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Justice For Kenneth Harding Jr. March and Rally The Kenneth Harding JR. Foundation and Bayview residents and allies call for support to surround Candlestick Stadium Sunday, January 22nd during the NFC Championship game in opposition to police brutality. A march to the stadium will begin at noon at 3rd St. and Oakdale in San Francisco and head via 3rd St. to Gilman and Jamestown. Kenneth Harding Jr. was murdered by the San Francisco police on July 16, 2011 for allegedly evading a two dollar Muni train fare. Event organizers ask that the community, "Join us in sending a message to the media and game attendees that the cops in the Bayview/Hunters Point Community are killing our children, violating our rights, and trying to silence the people for speaking out."

"Please support the community to Bring the Noise during Sunday’s game!"

"Come and stand up against police brutality. Speak out against the police killing our children. Come and support our truth tellers."

calendarEvent Announcement
Save the San Francisco Peaks The Save the Peaks Coalition is fighting the United States Forest Service in a legal battle to protect children from hazardous endocrine disruptors and to protect the San Francisco Peaks sacred site in Arizona from desecration. On Monday, January 9th, The Save the Peaks Coalition et al v. the United States Forest Service will be heard by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco, CA. at 9:30am. The case argues that under the National Environmental Policy Act and the Administrative Procedure Act, the Forest Service failed to adequately consider the impacts associated with ingestion of snow made from reclaimed sewer water in its Environmental Impact Statement. Organizers are calling for a strong turn-out for a march and rally before the court hearing, and a welcoming reception will be held the previous day on Sunday, January 8th.

The Forest Service approved reclaimed sewer water for the use of snowmaking at a local Northern Arizona ski resort in 2004. The reclaimed sewer water in question is from Flagstaff's Rio de Flag Sewage Plant that has proven to contain harmful bacteria, and endocrine disruptors such as pharmaceuticals and hormones amongst other known toxins. Environmental justice groups are specifically asked to come aboard to educate their followers about the grave impacts of this situation.

calendarSchedule of Events | Indigenous Caravan Travels to San Francisco from Arizona to Stop Snow Made with Reclaimed Sewer Water | photo See also: Solidarity Demonstration at Forest Service Office in Vallejo on August 25th, 2011
Oscar Grant: Gone But Not Forgotten In a call-out for a march at 1pm from 14th Street & Broadway to a rally at the Fruitvale BART station on January 1st, 2012, organizers write: "A major political movement was launched on January 1st, 2009. Its catalyst was the police killing of Oscar Grant, a young, unarmed Black father executed by the BART police. This murder awakened a sleeping giant — Bay Area residents angry and frustrated at the continued abuse of power perpetrated by law enforcement. Oscar and all the young people that were attacked and terrorized by the BART police that night, in addition to the many victims of police brutality in the greater Bay Area, have become ingrained in our collective memory. Their lives are the unspeakable price we pay to live in a society based on racial injustice.

"Not only do police serve the needs of the 1%, they have always existed to put down resistance in communities of color. But when other BART riders posted their video recordings of the murder of Oscar by BART officer Johannes Mehserle, the internationally-viewed footage led to a new form of resistance: Community Copwatching. Cellphones, cameras and a popular upsurge brought the first arrest, trial and conviction of a white officer for killing a Black man.

"The movement that touched ground in January 2009 — the organizing to address police terrorism — laid the ground work for the movement against the 1% here in Oakland. The polarizing disparity of wealth and the numerous police killings in our communities are inextricably linked. To unravel a system that forecloses homes, pushes our families into poverty and criminalizes our youth while gentrifying our neighborhoods, we need to not only address a system based on greed but a system that needs police brutality to survive and thrive through state terror.

"On this 3rd anniversary of Oscar’s murder, lets take to the streets to show that Oscar Grant is gone but not forgotten. Oscar lives on in the memories of his family and friends and in our resistance to the police."

calendarEvent Announcement
Demonstrators Protest the Desecration of Rattlesnake Island at the Home of John Nady On December 17, approximately 75-100 community members protesting the desecration of Rattlesnake Island, the spiritual center of the Elem Pomo community, marched to the Piedmont mansion of John Nady, the owner of Nady Systems, who has been one of those pushing for the development of the island as the location of two luxury-style vacation homes. Community members first circled up and held a rally near the Lakeview library branch in Oakland, then proceeded to march two miles up and into the hills of Piedmont where Nady owns a large home.

