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Wednesday Jan 18
7PM Hegel's Science of Logic
7:30PM The Broken Moon
Thursday Jan 19
12PM Preemptive Strike: War against Iran! Protest and...
7PM Diversity Film 'Accidental Hero: Room 408'
7:30PM Diane Ravitch: The Death and Life of the Great...
Friday Jan 20
8AM Occupy the Courts - Oakland
7PM Miss Representation Screening
Saturday Jan 21
10AM 5 Ideas! Bay Area Occupy Convergence
12PM Hackmeet 2.1: Workshop on tech safety for...
6PM Occupy Sing Along & Potluck
More Events...

In a call-out for a march at 1pm from 14th Street & Broadway to a rally at the Fruitvale BART station on January 1st, 2012, organizers write: "The movement that touched ground in January 2009 — the organizing to address police terrorism — laid the ground work for the movement against the 1% here in Oakland. The polarizing disparity of wealth and the numerous police killings in our communities are inextricably linked. To unravel a system that forecloses homes, pushes our families into poverty and criminalizes our youth while gentrifying our neighborhoods, we need to not only address a system based on greed but a system that needs police brutality to survive and thrive through state terror. On this 3rd anniversary of Oscar’s murder, lets take to the streets to show that Oscar Grant is gone but not forgotten. Oscar lives on in the memories of his family and friends and in our resistance to the police."
On December 17, approximately 75-100 community members protesting the desecration of Rattlesnake Island, the spiritual center of the Elem Pomo community, marched to the Piedmont mansion of John Nady, the owner of Nady Systems, who has been one of those pushing for the development of the island as the location of two luxury-style vacation homes. Community members first circled up and held a rally near the Lakeview library branch in Oakland, then proceeded to march two miles up and into the hills of Piedmont where Nady owns a large home, and a short demonstration was held that featured speeches as well a spirited singing of the AIM song.

Community pickets and mass mobilizations to blockade ports have been planned for December 12th by Occupy movements in San Diego, LA, Oakland, Portland, Tacoma, Seattle, Vancouver, and Houston. Occupy Anchorage, Occupy Denver, and Occupy Wall Street are targeting Goldman Sachs and Walmart on the 12th. Solidarity actions are being planned as far away as in Japan. In Oakland, marches to the port will begin at 5.30am at West Oakland BART. At 3pm, people will rally at 14th and Broadway, followed by a 4pm sharp march to the port. A 5pm march to the port will leave from West Oakland BART.
For the 10th straight year, community members gathered on Black Friday to protest the desecration of the sacred Ohlone shellmounds in Emeryville that were disturbed when the Bay Street Mall was constructed on top of them. The demonstration was on November 25 this year, and organizers of the event hoped to educate shoppers about the Ohlone burial sites, and that there were other shopping alternatives located nearby. A short rally during this year's demonstration featured speeches by Ohlone and Native American activists as well as a representative of Occupy/Decolonize Oakland.
Thursday Nov 24th, 2011 4:31 PM : Huge feast at the plaza for anyone who is hungry. To-go bags available. #OccupyOakland legal taking reports of witnesses to violent arrests.
Thursday Nov 24th, 2011 4:16 PM : OPD makes arrests after refusing portapotty delivery to Thanks for killing our people event at Ogawa Plaza #OccupyOakland
Wednesday Nov 23rd, 2011 12:01 AM : All night vigil reoccupying Oscar Grant plaza. Occupiers requesting food, hot drinks. #OccupyOakland #OWS
Tuesday Nov 22nd, 2011 10:47 PM : Police left, now folks at 18th and Linden are gearing up to march downtown #OccupyOakland
Sunday Nov 20th, 2011 11:30 AM : OPD standing guard over Uptown Park, finally got their own box after watching occupiers eat donuts all morning #OccupyOakland
Sunday Nov 20th, 2011 11:11 AM : Sgt. Patrick Gonzales - three-time killer and OPD firearms instructor - is on police line talking to occupiers at Uptown Park
Sunday Nov 20th, 2011 10:48 AM : #OccupyOakland media team interviewing Uptown Park neighbors who've joined marches and want camp to stay. No corporate media in sight.
Sunday Nov 20th, 2011 10:41 AM : A teacher living upstairs from Uptown Park has provided occupiers with extension cord to make coffee and noodles #OccupyOakland
Sunday Nov 20th, 2011 10:39 AM : City is loading 19th and Telegraph #OccupyOakland remnants into garbage trucks. No arrests.
