NEW WORLDS #118 (1962)

Guest editorial by J G Ballard.

There is a reference in here to a BBC Home Service broadcast on March 18th of that year in which Ballard, Aldiss, Brunner, Bulmer, Wyndham and Amis Snr. discuss the future of SF and Ballard laid out his idea that it was time for SF to move away from dealing with space travel, etc, advocating instead more stories that related to the Earth itself and the things that sit beneath humanity - "Inner Space", as he called it. And thus the manifesto for the British New Wave of SF was laid down...


Looking through my record collection, I just realised I've probably got more Bo Hansson albums than it's healthy for any one individual to own, but - you know what - I don't actually care.

Hansson - like Rick Wakeman - has moments of shocking, er, funkiness; in fact, one of my favourite things in the world - and this is how low I've sunk (Jeez, has it really come to this?) - is getting pissed with an unsuspecting mate and then playing some of this shit - loudly - and almost invariably, within about 12- 15 seconds, they'll go, "shit, this is bloody wild - what is this?"

*laughs through a reverb-unit while a hired-in organist and bongo-player bash out a Elfishly-Prog four-bar flourish*


The moment I saw this, I knew I had to have it. Not because it's The King of Easy Listening - but because - Holy Mother of God! - because the cover was a bad, blurry colour photocopy (ripped with water marks and a chipped css case) and the tape was an unlabelled dup that some unknown somebody had made, God-Knows-When, for God-Knows-What-Reason...

Ye Gods, do ye not understand, people: it's a James Last boot!

*straightens tie and composes himself*


A bit of flutter, but a disappointing lack of stretch - but still... a nice mysterious artifact with an accidentally beautiful cover that the scan fails to do full justice to. I'm a sad git: I collect stuff like this. 

Not James Last, but Edition James Last. Some of you will instantly grok what I mean: by copying it (and by me finding it), this tape has now become something else...a failed simulation or something.



The soundtrack to Grant Gee's film on WG Sebald (amongst other things); once again, James plays around with the themes of memory (and loss of), decay, erosion, etc. I'm still working my way through this as I'm writing, but the pieces I've listened to so far are exquisite miniatures, beautiful exercises in understatement. Repetition seems to play a key part in the process: the effect is like listening to a series of digital music-boxes: distorted, broken, muffled, the fragments of music competing with artifact noise from their original host media.

Says James: "The audio is based solely around the very earliest recordings of Franz Schubert's Wintereisse". Interestingly, me and Schubert have had a pretty fractious and unsatisfying relationship over the years, but this now makes me want to revisit his work. I've got a couple of 80's-vintage Schubert cassettes sitting around in a box somewhere that someone once gave me; maybe I should play them on the oldest / worst tape-player I can find. I wish I'd heard this before I'd ever heard any Schubert; maybe our relationship wouldn't've been so, you know, sour.

"When The Dog Days Were Drawing To An End" almost has a sort of parlour-performance cum Satie-esque feel to it; if it wasn't for the slightly disturbing vocal fragament, it might almost sound like some strange piece of Victorian or Edwardian kitsch, yet the crackle, the repetition and the emotional double-density achieved by slowing the music down slightly, distilling it, making it denser, more concentrated in some way (Austrian Romanticism gets the New Beat reduced-bpm-isation treatment)...effects some curious form of transformation, turns it into a gentle, almost glacial waltz across the wooden floorboards of a drawing-room whose curtains are's like a pair of figures on an antique music-box slowly going round and round and round - I can almost see them - her skirt spinning, twirling, carching the air, except the figures are human-sized - they're real people...and I realise that what I'm seeing is a locked memory; it's someone else's neural-circuits misfiring, their brain caught in some endless, eternally-replaying moment from their own past that is as ghastly as it is beautiful - ghastly because they're doomed to revisit it over and over again...a moment from their youth they can never quite physically touch again.

