February 2006 Archive

FYI: You Actor Peoples!

AATC is pleased to announce two exciting new classes for 2006!

AATC Acting Studio: Alexander Technique
Dates: March 9-April 27, 2006
Thursday evenings:7:00-9:00 p.m. (Personal instruction available from 6:30 p.m.)
8 week course
class location: Off Market Theater, 965 Mission Street, San Francisco, CA 94107

Registration: http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/3357

Cost: Members: $195 Non-Members: $225

more information: info@asianamericantheater.org
or call: 415-543-5738

This course is taught by renowned Alexander Technique instructor, Constance Clare and is open to all levels. You will learn how to rid the body of harmful tension for acting and everyday life. Personal instruction is available from 6:30 p.m. before class begins.

Actors have been using the Alexander Technique to enhance their performance for over one hundred years. Alexander Technique is now a fundamental part of training in many major drama and music academies such as Juilliard in New York and ATC in San Francisco.

Posted by Min Jung in APA, General



Originally uploaded by minjungkim.

Her mother tells me that while she looks pensive, her thoughtbubble is actually likely empty.

Oh my.

Posted by Min Jung in General

Travel Update 2.26.06

Donate Now for the Asian American Theater Company

Current Location: Casa Bro, Brooklyn NYC
Current Mood: Relaxed, Exhausted, Sated, Silly

Consumption Update:
Battle Angel Alita anime volumes #8 & rebirth #1. Date Movie. New York Style Pizza. .

Weekend Update:
My Thursday evening was pretty crazy in terms of the fact that it involves the following: Eating dinner with Annie, heading into Manhatten to the Merc bar, going to a restaurant opening, stealing two cards from the deck of a cute boy named Jack playing magic tricks with a deck of cards, talking scotch with some fella named John and telling some fellow named Mark that he really needed a haircut. Then off to a club where I lost my amigos Rara and some other folks. I of course wound up losing my friends and picking up a conversation with a gorgeous french 22 year old party promoter and then hanging with a team of fellow’s on their way to the bahamas the next morning. Those gentlemen wound up taking me out for breakfast and who am I to say no to a tasty english muffin?

I got home about a half hour after my brother left for work that morning. Yeah. Fairly intense.

Friday: Sleeping in and hanging with Heath. Sadly sadly sadly, our attempts at making it to the Point Break Live show were again thwarted by being sold out. Shakes fist at the skies!

Saturday: Lunch and delicious shopping with the fantabulous Ms. Uberchick, and lengthy discussions over lipstick and boots then followed up with going to see a ridiculous show with Fran & Pei. The show is presented by Slant and titled Big D*cks, Asian Men. While I *was* expecting the night to be funny, I was not expecting as many musical numbers. This is not a bad thing. It was overall totally hilarious! And as if that didn’t make my Saturday complete, I was able to meet up with Mr. Fabulous aka. Brian Grosz.. Brian’s band The Dogs of Winter were playing at this funktastic little gallery in the basement of a bar on Bowery. The show fricking rawked and I can only refer to the sound of Brian performing as… a vicious monster made of dirty ice that you throw up on stage and give an electric guitar. It’s hotness. And then off to crash with a friend over giggles and cheer.

Sunday: Spending quality time with two of my favorite ladies and two more favorite little ladies. Rara and I became good friends while being bridesmaids our mutual friend SJ. Rara and I made a point of running upstate to go see ms SJ and her two little daughters Anna and Calla. Total cuteness overload and girly catchup talk over green tea latte’s (they taste like green tea icecream but warm and slightly less sweet). Any need for sweetness was satisfied by seeing the two little girls frolic and play.

And now?
Relaxed and chilled on my brother’s couch before I head back to Michigan for a day tomorrow and then back to SF by mid week.

I sometimes wonder if it’s a little unfair that I should feel so much joy in such a compressed amount of time. Maybe it’s karma making up for what I had to go through earlier in my life. Who am I to question?

I know that’s more of a synopsis than an analysis or thoughtful digestion of what my life and conversations have been over the last few days but I’m pooped.
When I get some downtime to go through things I’ll have many more things to share. Hold tight.

Donate Now for the Asian American Theater Company

Posted by Min Jung in General, Mischief & Events

It just happens.

