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Richard Roeper biography

Richard Roeper's column has been appearing in the Sun-Times for more than 20 years. The column has garnered numerous awards, including the National Headliner Award …Read More

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More villains than heroes so far aboard sinking Costa Concordia

If you’ve been on a cruise, you know the drill. Literally. Shortly after boarding the ship, there’s an announcement, you grab life vests, you head to your designated deck, you find your spot and there’s a safety drill and roll call. The only cruises I’ve …

Ricky Gervais doesn’t quite bomb at Golden Globes

By the time NBC’s red carpet hosts were breathlessly informing us we were just seconds away from the much-anticipated-super-controversial-who-knows-what-he’ll-say return appearance of Ricky Gervais as host of the Golden Globes, it was almost certainly doomed to be an underwhelming performance. What was Gervais going to …

Tebow a less than average QB

Maybe it was a Holy Anger, but dozens of citizens of Tebow Nation were seriously ticked off at me last Saturday afternoon over a few tweets. First tweet: “What do Neil Lomax, Jeff Hostetler, Jeff George, Elvis Grbac, Jon Kitna, Chad Henne & Trent Edwards …

Howard Stern as TV ‘Talent’ judge? Parent group objects

What with the Kardashians and the sleazy dating shows and the teen mom programs and the real housewives and all the other schlock on TV these days, you’d think the Parents Television Council would just issue a statement proclaiming: “WE’RE AGAINST ALL OF IT!” But …

Roeper: Drew Peterson movie coming to Lifetime as bad as it looks

The young Rob Lowe made an impressive splash in films such as “St. Elmo’s Fire,” “About Last Night...” and “The Outsiders” — but it would have been no huge surprise if Lowe had faded from the scene by middle age. Granted, Lowe delivered mostly solid …

Add Jay-Z and Beyonce’s ‘Blue Ivy’ to list of head-scratching celebrity baby names

As I’m sure you’ve heard by now, Beyonce and Jay-Z have welcomed a baby girl, who was born last Saturday night in New York. And how refreshing is it that these two superstars gave their child the very old-fashioned, traditional name of Ann Marie! Maybe …

Gloomy winter forecast looking silly

Didn’t see a man who danced with his wife in Chicago over the weekend, but I did see a man and a couple of women who ran in their shorts. In January. From the Sun-Times of Oct. 5, 2011: “Enjoy the nice weather while you …

Why don’t candidates just say they’re quitting the race?

What’s the deal with the suspensions and reassesments? Whatever happened to quitting, dropping out, throwing in the towel? When Herman Cain dropped out of the Republican presidential race in early December, he told us, “I am suspending my campaign because of the continued distraction, the …

And the winner of the 2011 GOOF Awards is...

RICHARD ROEPER: The GOOF is reserved for the most scandalous, shameless, silly and sinful national celebrities of the year. While there was heavy competition this year, there can only be one winner.

Another movie awards season, another controversy

Another movie awards season, another couple of controversies involving biopics. First there was the dustup about whether Colin Clark really did have an affair with the leading sex symbol of her time, as portrayed in “My Week With Marilyn.” Now come cries of foul over …

Why did Lowe’s pull TV ad? It followed Rule No. 1: Stay away from controversy

Back in the day, major advertisers such as auto retailers and home-improvement centers had only a handful of choices when deciding which TV programs they’d sponsor. You could go with a huge national hit like “Dallas” (29 million viewers per show in 1982-83) or “The …

Love him or hate him, there’s no escaping Tebow

Denver Broncos quarterback Tim Tebow is a polarizing figure with his in-your-face brand of Christianity, but there’s no arguing the NFL is more interesting with him in it.

Lohan’s Playboy shoot can’t put her in Marilyn Monroe’s class

A few years ago, Lindsay Lohan posed semi-nude as Marilyn Monroe for New York magazine. Like a hundred other starlets who have made a splash on the scene in the half-century since Monroe’s death, Lohan seems all too willing to embrace the comparisons to the …

Celebs ought to think before tweeting

For celebrities with massive followings on Twitter, it must be difficult to resist the temptation to Tweet complaints (or compliments) as you go about your day. But they should try.

It’s bonkers to claim ‘The Muppets’ is liberal brainwashing

After multiple viewings of the now-infamous Fox Business Network’s take on the new “Muppets” movie, I can come to only one conclusion. Bonkers. They’re bonkers. In a segment on “Follow the Money,” FBN’s Eric Bolling paired up with Dan Gainor of the right-wing Media Research …

A golden idea: Make Blagojevich drive a bus for seniors

“I f------ busted my ass and ... gave your grandmother a free ride ... and what do I get for that? Only 13 percent of you all out there think I’m doing a good job. So f--- all of you.” — Former Illinois Gov. Rod …

Richard Roeper: Cain didn’t have what it takes to become president

When he kept the sunglasses on, you knew he was gone. On a sunny Saturday afternoon in Atlanta, Herman Cain and his wife, Gloria, stepped off a giant bus with a giant photo of Herman Cain. The crowd included some who were in Colonial costumes …