"Everything Is On The Point Of Decline" sounds - oddly - like it's been played on a Fender Rhodes; there's a strange electric resonance to the melody, a side-effect of the plug-in / software / effect used, I guess, which adds a curious sense of distance which, when combined with the stately repetition of the music and the layer of hiss that hangs overhead, makes it sound like it's being played in a snowglobe. Which then makes sense of the cover art...

"Approaching The Outer Limits Of Our Solar System" plays a similar trick with the hisssss, except - to my ears - it sounds less like a deep-space Voyager transmission and more like I'm crouched in a damp crevice under a waterfall listening to music from a nearby church. It's quite...amazing. I'm hearing Cheddar Gorge, Wookey Hole, a cascading stream on Dartmoor, Ninesprings: West Country temporal reference-points from my own past.

This music is playing tricks with my memory.

In some uncanny way, I think James is achieving a similar effect with his music to what Hirst achieved with The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living...except, maybe, it's more like: The Physical Impossibility of Being Old in the Mind of Someone Who's Not

Available from Boomcat - or Boomkat - or whatever it's called. I've already forgotten.


Farmer Glitch pointed this out to me.

So, have we been pirated by some Chinese / Japanese / Korean on-demand casualware delivery-system or is this empirical evidence for Quantum Entanglement / Non-Local Connectedness? - an internet portal into some Bizarro Alt.Subunderground version of our world. ("On-demand"? There is no demand for HF merch - heh)

I mean, I'm pretty sure that is one of my mother-in-law's cows. But what's it doing in Asia?

As Tha Farmer said: "No idea what / why / how / etc". A true WTF Moment.

Shit: they've even got hoodies...

I'm thinking that we should either (a) buy a couple of these and wear them (actually, maybe we should contact the site and ask for a couple of freebies, yeah?), or, even better (b) make our own bootleg versions of them: a copy of a copy...hmmm: that has a certain internal / intuitive logic to it.

Meanwhile, you should avoid shoddy knock-offs and bootlegs produced by dodgy, fly-by-night Asian rip-off merchants and only buy professionally-made, high-end, quality HF casualware products.

Yeah, that would probably be best.


Love Black Dice; saw them 2 or 3 times back in the mid-00's, but kinda (accidentally) drifted away from them. Met the guys briefly at a Boredoms show and then interviewed them some while later on the phone for a piece that the magazine in question shied away from in the end: lovely fellas.

Stumbled over them live again, late 2010 and have to say they were probably one of the best live bands I saw that year - Godspeed!YBE, notwithstanding. They seemed to have picked up a loooot more kineticism than when I saw them a few years earlier; they were funny as fuck, inventive, mental in-yr-face rocking-out: all the stuff you expect from a really great live act. I've always preferred them, head and shoulders, to Animal Collective, IHTS.

Anyway, promised myself there and then I'd get back to keeping abreast with their new output, but - duh! - failed in that respect through all the usual distractions of work and play. Stumbled over this, though - a teaser for a new album - and it made me grin with great pleasure; hope you do too.


Some more Compression Art - some shots more successful than others - this time including a quick Night Shoot (which was a lot of fun!). I inherited my wife's old camera complete with 256mb SD-card, which keeps filling up and needs to be emptied, so I've just ordered a cheapo 4gb one, so I can go at this with more, um, rigour.



Less keen on some of the other tracks, but really like the way this settles into just...being itself, and slow-morphing variations thereof.


Durutti-ish at the beginning. The female speech synthesis sounds oddly Nico-esque (wonder if there's an Icily-Teutonic Smack-Queen Vocoder Plug-In for Fruity); also like the way the rhythmic-pulse almost stumbles at points and the track seems to slow down even further (it's actually an illusion - or is it?), threatening to fall apart and crumble into digital-grain or pitch itself dn into glacial near-drone like Eno's Discreet Music

From the album Ralph and Robert

Via Evanescenza


Kinda like the whole, erm, drawingedness of this:

Hacker Farm: celebrating the home-made, the table-soldered and the, er, hand-washed.

This year's must-have summat-or-other.