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"How We Won Health Care for All"

Brought to Oregon by Jobs with Justice, 13.12.2011 09:18

"How We Won Health Care for All," a presentation by the Vermont WorkersCenter
Wednesday, December 14, 7:00 p.m.
Rogue Valley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 87 Fourth St., Ashland

In June 2010, Vermont signed into law a plan to create a statewide, universal health care system. Now the spirit of Vermont is coming to Oregon. Come hear from two members of the Vermont Workers Center, whose three-year campaign convinced the Vermont legislature to declare health as a human right. This presentation will be followed by break-out groups of local folks to get involved in the continuing campaign for universal health care in Oregon. Suggested donation, $10. No one turned away.

(click on photo for larger view)

Oregon can follow Vermont's lead!
Oregon can follow Vermont's lead!

* J O I N * U S * * E V E R Y B O D Y * I N * * N O B O D Y * O U T

OREGON SINGLE PAYER CAMPAIGN:  http://www.singlepayeroregon.org
You can learn about Vermont's campaign by reading "Lessons From The Single-Payer State," by VWC's director, James Haslam.
And read "Cover Me. Could Oregon have health care for all?" by Camilla Mortensen published in: The Eugene Weekly, Dec 8, 2011, click on

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