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03-Oct-2011 17:58

Info on the Portland Occupation and Occupy Everywhere!

Here is the Indymedia Occupy Portland Page

LiveStream: WATCH - Wiki: portlandwiki.org/ - Occupy: occupyportland.org

actions & protests | human & civil rights 10-Jan-2012 07:21

Out & About with Individuals For Justice and Oregon Progressive Party

Our Wars are not over From the open publishing newswire: Our insanity continues.

Roberto and I were out among the people who try to do some good for others, working for justice or just letting people know that the wars are still going on in the Middle East [...]

We were on the Hawthorne Bridge about 4:00 PM [...]

About 11 in the morning we were at the Governor Hotel over on 11th Avenue to protest the exclusion of all candidates [...]

The other meeting we went to was a Labor Committee that is attempting to submit a people's budget to the City Council [...]

Almost forgot, went to a council meeting [...]

[Related: Lone Vet New / Old Year's Rant ]

Individuals For Justice

Oregon Progressive Party


corporate dominance 10-Jan-2012 06:48

Portland City Council Voting on Corporate Pershonhood Resolution

From the open publishing newswire: With input from many groups including Common Cause Oregon, Occupy Portland, Move to Amend, and Portland Alliance from Democracy, the resolution outlines key legal points and highlights public opposition to Citizens United
This Thursday (January 12) at 2:00 pm the Portland City Council will be voting on a resolution urging the Oregon congressional delegation to amend the U.S. Constitution to address corporate personhood and reverse the Citizens United decision.

read it here

Please plan to join us in the Council Chambers at City Hall at 1221 SW 4th Avenue (between 4th and 5th Avenue and Madison and Jefferson, enter on 4th Ave side) at 2:00 pm.

Can't make it on Thursday? Contact City Hall to express your support for this important resolution. Phone numbers and emails for members of the City Council.

Thanks for all you do.


imperialism & war | prisons & prisoners 09-Jan-2012 08:14

The Feds put Islam on trial

From the open publishing newswire: January 3, 2012: IN THE same week that Congress passed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), sending it to Barack Obama to enshrine into law a provision allowing indefinite military detention of U.S. citizens, a federal jury in Boston delivered a guilty verdict against Dr. Tarek Mehanna, a Muslim American pharmacist charged with material support for terrorism. Coming in the wake of other Muslims around the country who have been arrested, accused of supporting terrorism, and locked up for long sentences, the December 20 guilty verdict against Mehanna on seven counts was a shocking and chilling reminder to his growing number of supporters and advocates that the "war on terror" has been putting Islam on trial for years.

Tarek's trial lasted nine weeks, but was the culmination of four years of FBI harassment, surveillance and intimidation against Mehanna from his days in pharmacy school. Islam was on trial from the first day, when the government aired the video of bin Laden. Judge George O'Toole's bias in favor of the government was evident. He allowed hundreds of photos and al-Qaeda videos into evidence that had nothing to do with Tarek, but rejected the defense's attempt to submit video clips of former President Ronald Reagan praising as freedom fighters the mujahideen who fought against the USSR invasion of Afghanistan in the 1980s and were funded by the CIA.



corporate dominance | genetic engineering 09-Jan-2012 08:10

Obama Approves GE Corn: Agent Orange Herbicide Ingredient Would be Widely Used

From the open publishing newswire: WISCONSIN - January 4 - Over the holidays, the United States Department of Agriculture announced its approval of a novel strain of genetically engineered corn, developed by Monsanto, purportedly being "drought tolerant."

Despite receiving nearly 45,000 public comments in opposition to this particular genetically engineered (GE) corn variety (and only 23 comments in favor), the Obama administration gave Monsanto the green light to release its newest GE corn variety freely into the environment and American food supply, without any governmental oversight or safety tracking.


[ Related: Bt Crops Failures & Hazards
| Super-Rice without GM ]


alternative media | corporate dominance 09-Jan-2012 07:59

Video: Rally Supporting Portland City Council Resolution to End Corporate Personhood

From the open publishing newswire: On Wednesday, January 4th,2012, the Portland Alliance for Democracy and Move to Amend Portland chapter and their allies rallied outside City Hall in Portland Oregon to support and strengthen the proposed city resolution supporting a federal constitutional amendment to End Corporate Personhood.
Rally to End Corporate Personhood

On January 12th at 2 PM, the city council has scheduled the official hearing on the resolution and will likely take a vote. So plan on being at this city council meeting, to offer support and/or to testify in favor of an improved resolution and to support allowing us all to vote by referring language to the ballot.

An excellent write up on this campaign


alternative media 09-Jan-2012 07:57

Video: We Are The 99 Percent

We are the 99% From the open publishing newswire: A music video compilation from Occupy Portland 2011.
This is a montage of video and pictures from just some of the protesting at Occupy Portland last year.

WE ARE THE 99% music video

This is a 4 minute Music-Video from the Occupy Portland 2011 protests. The music is by File Transfer Protocol.

Scenes from Eviction night, Chase Bank protest, Bridge Crossing, The camp in the park, The streets and the police and protesters from various places in PDX.


government | labor 05-Jan-2012 22:02

Save Community Post Offices - Rally & March Sunday Jan 8th 2pm

Save America's Postal service From the open publishing newswire: Save Saturday & Door-to-Door Mail Delivery

March & Rally
Downtown Portland Sunday, Jan. 8th, 2 - 3:30pm
Rally at Pioneer Courthouse Square
March to Main Post Office (NW Hoyt @ Broadway)

more info: National Association of Letter Carriers 82<, 503-493-5903
Sign the petition at: saveamericaspostalservice.org
American Postal Worker's Union

[ Related: Going Postal: What kind of nation won't fund a post office? ]


labor 04-Jan-2012 14:37

Join the Solidarity Caravan to Longview, Washington

Demand a Massive Public Works Program From the open publishing newswire: ILWU rank and file, Occupies in Longview, Portland, Seattle, Oakland, LA and other West Coast Occupies are organizing to blockade a grain ship coming to Longview. This ship is intended to load scab cargo from the EGT terminal. The date won't be known until 3-4 days in advance, but is anticipated to be sometime in January.