Statements were read from Jim Brown, one of the leaders of the Elem community who was not able to attend the demonstration: "For the last few days my spirit has been crying for my ancestors, as the direct attack, destruction, and desecration continues. The best news is that the work stopped on Friday. I know it is because of Nady finding out about this rally of support."

"Please show respect for our people. The 1% wants us to display violence so they can continue to send out their stromtroopers against the 99%. Please show respect for the tribal people whose lands we will be walking on today. Oh way ah, Oh way ah, let the spirit of the people bring true justice to all people and nations."

imc_photo.gifRead more and view photos

Previous coverage: Elem Pomo Protest at Nady Systems in Emeryville | See Also: Protect Rattlesnake Island
10th Annual Black Friday Demonstration to Protest Desecration of Sacred Ohlone Shellmounds For the 10th straight year, community members gathered on Black Friday to protest the desecration of the sacred Ohlone shellmounds in Emeryville that were disturbed when the Bay Street Mall was constructed on top of them. The demonstration was on November 25 this year, and organizers of the event hoped to educate shoppers about the Ohlone burial sites, and that there were other shopping alternatives located nearby. In 2000 the Bay Street Mall was built atop the largest and oldest Ohlone burial site in the Bay Area, amid protests. Before the desecration, the shellmounds at the location stood nearly as tall as the current structures. During construction, thousands of Ohlone ancestors were removed from the site, and hundreds were left in the ground and were eventually built on top of. The Victoria's Secret store on Bay Street sits atop burials that were not removed. Since the desecration, demonstrations at the site have been held every year on Black Friday. A short rally during this year's demonstration featured speeches by Ohlone and Native American activists as well as a representative of Occupy/Decolonize Oakland. Native American community members also sang songs, drummed, and played clap sticks. A list containing the names of alternative chain store locations was handed out to shoppers in addition to other printed materials.

imc_photo.gifRead more and view photos | Event Announcement | Save the Shellmounds!
The Oakland General Assembly decided on October 4th that the people of Oakland should occupy Frank Ogawa Plaza at the corner of 14th and Broadway on Monday, October 10th starting at 4pm in solidarity with Occupy Wall Street, the many occupations underway across the country, and Indigenous Resistance Day. Organizers say, "Come ready to spend the night or just swing by to say hello. Let's do this Oakland style!" Nearly 1000 people gathered on the first day, with around 50 tents set up overnight, including one tent occupied by Oakland city council member Desley Brooks. The plaza has been dubbed "Oscar Grant Plaza" by Occupiers.
Elem Pomo Call for Protest in Emeryville on Indigenous People's Day
Monday Oct 10th, 2011 2:08 PM : Nady Inc. closed on indigenous resistance day, surrounded by policetape. Elem will present demands to Lake Cty supes next Tue #occupyoakland
Monday Oct 10th, 2011 1:09 PM : Big turnout of supporters for Elem Pomo march in Emeryville protesting development of Rattlesnake Island by Nady #occupyoakland
At 12:00 noon on Monday, October 10th — Indigenous People’s Day — members of the Elem Pomo tribe will march to the offices of millionaire businessman John Nady in Emeryville to demand that he immediately halt his planned desecration of Rattlesnake Island. The Elem Pomo have invited supporters to join the protest and tell Nady that from the Bay Area to Lake County, people will stand up to oppose the desecration of sacred native sites.

Located on the eastern end of Clear Lake, Rattlesnake Island has been the ceremonial center of the Elem community of Southeastern Pomo Indians for thousands of years. The island was stolen from the Pomo in 1877, when it was deeded to settlers as private property in a supposed “clerical error”. Ever since that time, the Elem Pomo have been fighting to regain their traditional ownership of this sacred land, which is now privately held by John Nady.

