The Free Gaza movement is a human rights group that, since August 2008, has attempted to travel ten times to Gaza by sea to break Israel's illegal stranglehold on1.5 million Palestinian civilians. We entered Gaza successfully five times in 2008; however, we have been violently intercepted on four voyages, including Israel's MAY 31, 2010 lethal attack on our Freedom Flotilla,when nine of our colleagues were killed and many more injured by Israeli commandos. And, on the tenth voyage in July 2011, Greece prevented us from leaving as Israel and the U.S. outsourced Israel's occupation of Gaza to Greece. (See also

We sail as an expression of citizen nonviolent, direct action, confronting Israel's ongoing abuses of Palestinian human and political rights and will continue to challenge Israel's illegal siege on Gaza.


Open Letter from Gaza: Three Years after the Massacre, Justice or Nothing!


Tuesday, 27th December, 2011

Besieged Gaza, Occupied Palestine

We, Palestinians of Gaza, 3 years on from the 22-day long massacre in Israel’s operation ‘Cast Lead’, are calling on international civil society to make 2012 the year when solidarity with us in Palestine captures the spark of the revolutions around the Arab world and never looks back. On this anniversary we demand an international liberation movement that eventually leads to just that, liberation for us Palestinians from 63 years of brutal military occupation and ethnic cleansing that pours shame on any organisation or government claiming to endorse universal human rights.

We will never forget the hurt of 3 years ago, the criminal onslaught that we lived through, the blood of over 1400 murdered men, women and hundreds of children running through the streets of Gaza, between the rubble, soaking our beds and etched on our minds. We will never forget. For they are still dead, and thousands more are still maimed. [1]



THE RAID documentary will be broadcasted in the USA by Link TV. Feel free to spread this information among your friends / contacts.

Thank you very much for everybody, who made this film possible.

Tuesday, December 6th, Wednesday, December 7th, 4:00 pm, 9:00 am

Saturday, December 10th, 9:00 pm

Kind regards, Marcello Faraggi

More details on :


Special: The Raid - The Untold Story of the Gaza Flotilla


Published on Monday, November 14, 2011

Why I wanted to Challenge the Israeli Naval Blockade of Gaza

In the overland five trips I have made to Gaza since March, 2009, I have seen the disastrous effect of the brutal Israeli land and sea blockade has had on the Palestinian people. I have seen the terrible level of destruction that the 2008-2009 Israeli attack wrecked on Gaza, in which 1,400 Palestinians were killed in the 22 day attack, 5,000 were wounded and 50,000 were made homeless. I was on the Gaza Freedom March in 2009 and I was a passenger on the US Boat to Gaza, the “Audacity of Hope” that was forbidden from sailing June, 2011 by the Greek government on behalf of the Israeli government.

As one of two American citizens on the Gaza “Freedom Waves,” I represented hundreds of thousands of Americans who are challenging Israeli and US policies concerning Palestine. We are using a variety of methods to let Israeli government officials know that international citizen activists are not going to stop challenging their policies. Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions programs, international citizens who attempt to protection Palestinians as the farm, fish and go to school, students confronting Israeli officials as they speak around the world and flotillas and waves of boats are part of the international effort. I am very proud to be a part of this movement.

Irish Ship to Gaza

For Immediate Release: Thursday 10 November 2011, 9:45 am

For more information, contact:

Laurence Davis 086 360 5053 (Outside of Ireland, add +353 and drop the 0)

Claudia Saba 086 393 8821

The seven Irish human rights activists due home in Ireland this afternoon at 2:25 pm were at the last minute prevented from boarding their flight out of Ben Gurion airport by Israeli armed guards. They had been taken last night to a holding cell and were ready to board their 7:40 am flight to London this morning when at the last minute they were prevented from doing so by Israeli security forces and returned to Givon prison. All seven are now being detained indefinitely, with no further news available from Israeli authorities or the Irish Department of Foreign Affairs about when they will be released.

An Irish Ship to Gaza shore team coordinator spoke briefly on the phone with Fintan Lane before communication was abruptly cut off. Lane said: “This is a deliberate and calculated attempt by the Israelis to break our spirit. It won’t succeed.”

Lane also reported that the seven had been subject to “continuous harassment and repeated, humiliating body searches” and were shackled and “denied sleep”.

Gay Lawlor, Zoe Lawlor’s brother, spoke briefly with Zoe, who described what was happening as “sheer malice” on the part of the Israelis.


Freegaza T-Shirts

now available at palestineonlinestore
proceeds are donated to the Free Gaza Movement.

Speaker Bureau


Free Gaza Events

Video links



About the situation of the Palestinian fishermen and the daily attacks of the Israeli Navy.
Includes (for the first time) original footage of the attacks of the Israeli Navy, taken from inside the Palestinian fishingboats.


About the situation of Gaza farmers and the rural communities adjacent to the Green Line, and the daily attacks of the Israeli occupation forces.

Includes footage of the IOF attacks on Gazan farmers





The site of the International Campaign of Solidarity with the Palestinian Prisoners.

About the more than 11.000 prisoners (among them dozens of women and  hundred of children) in Israeli jails that face authorized torture, medical
negligence, sexual harassment, body & strip searches, administrative detention without charges or trial, denial of visits, denial of the right of education and many other violations of human rights.
Includes videos with interviews of ex-prisoners or relatives of prisoners.

Defend the Rescuers
The site of the International Campaign of Solidarity with the Palestinian  Emergency Workers
Includes original footage of the IOF attacks on the Palestinian Emergency Workers

Paypal Donation


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Olympia-Rafah Mural


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