[In Portland] Come hear Port shutdown organizers from Occupy Oakland speak alongside rank and file Longshore workers from Oakland and Longview about the significance of the Longview struggle, and what we can do when this grain shipment arrives!

Where: SEIU Local 503, 6401 SE Foster Road, Portland, Oregon
When: Thursday, January 5th, from 7-9pm

contact info@shutdowntheport.com for more information

Cowlitz-Wahkiakum Central Labor Council Call to Action Resolution Jan 2, 2012
Internationalist Group call to action to prevent loading of scab cargo | Call to Action from Longview Occupy



corporate dominance | human & civil rights 01-Jan-2012 06:05

End corporate personhood - Rally/Hearing Wed. January 4th at Portland City Hall

End Corporate Personhood From the open publishing newswire: Wednesday, January 4th, join the Alliance for Democracy and Move to Amend Portland chapter and our allies as we rally outside City Hall to support and strengthen the proposed city resolution supporting a federal constitutional amendment to End Corporate Personhood.

In addition to supporting the revised resolution, we will also call on the city council to refer to Portland's voters a ballot measure, so we can all give voice to our desire that the constitution must be amended to end corporate personhood and the money is not speech. We want them to refer to the voters language very similar to that which was presented to the voters in Madison, WI, and Boulder CO and Missoula MT and approved in all three overwhelmingly. If you can't be at City Hall on Jan 4, you can still join us via an on-line petition

Rally/Hearing details:
Wednesday, January 4th at Portland City Hall
8:30 - gather, 8:45 -9:15 - rally

Move To Amend | Alliance For Democracy | Sign the online petition

[ Reportback: Video of Jan 4th Rally Supporting Portland City Council Resolution to End Corporate Personhood ]


animal rights | police / legal 01-Jan-2012 05:55

Freedom for the Police Horses

The Horses need a little bit of Justice From the open publishing newswire: When I was at the eviction of Occupy in Portland and the police horses were forced into the crowd, the first thought that went through me was the horses were going to hurt someone. The second thought was why the hell are the police using animals to hurt other humans. Now my thoughts are to take the horses away from the cops. Seems like a good project for us to take on.

Want to "take a ride on the Justice side?" This is something all of us can give some time to, maybe we can see these beautiful horse retired to a farm, enjoying life. I know we are all busy but I got really pissed at the cops for making these animals move into the crowd and risk being hurt, when all the horses wanted to do is eat some hay. E-mail me and after some ground work, if enough of you feel bad for those horses as I did that night, let's work to "Free the Police Horses."
homepage:  http://individualsforjustice.com


prisons & prisoners 01-Jan-2012 05:51

Reportback from NYE jail solidarity noise demo

From the open publishing newswire: Tonight a group of about 20 folks, mostly in black, gathered outside the Donald E. Long juvenile detention center at 1401 NE 68th Avenue in Portland. Several anarchist slogans were spray-painted on the outer walls, including "Jail the guards, burn the prisons" and circle-A.

We played an anti-cop hip-hop and punk mix really loudly over our super awesome janky-ass bumping dance chariot (aka mobile sound system).
It should be noted that there was almost zero police interference.

Jail the guards! Burn the prisons!
xoxoxoxoxoxo PDX


actions & protests 30-Dec-2011 06:40

Police show excessive force to evict Occupy Bellingham Camp: 4 arrested

occupy bellingham From the open publishing newswire: On December 28th, dressed in riot gear, the Bellingham Police Department forcibly evicted Occupy Bellingham's permanent encampment. The cops showed no remorse as dozens of protesters attempted to negotiate for more time to finish clearing out the camp and to re-vegetate disturbed areas. The officers in charge initially refused to communicate with the police liaison from the group and gave almost no notice before sweeping the encampment. Streets surrounding the encampment were barricaded as cops began flooding the parking lot adjacent to the camp. Throughout the process, the cops chose to enforce the agenda of the power elite, disrupting a peaceful protest, trampling first amendment rights and forcing the public out of a public park. The Bellingham police demonstrated their allegiance to the corrupt state by placing property over people's needs. We expect nothing else from the fascist men in blue.

After the protest was disrupted, the crowd came together to march to City Hall and then held a General Assembly inside the building to discuss our next steps as a movement. The encampment had been a home to over a dozen Occupiers since October 23rd, 2011, several of which have now been left with nowhere to go. Although Occupy Bellingham may no longer have a physical encampment, our ideals of solidarity, resistance and autonomy only grow stronger with each day that we face the realities of our corrupt nation and witness the abusive display of power from the police.



prisons & prisoners 23-Dec-2011 06:55

NYE Jail Solidarity Noise Demonstration

From the open publishing newswire: New Year's Eve noise demo outside juvie in response to the international call-out for actions against prisons!

This New Year's Eve join us for a noise demonstration outside Portland's Donald E. Long juvenile detention center. This is in response to the international call-out for noise demos and other actions against prisons, jails, and detention centers on New Year's Eve. Bring signs, banners, pots and pans, drums, and anything else to make lots of noise. It's time to let imprisoned folks know that we haven't forgotten them!

Meet at 8:30 pm at the Rose Quarter Transit Center to take the MAX out there as a group or meet us there.

Donald E. Long Home
1401 N.E. 68th Street
Portland, Oregon 97213
(503) 988-3475


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