With blatant disregard for the wishes of the Elem people, John Nady is attempting to build vacation homes on the island, and has already illegally installed a septic tank, and thousands of feet of roads, trails, and utility trenching. He has now strong-armed his way out of conducting the required environmental impact report and is poised to begin further construction at any moment.

Following the annual sunrise gathering on Alcatraz Island, Elem Pomo representatives and supporters will deliver a letter to millionaire developer John Nady at the Emeryville headquarters of his electronics business urging him to stop the desecration of Rattlesnake Island. Event details

See also: Indigenous Peoples Day events
All Out for Troy Davis: Global Solidarity Tuesday Sep 20th, 2011: Georgia Board of Pardons and Paroles has OK'd Troy Davis execution for 7pm EST September 21st. Read more: 1 | 2 | San Francisco Rally/Vigil at 1pm, 9/21

Troy Davis has been on death row in Georgia for twenty years. He is set to executed by the state on Wednesday, September 21st, despite the fact that there was no physical evidence presented against him during his trial and since then seven out of the nine "witnesses" who testified against him have recanted, many claiming that they were pressured by police. One of the two who has not recanted is suspected of being the true killer of the Savannah police officer for whose death Troy was wrongfully convicted. As the courts are no longer an option to establish Troy Davis' innocence, his last hope is the Georgia Board of Pardons and Paroles. One week after his execution date was announced, the NAACP had collected and delivered to the parole board 660,000 signatures calling for clemency for Troy Davis. On September 16th, supporters rallied in cities across the country. A solidarity rally was held in Oakland in front of the Federal Building. A "Save Troy Davis - Stop the Death Penalty" event was held at Laney College on September 20th. On September 21st, as Troy Davis was set to be executed in Jackson, Georgia, a vigil was held in San Francisco.

Marlene Martin writes: After many long years of fighting, we are now down to the last few days to save the life of Georgia death row prisoner Troy Davis, who is scheduled to be executed on Sept. 21. These nail-biting moments are all that is left to try to convince three of the five members of the Georgia Board of Pardons and Paroles to grant clemency for Troy, who has run out of his legal appeals. If the board does grant clemency, Troy will receive either a life sentence or life without the possibility of parole sentence. This “good” outcome has its own cruelties that we will continue to fight against as soon as we win it – but first we have to win it! ... The board will hold a clemency hearing in Troy’s case on Monday, Sept. 19, in Atlanta. This could last for hours – one previous clemency hearing for Troy lasted 10 hours. The board will likely make its decision at the end of that day. Activists will hold a vigil outside the hearing all day long. We don’t know how this struggle will go, but as Darby Tillis, a former death row prisoner from Illinois, told me yesterday, “We must continue to be strong, remain vigilant and fight to the bitter end.”

Read More | Free Troy Davis! There’s No Justice in the Capitalist Courts!

audiophoto Oakland Rally, September 16th: 1 | 2 | Stop the Execution of Troy Davis! solidarity rallies nationwide | A "Save Troy Davis- Stop the Death Penalty" event on September 20th

videophoto San Francisco Vigil, September 21st: Video & Photos | Vigil Announcement

Previous Related Indybay Features: SF Event Focuses on Three Innocent Men Who May Be Executed Soon | Troy Davis' Innocence To Be Considered At Long Last | Global Day of Action for Death Row Inmate Troy Davis
Raheim Brown Supporters Protest Barhin Bhatt as Chief On August 24th, family and supporters of Raheim Brown Jr. once again gathered at Oakland Unified School District headquarters to demand that OUSD police officers Barhin Bhatt and Jonathan Bellusa, the officers responsible for the murder of Raheim Brown, be fired and charged with the killing. This time, though, the anger was even more intense as it was learned less than a week earlier that the superintendent and school board had not only ignored the repeated previous pleadings of community members, but had promoted Barhin Bhatt (Raheim's shooter) to interim chief of the school police upon the previous chief's sudden retirement when racist and threatening comments of his became public.