Last night I had lengthy conversations with two complete strangers at two different events at two different bars over two different cocktails.
Both men happened to be gay.
Both men apparently were in love with me and had to express giggly candor re: the breadth of my charms. And both got into discussions with me re: the roles/responsibilities of the modern fag hag.

Actually, the second gentleman stated that I wasn’t a fag hag. That I was a fruit fly. Apparently fag hags to his definition can’t get laid. And me… well…if I wanted to, I’m guessing it wouldn’t be *that* challenging.

Still. Yes.

A Korean woman of wit is back in fashion as the accessory of choice for the modern and hipster gay man.

Posted by Min Jung in General

Slightly Smushed Cupcakes

Slightly Smushed Cupcakes

Originally uploaded by minjungkim.

They are now all gone.

Posted by Min Jung in General


I’ve been in new york over a week now and I’ve failed to have a single celebrity sighting this time around.

This is a first.

And my bro who has to ask me how to spell “Imbruglia” tells me today that he ran into Moby on the street.

Moi: “Do you even listen to Moby”
Bro: “No”
Moi: “Sigh”
Bro: “So greenday… which is a good song…”
Moi: (Rolling eyes silently)

Not to mention yesterday before we ate at the Chirascuria.

Bro: “So I was crossing the street today…”
Moi: “Yeah…”
Bro: “And I pull out my phone to answer it…”
Moi: “And…”
Bro: “So I nearly knock over someone and I’m like…woah…it’s that… what’s her name..”
Bro: “Who?”
Bro: “Halle Berry. She didn’t look that good.”
Moi: “I’m pretty sure she’s thinking that some fat korean guy nearly knocked her over and that you didn’t look that good either.”
Bro: “Hmph.”

In other news:
The roommate has taken my car out the other night to only have the window smashed in. Poor selma saturn. How much she’s gone through. *sigh*

And in today’s adventures:
Hanging with an old college friend whom I haven’t seen or talked to in years. This was fabulous to do and we went to this odd little divey bar with brassieres hung up all over the walls and ceiling. Some things thankfully do not change and Gentleman G is as ever, a good heart, a self depracating charm, and of good humor.

Additionally, dinner & cupcakes with two phenom diva singers. Nicole & Audrey!
One sings opera, the other jazz. Both kick ass. Nicole has great insights with regards to eating & living on the budget in NYC and lots of other good giggles. Audrey’s got an entire system down re: locating the best restrooms in Manhatten. Apparently this is desperately important to know. I won’t question that.

We went and bought cupcakes after dinner and before splitting ways on the subway, they both had to quell me from humming and giggling a new cupcake song.

“I like cupcakes. Cupcakes cupcakes. Pink cute cupcakes. Yellow and Green. Chocolate cupcakes cupcakes cupcakes. All these cupcakes are so keen!”

Of course, this is the kind of song you would hum right before getting pummelled or mugged on the subway, now isn’t it.

Audrey screaming at me as the doors closed “Now put on your ‘Don’t Mess with Me Face!’ No! No Cupcake Face!”

I made it home safely. Cupcakes in tow.
Yum yum cupcakes. I’ll eat two, you know.

Donate Now for the Asian American Theater Company

Posted by Min Jung in General


It’s back.

That weird unreasonable and non discernable hallucination.

The one where my right hand (and not my left, just my right hand) for no logical reason, smells like cheezits. And no, I’ve not eten cheezits of late. And no, i don’t understand why it’s only one hand and not the other.

And yes I’m washing my hands a lot and yet it’s still there.

Donate Now for the Asian American Theater Company

Posted by Min Jung in General

Yo. Support the Arts.

Lots of fun things going on that I want to put a pitch out there for.

#1. “THE SARIMANOK TRAVELS” by Francis Tanglao-Aguas
Remaining shows are nearly sold out. Fantastic reviews so far and I think that if you have the time to go hit this show, you should do it. Totally. I mean now.

Right now.
Feb 24th & 25th are the last 2 nights of this show!~

#2. My personal pledge to raise $$ for the Asian American Theater Company.

We’re building a theater and we need your help.
Your support/willingness to spread the word/your donations/your creativity/your ideas.

Currently I have this Dropcash Site Initial Dropcash fundraising campaign site setup and you’ll see this link on all my posts going forward for through the end of this year as this is going to be an ongoing project that I’m extraordinarily committed to.

