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BBC College of Journalism


  • News priorities: Why is the US not for us?
    by Simon Enright
    It is still more than ten months until the US presidential election. But for some of us the obsession began last year. It is like being a fan of a reality TV show. One that is all too real. We've...


As the devolution debate unfolds, read this guide to how the UK nations have developed distinctive policies.

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  • Charles Miller
    Should journalists want Google to get personal?
    by Charles Miller
    The launch of the social network Google+ last year was only the company's first step against the unstoppable growth of Facebook. This week Google announced...

  • Matthew Eltringham
    Why I left Facebook
    by Matthew Eltringham
    In a guest blog post, Graham Cluley, senior technology consultant at Sophos, explains why he walked away from the social networking site: A few weeks...

  • Happy birthday to us
    by Jonathan Baker

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Reporting the Royals

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II (credit: Press Association/Fiona Hanson).

As the Queen prepares to celebrate her Diamond Jubilee in 2012, BBC correspondent Peter Hunt and Buckingham Palace press officer Ed Perkins offer tips and advice on how to report the Royal Family.

There's also a quiz to test your knowledge of the British Monarchy.

Reporting Race

An audience.

"Six out of ten" - what two commentators scored the BBC for its reporting of race.

With a plethora of race-related stories in the news of late, Mark Easton debated the issues with Guardian columnist Hugh Muir and Max Wind-Cowie, head of the Progressive Conservatism Project at Demos. Both agreed that the BBC's grasp of race-related issues lacks sophistication.

White City Building.

About the College

Who we are and what we do.

David Dimbleby and Nick Robinson.

Ways to Get a Job at the BBC

Routes into BBC journalism.

Trainee journalists.

Training BBC Journalists

Two courses on offer at the BBC.

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