Saturday Nov 19th, 2011 10:24 PM : #OccupyOakland sound truck is being impounded for 30 days by OPD under anti-sideshow ordinance.
Saturday Nov 19th, 2011 5:44 PM : "Text everyone you know, bring more tents." Childrens artwork being carried into Rudys Cant Fail. #OccupyOakland
Saturday Nov 19th, 2011 5:34 PM : Soundsystem putting out call to bring tents, Champions for Humanity statues watching over new #OccupyOakland site, block party is in effect.
Saturday Nov 19th, 2011 5:27 PM : Police guarding the rock-strewn cesspit at corner of the block from "anarchists" #OccupyOakland
Saturday Nov 19th, 2011 5:24 PM : Artwork is being taken off the fence and preserved #OccupyOakland
Saturday Nov 19th, 2011 5:18 PM : That was fast, the fence is in tatters, vacant lot at 19th and Telegraph occupied by #OccupyOakland #OWS
Saturday Nov 19th, 2011 4:59 PM : Massive #OccupyOakland march is on Grand, approaching Broadway, headed towards site of new camp at 19th and Telegraph #OWS
On Saturday, November 19th, a day of mass actions, Occupy Oakland will set up a new occupation in the park and empty lot on 19th and Telegraph adjacent to the Fox Theater in the rapidly gentrifying Uptown neighborhood and entertainment district. A massive march planned for the day will end at this park and Occupy Oakland will begin setting up a new camp. Occupy Oakland is asking for all committees and supporters to begin making plans in whatever way they can to assist the new occupation and come prepared to make it happen.
UPDATE: The trial has been delayed. More details will be forthcoming.

On November 17th, a Jerusalem civil court will convene regarding the case of Tristan Anderson, an international solidarity activist from Oakland, California, wounded in March 2009 when he was shot in the head by Israeli border police in Ni'ilin, Palestine. He survived the attack on his life, but has been left paralyzed on one side of his body and with significant damage to his brain. To date, no one has been charged with any crime whatsoever related to the shooting of Tristan Anderson. Also on November 17th, supporters are invited to an event in Berkeley in solidarity with the trial featuring Tristan, an update from court from Gabby, and a discussion as well as music.
Wed Nov 16 2011 (Updated 11/17/11) Suit Seeks to Stop Police Violence Against Protesters
On November 14th, the American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California (ACLU-NC) and the National Lawyers’ Guild (NLG) filed a lawsuit in federal court against the Oakland Police Department (OPD) for its egregious constitutional violations against Occupy Oakland demonstrators. The ACLU-NC and the NLG are suing OPD on behalf of Scott Campbell and other demonstrators subjected to excessive force during recent demonstrations. Additional plaintiffs include Kerie Campbell, Marc McKinnie, Michael Siegel, and NLG Legal Observer Marcus Kryshka.
Fri Nov 11 2011 (Updated 11/13/11) Occupy Cal - Students Fight Cuts and Fee Hikes
Students at UC Berkeley walked out of classes on November 9th to protest budget cuts and rising tuition, and to support the Occupy Wall Street demonstrations. The rally protested economic inequality and its impact on students, the poor and the young — in the words of the occupy movement, a protest by the 99% of the people who are exploited by a system that only benefits the top 1%. Later that night, students were beaten by police batons as they tried to set up tents in Sproul Plaza, and six students and an assistant professor were arrested. Students continued to occupy the plaza without tents, however.
Occupy Oakland continues to kick through the boundaries of what was previously thought possible, upping the ante of what it means to resist against corporate greed and state oppression. Just one day after a hundred people were arrested, two encampments were physically smashed to the ground, and a thousand supporters were attacked by police with chemical weapons and projectiles in a manner that shocked the conscience of the nation, Occupy Oakland collectively took the audacious and ambitious step of calling for the first General Strike in America in sixty-five years.
Early on October 25th, expecting a police raid at Occupy Oakland in Oscar Grant Plaza, occupiers began to erect barricades along the perimeter and access ways to the plaza. At 4:30am, over 500 police surrounded the plaza. Police fired projectiles and tear gas shells and hand-lobbed at least one flash-bang grenade over the barricades before marching through the camp tearing down tents and pulling down almost everything that stood in the plaza. Over 70 people were arrested during the raid. Later in the day, Alameda County Sheriff's deputies repeatedly deployed massive amounts of tear gas and fired projectiles into a crowd of marchers throughout the night. Numerous people were injured, some seriously when projectiles were fired at the heads of protesters. On October 26th, occupiers removed fencing and again took Oscar Grant Plaza, holding their daily General Assembly which voted 1484 to 46 for an Oakland general strike on Wednesday, November 2nd.