Please help pass on the word and link to the fundraising campaign and support the arts.
At the very least, consider joining to become a member. It pays for itself!

In other news, today was a chill day and I am still recovering from a huge amount of meat consumption at Churrascaria Tribeca..

Flank Steak
Pork Loin
Short Ribs
Pork Ribs
Leg of Lamb
Skirt steak
Filet Mignon
Turkey wrapped in Bacon.
A whole fricking roast pig
Mashed Potatos
Fried Plantains
Flourless Chocolate Cake

I have a meat headache. Yes.

Donate Now for the Asian American Theater Company

Posted by Min Jung in APA, General

Travel Update 02.21.06

Location: Casa Bro
Brooklyn Heights, NYC


Frankly, I’m just having a cheerfully good time.

Friday: Walked around Chelsea & Greenwich which is always delightful and foudn myself with a cute little cafe called Doma and a swift rendezvous with pal Matt at the Broken Cup

Next : A delightful dinner at a little place called Primitivo Osteria. Uber tasty I must say with the lobster ravioli that I savored like no one’s business.

A lovely sojourn for jazz with a cute place called Smalls where I met up with my pal Rebecca who’s my darling dearest diva friend.

Dimsum with Larry & his pals at Jing Fong (A restaurant sooo huge that it has it’s own escalator and seats somewhere between 1200-1500 guests) , running downtown towards Union Square where I bumped into the occasional person leaving the flashmob pillowfight, shopping with my friend Plee & then having fabulous desserts at this charming Dessert Bar called Chikalicious . Funness and total tongue tingling joy between the rosemary gel w/ yogurt sorbet, warm melty chocolate tart, candied lime slices, homemade coconut marshmallows & chocolate truffle.

Heath & I tried to see the Point Break Live show but alas it was sold out so we just hung out and got to know each other better. Rewarding good intimate conversations are always a joy. Especially when your tummy is full of good hotdog. I mean seriously good hotdog from Sparky’s. It makes a person forget how weird it is winding up at a local dive bar called The Turkey’s Nest where, no joke, the ladies restroom is referenced by the sign Turquettes. Which just makes me kind of want to swear and cuss up a storm.

Sunday: Walking around Brooklyn and taking loads of pix. An awesome burger yon at Dumont’s Burger Linking up at a Piano Karaoke bar called Soft Spot with my talented musician gorgeous friend Annie Lin, where the very talented Wendy Ip was playing. She knows a crapload of songs for piano karaoke and sings a load herself to keep the crowd entertained and delighted. Of all wonderful accidents, Annie & I were able to talk with Andy of Tourist in the City. Some of you may recall that Andy had done a fun little podcast show re: the event LapPop that I put together and that Annie had flown out to SF to perform at last october. Annie & I finished up with some midnight gal chat over cocoa and talked about baking a cake together later in the week before I headed home for a good night’s sleep.

Monday: The Bodies Exhibition with JY followed up puttering around chinatown and finished up by a homemade dinner of lobsters & corn on the cob. Yes, a boy killed me a lobster. Quick drinks with Swerdloff at this cute bar called Tribe & then offwards I went.

Tuesday: I think I’m staying in today. Doing laundry. Letting my legs rest a bit, and trying to figure out things that get finalized through the rest of the week.


**** Edit***
Brother just called to say we’re doing some furniture shopping (for him) and heading out for Brazillian BBQ Carnivorism. Woot.

Posted by Min Jung in General

Soy luck club

Soy luck club

Originally uploaded by minjungkim.

The most annoying name for a restaurant.

Posted by Min Jung in General

Travel Update 02.17.06

You know what I love about traveling this time around?

Being in chill mode. I don’t have a panicky hectic pace. I’m not in a rush to see people. I’m able to have marvelous and intimate conversations with people without the distraction of urgency or some facade of being accessible and seen in some scene.
I wake up. I decide if I’m going to get up right away or putter a bit. I putter over to the fridge and grab myself a yogurt and make myself a cup of coffee. I sit on the couch and decide to myself “no, no, i don’t quite want to put socks on yet” and sort through the ambiguous plans that I have for the day.

