Tuesday, January 17, 2012


so much depends

a white flower

glazed with fire

the incan-
descent light.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Dana Falconberry - Muskegon

The last thing you need is yet another west coast beach-influenced song.

But this is not that west coast. This is the west coast of Michigan, and the beach is in Muskegon. I took this photo after a short walk through the woods. Though at first glance you might think you would love to be here right now, I squeezed the camera button through a gloved hand in the biting north December chill.

On the opposite dune, there were solitary trails of footprints in the sand.

Dana Falconberry captures the mood here, in her song named after the city. From Dana Falconberry's new EP, Though I Didn't Call It Came.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Kathryn Calder on World Cafe

The New Pornographers' Kathryn Calder, who fills in beautifully for Neko Case when Neko can't make shows, was on World Cafe this Wednesday. Listen to the interview and performance here. Also, here's the official video for "Turn the Light On," from her latest album, Bright & Vivid.

Saturday, January 07, 2012

You Never Say Just Who You Are

The Ettes tore through a live in-studio set at WFMU back in August.  It was tough like this:

The Ettes - You Never Say (Live for WFMU's The Cherry Blossom Clinic) (popup)

Wicked Will is a 5 dollar download on Amazon.

Monday, January 02, 2012

Let's All Have a Love-a-Rama

From the Alabama Music Hall of Fame:
Leon Bass learned to play the guitar and sing when he was 14 years old. Around 1955 or 1956 he traveled to Florence, Alabama and worked with James Joiner's Tune Records recording a couple of songs he had written - "Love-a-Rama" and "Come On Baby." The record never did much on the charts but later became a collector's item and is listed at #250 on Rolling Stone Magazine's 1000 Collector Records Chart. "Love-a-Rama" has been covered by The Country Rockers and Southern Culture on the Skids and was used in the Paramount Pictures movie, Varsity Blue.
50's kink lives!  Long live 50's kink!

Leon Bass & The Keystones - Love-a-Rama  (mp3 download on 4shared)

From the Oxford American Southern Music CD, "Mississippi," free with the December issue.  Also free: For Further Listening, which has a Leon Bass cover of Jerry Lee Lewis.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Arcade Fire Presents Sprawl II

Arcade Fire are pioneers of interactive music video.  First there was The Wilderness Downtown, and now, Sprawl II, which is a little weirder, but in a good way.