On Friday, October 14th, Jeff Halper, director of the Israeli Committee Against House Demolition (ICAHD), will be speaking at UC Berkeley. Halper, who has been arrested many times for his nonviolent direct action against house demolition, is the author of three books and was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2006.
The Oakland General Assembly decided on October 4th that the people of Oakland should occupy Frank Ogawa Plaza at the corner of 14th and Broadway on Monday, October 10th starting at 4pm in solidarity with Occupy Wall Street, the many occupations underway across the country, and Indigenous Resistance Day. Organizers say, "Come ready to spend the night or just swing by to say hello. Let's do this Oakland style!" Nearly 1000 people gathered on the first day, with around 50 tents set up overnight, including one tent occupied by Oakland city council member Desley Brooks. The plaza has been dubbed "Oscar Grant Plaza" by Occupiers.
Monday Oct 10th, 2011 2:08 PM : Nady Inc. closed on indigenous resistance day, surrounded by policetape. Elem will present demands to Lake Cty supes next Tue #occupyoakland
Monday Oct 10th, 2011 1:09 PM : Big turnout of supporters for Elem Pomo march in Emeryville protesting development of Rattlesnake Island by Nady #occupyoakland
At noon on Monday, October 10th — Indigenous People’s Day — members of the Elem Pomo tribe will march to the offices of millionaire businessman John Nady in Emeryville to demand that he immediately halt his planned desecration of Rattlesnake Island. The Elem Pomo have invited supporters to join the protest and tell Nady that from the Bay Area to Lake County, people will stand up to oppose the desecration of sacred native sites.

On September 17th, over one thousand demonstrators poured into New York City's financial district to confront corporate greed by establishing an ongoing presence, day and night, in lower Manhattan. The idea was to create an American Tahir Square on Wall Street. Police blocked marchers from reaching Wall Street, but hundreds persisted and set up camp in Zuccotti Park, now dubbed Liberty Plaza. In San Francisco, demonstrators likewise called for an occupation of the financial district starting the same day, outside of 555 California Street. The SF occupation is currently located in front of the Federal Reserve building on Market Street, although after midnight on October 6th, SFPD and city workers raided the site and took away the kitchen, tents, and truckloads of other occupier supplies. Several were beaten by SFPD and one was arrested during the raid. Occupations began in San Jose on Oct. 2nd, in Santa Cruz and Sacramento on Oct. 6th, Berkeley on Oct. 8th, Fresno on Oct. 9th, in Oakland on Oct. 10th and one is planned to start in Santa Rosa on Saturday, Oct. 15th.
On September 8th, 2011, an art exhibit of children's drawings was banned by the Museum of Children's Art in Oakland (MOCHA). Much of the artwork was drawn by children participating in a "Let the Children Play And Heal" project. It was developed to address the needs of traumatized children after the 2008/2009 Israeli assault on Gaza. Zionist organizations are suspected of having intimidated MOCHA into canceling the show, despite the fact that MECA had been working with the museum for months planning the local exhibit. On September 23rd, a demonstration was held in front of MOCHA to protest the censorship. On September 24th, supporters first gathered in the courtyard outside of the MOCHA building, displaying reproductions of the Gazan children's artwork, until an announcement was made about a new venue for the exhibit around the corner. The exhibit is set to show through November 30th.
On September 22nd at UC Berkeley, between 100 and 200 students marched from a rally in front of Sproul Hall and entered Tolman Hall to protest austerity measures cutting public education throughout the state of California. Demonstrators entered the lobby of the building only to be met by police batons and pepper spray. Police claim that pepper spray was used in response to someone grabbing a magazine clip from one of the officers, but at least one witness says that these were two separate events, and that the magazine clip was only found later after a police officer dropped it. Students were able to hold room 2308 and other parts of the first floor through the afternoon and into the evening until police evicted them from the building. Two protesters were arrested and remain in jail.