My brother and sister-in-law have one of those marvelous overhead showerheads that look like an alien space vessle that’s aimed at peering down at your naked body and delivering lucious warm water pressure to your head. Oh, it’s so nice.

Last night I was able to sync up with one of my favorite rockers Brian and hear all the great things that are currently going on in his life, for his band, and our own personal takes on the terror known as adulthood responsibility. He is mighty sage on a number of points and at this point in my life, if I don’t know what I want, that’s more than alright. So long as I know that I don’t know that, at least that gets me on pace to looking. Also, there’s a purpose to everything that happens in the universe. Instead of fighting with circumstance to move with and around and beyond it is a significantly less frustrating use of my resources. This is not news to me, but it’s something that has taken some time to sink in.

Additionally, I have made plans to meet up with the most mischievous Heath to go be Keanu Reeves. I mean seriously. Gracious my. That should be a hoot.

My plans for the rest of my time here are beginning to gel up, but in the spirit of taking care of myself and not pushing too hard, I’m leaving my mornings free for coffee, yogurt, and barefoot personal time.

Travel Update

Location: Casa Bro
Brooklyn Heights, NYC

Currently trying to avoid getting sick from my bro and his wife.
Happily corrected boot errors with the computer.
Scheduling, 1,2,3,4,5 interviews via phone or in person for when I get back.

And hanging.

Plans in flux for the rest of the week but I’m off for a walk.
Hanging with sick people at home makes you less motivated to leave the house.
And that’s just not right. I could do that in SF for days on end and at least have a bigger TV at my disposal.

In Consumption: I’ve completely caught up with the last two seasons of BattleStar Galactica. Finished the books Blink by Gladwell & An Unquiet Mind by Kay Redfield Jamison, am half way through Bill Bryson’s “A Short History of Nearly Everything” and seen Matador.

Blink is brilliant and thought provoking in terms of makign one re-evaluate gut responses/judgements/predjudices and behaviors. An Unquiet Mind is re: bipolar autobiography — somewhat apropro for some of the things I’ve been goign throguh of late and Bryson is simply brilliant and charming. I mean, if you can make Avogaddro’s number seem entertaining, then you got something good on your hands. I’m such a nerd.

Things otherwise of entertainment value: My brother is making kimchi jjigheh tonight. With Bacon. This is how we know we’re related. Golly. And also, teaching my brother how to use Itunes Store and how to spell Imbruglia.

Tis these little things that bring delight.

Posted by Min Jung in General

Happy Vday

Last Roll – 143.jpg

Originally uploaded by minjungkim.

Chicago style.

Posted by Min Jung in General

Travel Update 02.13.06

Location: Casa Huff & Cooper

I’m leaving Chicago tomorrow morning.
Tragic. But I’ve had just way much more fun than a single person should have in the course of a week.

Most recent highlights include:
Couching it with the cats. I think they finally admit that they like me.
Nearly finishing yet another book (An Unquiet Mind), eating even more Chicago style stuffed pizza (shaped like a heart) and hanging with the hilariously warm and cheerful Chihookah team (Steve, Brad & Boston) while knocking back some Goose Island brews and Brad’s own pale ale! Check out the podcast to hear how silly I make a fool of myself when buzzed and smoking a hookah for the first time!

Additionally, today I spent the whole afternoon with my friend ES who took me all over Chicago to make sure that I got the whole taste of the city down. This included eating a bit of Chicago Hotdog (neon relish w/ mustard. no ketchup) some Italian Beef (sandwhich dipped and wet with juice and spicy with peppers) from Big Al’s not to mention finishing off the evening at Fat Willy’s for BBQ.

Years and years ago (nearly a dozen) was the last time I was in chicago. I was interning at the time for a fledgling (and now defunct) Korean American publication (also in English) titled We-Woori. Tonight I was able to catch up and chat with that magazine’s founder, Mr. Jo and his lovely wife Mrs. Jo. Were it not for Mr. Jo, I never would have built up more confidence as a writer and would likely not be as comfortable with writing as I am today. I owe Mr. Jo a lot for having confidence and comfort in giving me a chance that summer.

My stomach is so full.
And my heart is totally overflowing. It’ll be sad leaving Chicago again but I promise it won’t be a dozen years before I’m back.

Posted by Min Jung in General, Mischief & Events