thread. What is it telling us?

Is it telling us to not use personal attacks from now in, including other threads?

Is it telling us that from now on, only 7 days of comments will be listed?

I don't not understand.
2007-02-06 07:24:46 PM
moops: I really don't even understand the purpose of this thread. What is it telling us?

Is it telling us to not use personal attacks from now in, including other threads?

Is it telling us that from now on, only 7 days of comments will be listed?

I don't not understand.

I'm reading it as a thread that will never disappear, just displays the last seven days worth of comments.

Probably someone with sand in their vagina complained. Of course, Fark can't truly enforce the "no personal attacks" rule since site visits will plummet (goodbye ad revenue/TF subscriptions), so I guess as a compromise, this thread was created.
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