Redwood Curtain CopWatch writes: Four years ago, Martin was 26 years old, unarmed and living on the streets when he was killed by the Eureka Police when they pummeled his body in broad daylight, in front of a homeless shelter, then brought him to the jail to die.... The case, Siehna Cotton et al v. City of Eureka is being heard before U.S. District Court Judge Saundra Brown Armstrong and a seven person jury.... Marty Cotton, Sr. says, “We want to expose the truth, ideally, so those cops can never wear a badge and weaponry and never do this to anyone else again.” On September 23rd when the verdict was announced, the City of Eureka and three Eureka police officers lost as the jury awarded the Martin Cotton family over $4.5 million.
On August 24th, family and supporters of Raheim Brown Jr. once again gathered at Oakland Unified School District headquarters to demand that OUSD police officers Barhin Bhatt and Jonathan Bellusa, the officers responsible for the murder of Raheim Brown, be fired and charged with the killing. This time, though, the anger was even more intense as it was learned less than a week earlier that the superintendent and school board had not only ignored the repeated previous pleadings of community members, but had promoted Barhin Bhatt to interim chief of the school police upon the previous chief's sudden retirement when racist and threatening comments of his became public. On September 6th, James Williams, a former Oakland Housing Authority police officer, was appointed as the new interim chief to replace Bhatt.
No Justice No BART called for an action to be held on Thursday, September 8th, at the Powell Street Station in San Francisco. The plan announced was that if enough protesters were mobilized, in order to keep riders moving into and out of the station, BART would have to open the emergency exits and let folks ride for free, just as they have for other large events in the past. On September 8th, protesters gathered at Powell station, chanting and holding signs. No fare gates were ever blocked. Within a half hour, BART riot police kettled dozens of protesters and reporters. BART police handcuffed numerous journalists, requesting that SFPD confiscate their SFPD police press passes. Two Indybay journalists were arrested, along with over 22 protesters, and charged with violating Penal Code 369i, which deals with interfering with train operations.
On August 17th, opening night of the 2011 Ringling Brothers Circus in San Jose, nearly a hundred activists gathered to protest and to inform circus-goers about the cruelty involved when wild animals are forced to live in small cages and perform for audiences across the country. Ringling Brothers has a history of maltreating the animals under its care, from physically abusing them as part of their training to failing to adequately meet basic medical needs. Animal activists encourage others to help keep the heat on Ringling to drop the use of animals in their live shows. Demonstrations are planned for Ringling Brothers appearances in San Francisco and Oakland from September 1st through 11th.
Charles Hill writes: In solidarity with everyone fighting against police brutality and the police state, molotovs were thrown into the parking lot of the Fresno SW substation where police cars and pigs' personal vehicles are parked. At least two cars burned. This action is done in solidarity especially with those in the East Bay standing up against the murderous BART police.
The Bay Area is now the first place in the United States to have had its electronic communications deliberately disabled to preempt a political protest. On August 11th, BART cut power to the underground mobile phone antennas within their system for several hours, denying tens of thousands of evening commuters access to the Internet, telephone service, and even 911 calls. The protest BART claimed as the reason for disrupting mobile service never happened, but Anonymous called for online and offline protests in "remembrance [of] the blood that is on the hands of the BART police" and to "stand up for your rights and those of your fellow citizens." Both the and BART Police Officers' Association websites have been hacked. On August 15th and 22nd, protests were held in San Francisco that shut down downtown BART stations during the evening commutes. Over 40 people were arrested on August 22nd. A third demonstration was called for August 29th and two were arrested. No stations were closed by BART but two people were arrested for speaking out inside of Embarcadero station.
On Wednesday, August 10th, family and supporters rallied at the Lake Merritt BART station before marching to Oakland Unified School District's headquarters to call for justice in the police murder of Raheim Brown Jr. Demonstrators packed the monthly board meeting to demand the immediate disbandment of the school police and the firing of officers Barhin Bhatt and Jonathan Bellusa, who shot Brown multiple times on January 22nd, later claiming he brandished a screw driver. The only civilian witness on the scene, Tamisha Stewart, says Bellusa and Bhatt murdered Brown after calling him racist epithets, that Brown was unarmed and not a threat to the police.
