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Last Week…
Samantha Wilson

Not many images this week, school is back in full swing! Right now we have a Palladium show up in the Wilgus gallery which I am apart of, and I am curating a show which is going up in a month! Our Palladium show opening is this friday so I’ll have pictures of the event soon after. Have a great week everyone!

Winter Contest
- bjornsphoto -

Please vote for my pictures here: WINTERCONTEST (Click the picture you like and use the stars below the pic to vote)

A Winter Sunset
Photo By Holly
Monday morning on Upton Heath
Pictures from Everyday Life
It ain’t over……
John Faber - Tri-f fotografie
“the humblest scenes of your successful labors…”
Joshua O. Pethybridge

“the humblest scenes of your successful labors will become hallowed ground to which, in memory at least, you will make many a joyous pilgrimage, and, like Rousseau, in the fullness of your emotions, kiss the very earth that bore the print of your oft-repeated footsteps” Letters on Landscape Painting

Finding “Lotus”: Part I–Exploring a New Tool
Wanderings & Wonderings

Part 1 in a series of 5 weekly posts about discovery and the creative process _______________________________________________________________ “For technical data – the camera was faithfully used”                                                                                   -Minor White There are so many technical innovations affecting our world and within the field of photography they just seem to be endless. Of course, one of the most pervasive and prolific of these innovations, as to current image making, is the smart phone and the use of the photo app. Waiting for mom. iPhone/Hipstamatic When I got my iPhone4, with its improved camera, one of the most popular apps available was the Hipstamatic.  I don’t remember whether it was before or after I bought it that I saw on the New York Times website where a photographer had used this app to shoot a story. It turned out that its use for this application raised quite a firestorm of comments under the photo essay

Delta Dreaming
Daily Paintings

                Acrylic on paper, 11″ x 15″ This painting went to the Charles H Taylor Center in Hampton yesterday as my submission to the Hampton Art’s League Open Member’s Show this year.   The opening reception for the show is next Saturday, January 28, from 3 to 5:30 pm and the exhibit  runs through February 26.

No visible sunrise, just archive from 10/22/2011
MaxReynolds: Sunrise, Sunset and other Visions

It was raining this morning so coincidently there was no visible sunrise.  We need the rain in Northern California so I am fine with it.  I need to get some other things done. Thank you for stopping by to look at my photographs and enjoy the rest of your day. Max 10/22/2011on01/23/2012 VIEW SLIDE SHOW DOWNLOAD ALL