On September 6th, James Williams, a former Oakland Housing Authority police officer, was appointed as the new interim chief to replace Bhatt. While community members who have been confronting the school board since early this year can claim a victory in having Bhatt removed as chief, the initial demands that Bhatt and Bellusa fired and prosecuted remain, with the ultimate goal of removing all armed police officers from Oakland schools.

Protests are expected to continue until the community's demands are met. The next OUSD school board meeting is Wednesday, September 14th, at 1025 Second Avenue in Oakland.

photoRead More with Photos | videoInterview with Lori Davis, Mother of Raheim Brown Jr, and Anne Weills

Previous Related Indybay Feature: Justice for Raheim Brown Jr Demanded at OUSD Board Meeting
Protesters Call to Disband the Murderous, Inept, Corrupt BART Police Department No Justice No BART called for an action to be held on Thursday, September 8th, at the Powell Street Station in San Francisco. The plan for the action was developed by a group who come from different communities and organizing initiatives, and was not just a "No Justice No BART" production. The announced intention was to “protest” outside of the fare gates, inside the Powell BART station. The strategy was made public and the action announced well ahead of time, to preempt some of the media furor around “inconvenienced” passengers and to create a “Catch-22” for BART. Since BART has been very clear in insisting that demonstrators should “protest outside the fare gates," they would have a choice. If enough people were mobilized, in order to keep riders moving into and out of the station, BART would have to open the emergency exits and let folks ride for free, just as they do for all sorts of big sporting events, antiwar protests, and even past No Justice No BART protests. Organizers viewed the action as a tactical assay to see if they could protest in a way that inconveniences BART administrators but not BART passengers.

A press conference to announce the action was held on September 5th.
videoVideo | Feminists Against Cops' statement | Announcement

On September 8th, protesters gathered at Powell Street station, chanting and holding signs. No fare gates were ever blocked. Within a half hour, BART riot police kettled dozens of protesters and reporters. BART police handcuffed numerous journalists, requesting that SFPD confiscate their SFPD police press passes. Two Indybay journalists were arrested, along with over 22 protesters, transported to SF County jail, and charged with violating Penal Code 369i, which deals with interfering with train operations. Other demonstrators who have spoken out against BART police violence since August have also been charged with 369i. BART closed the Powell station to the public for two hours.
audio Audio 1 | 2 | photo Photos 1 | 2 | 3 | Glen Park BART attacked: We didn't do it for the lulz. | Guidelines for the "Spare the Fare" Action | Event Announcement

See Also: BART's Media Manipulation Strategy | BART’S Unbalanced Views of Safety and Speech | Union Buster & Crooked BART Director Fang From San Francisco Voted For Contractor | BART Celebrates Corporate Casual Day | The strictly financial arguments against the BART Police | audioKPFA Morning Mix for September 7th with Krystof of NJNB and Dave Id of Indybay | audiophotoBART's Police Auditor & Citizen Review Board: Uninspiring or Simply Appalling on Mobile Shutdown?

Previous Related Indybay Features: Civil Libertarians Object and Anonymous Retaliates Against BART for Censorship | Justice for Charles Hill BART Action Shuts Three Stations in San Francisco | Coverage of the Justice for Oscar Grant Movement
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Peace & Social Justice - Big Part of Fresno MLK march Mike Rhodes (2 comments)
Monday Jan 16th 4:32 PM
Tribe Thanks Secretary Salazar For Righting Wrongs Of The Past David Laughing Horse Robinson
Thursday Jan 5th 2:11 PM
Emergency Demonstration To Stop Nady! Stop The 1%! (9 comments)
Tuesday Dec 13th 1:00 PM
Protest bulldozer will demolish homes outside ‘Israel lobby’ Jewish Voice for Peace (2 comments)
Saturday Dec 3rd 9:30 PM
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Thursday Dec 8th 9:27 AM
Martina Correia, 1967-2011, champion of Troy Davis and justice for all Matthew Cardinale, SF Bay View
Friday Dec 2nd 3:20 AM
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Monday Jan 9th 8:35 AM
"Unpeople" Ted Rudow III, MA
Sunday Jan 8th 1:11 PM
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Wednesday Dec 21st 3:51 PM
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