Oscar Grant’s best friend, Johntue Caldwell, 25, was shot dead on July 15, 2011. He was the godfather of Oscar Grant’s daughter, Tatiana, and was one of the young men on the Fruitvale BART platform on January 1st, 2009 when Oscar Grant was killed. Johntue Caldwell was unarmed and killed at a Hayward gas station at around 5:35 p.m., when “someone” walked up to his car and fired several times at him. His assailant has not been identified or located yet. He leaves behind two young sons.
iCal feed From the Calendar:
7PM Wednesday Jan 18 Hegel's Science of Logic
7:30PM Wednesday Jan 18 The Broken Moon
8AM Friday Jan 20 Occupy the Courts - Oakland
6PM Saturday Jan 21 Occupy Sing Along & Potluck
7PM Wednesday Jan 25 America EXPOSED
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Labor Speak-out At Occupy Oakland Union Forum-Solidarity Needed Labor Video Project
Monday Jan 16th 11:45 AM
Pics from F**k The Police Protest in Oakland, CA D. Boyer (1 comment)
Monday Jan 16th 9:10 AM
Why “Fuck the Police?” Zachary Running Wolf (12 comments)
Monday Jan 16th 7:52 AM
FTP3: Fuck the Police and the NDAA (1 comment)
Sunday Jan 15th 9:39 PM
Hackmeet 2.1: Workshop on tech safety for activists Hackmeet
Saturday Jan 14th 5:07 PM
Arrest, Injury @ Rally Against Police Oppression Bay Area Occupier (1 comment)
Friday Jan 13th 1:11 AM
Delta advocates blast flaws in tainted PPIC report Dan Bacher (1 comment)
Thursday Jan 12th 10:30 AM
Occupy Oakland in 2012 Jane P Perry
Thursday Jan 12th 10:06 AM
Call-out for supplies for January 28 Occupy Oakland Move-In Occupy Oakland Move In Assembly
Thursday Jan 12th 9:31 AM
Fuck the Police, Long Live the Commune Bay of Rage (6 comments)
Wednesday Jan 11th 5:40 PM
Occupy Oakland and Marcel “Khali” Johnson Jane P Perry
Wednesday Jan 11th 10:14 AM
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Obama's Transfer Of The Public's Equity To The 1% Lloyd Hart
Monday Jan 9th 10:49 AM
Anonymous defaces Stratfor and Ups The Oakland Commune Internets (1 comment)
Sunday Dec 25th 10:05 PM
This Week in Palestine, December 16th, 2011 IMEMC
Friday Dec 16th 7:43 PM
Occupy Movement Has Positive Effect Across The Nation Sam Johnson
Saturday Dec 10th 11:18 AM
On Direct Action and the Black Bloc Gina Lunori
Wednesday Nov 23rd 7:38 PM
Arab League Pro-Western Despots Stephen Lendman
Tuesday Nov 15th 1:24 AM
Olympia Rally in Solidarity with the Oakland General Strike solidarity!!
Wednesday Nov 2nd 3:43 PM
Occupy Wall Street and the Criminalization of Non-violent Dissent Ritt Goldstein (1 comment)
Wednesday Oct 26th 7:24 PM
What Next for Libya Stephen Lendman
Tuesday Oct 25th 1:14 AM
This Week in Palestine, October 21st, 2011 IMEMC
Sunday Oct 23rd 12:33 PM
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Thursday Oct 20th 4:43 AM
Quartet Anti-Palestinian Statehood Proposal Stephen Lendman
Monday Sep 26th 12:46 AM
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New Posters for Occupy Oakland Jan 28 Move-In OO Move-In Assembly
Tuesday Jan 17th 1:22 PM
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Tuesday Jan 17th 6:38 AM
NDAA Protest at Obama's Oakland Headquarters K.C.
Monday Jan 16th 6:58 PM
OWS Changed Nothing! Lloyd Hart (2 comments)
Monday Jan 16th 9:41 AM
Information and Rates for Collect Calls Placed from Alameda County Jails Jonathan Dale Rapoport
Sunday Jan 15th 10:50 AM
Enough Words Lloyd Hart
Friday Jan 13th 9:00 AM
KPFA 1/12 6 p.m. news promotes lies on King assassination & Ignores Mumia The Struggle Continues (2 comments)
Thursday Jan 12th 7:52 PM
Last Days of Cake- the EVIL webcomic 00232 Eric Xodik
Thursday Jan 12th 6:30 AM
Last Days of Cake- the EVIL webcomic 00231 Eric Xodik
Tuesday Jan 10th 6:02 AM
Last Days of Cake- the EVIL webcomic 00230 Eric Xodik
Thursday Jan 5th 6:27 AM
KPFA: What The Rosenberg Recall is *Really* About Joseph Schmidt (2 comments)
Tuesday Jan 3rd 3:03 PM
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