Is Hitler Running The White House?

Now look, friends, I don’t want to be alarmist but I strongly suspect that Adolph, of Hitler fame, is not only alive but is running the White House and the Pentagon.

Now look, I know you probably think that I’ve finally tripped over the carpet, banged my head, and I’m in a coma but I beg to argue my case. I know all the evidence is circumstantial but there is so much of it that I can no longer contain myself!

Let me ask you: Which nation has most closely followed Nazi Germany since its demise in WW2? There is only nation that has wrapped itself in the Hitler mantle and set about invading and occupying most of the world! That is clearly the U.S.

Now why would the U.S. having spent from 1941 to 1945 fighting against Fascism suddenly adopt it as its raison de etre? This is me asking you this question? I know it’s a controversial question but there is no need to look so dumbfounded.

Clearly what has happened is that Hitler didn’t die in a bunker at all. He and his mistress were caught, interrogated (no, not water-boarded), then, in a strange twist of fate, taken to the U.S. (must like the Saudis were transported to their country after 9/11), and set up in a cupboard in the White House, one labelled DO NOT OPEN EXCEPT IN EMERGENCIES!

The leaders of the U.S., even in 1945, knew that Hitler was onto a good thing, that is world domination, and they wanted to ensure that Hitler’s plan would come to fruition with one small change: America would run the world, the Forth Reich if you will, and a thousand years of American Kulture would envelop the Earth.

Now I know that some of you, the more discerning ones, are scratching your heads and will be asking the question: WHAT AMERICAN KULTURE? It’s a fair question and I’m afraid I can’t answer it. Germany at one stage had a flowering Kulture and its composers, philosophers and dramatists were legion. America…, well, next question!

So after Russia went bankrupt trying to out-borrow the U.S., someone in the White House mentioned the DO NOT OPEN cupboard. Hitler was taken out still clutching Eva to his bosom (or hers depending on how you look at these things) and a President, I can’t remember which one, said loudly: “This is a market driven economy, Dolph, and it works on a ‘survival of the fittest’ ethic. We’ve fed you scraps for long enough. It’s time for you to repay us.”

Hitler, who was still blinking because of the sunlight, clicked his heels, gave a salute, and said, “Herr President. I haf only one purpose, to serve you. Would you like me to ‘Kliethanbildrufukssion‘ you?”

“We’re not into that filth,” the President admonished. “We are Christians. All we want is your help to set up an American Reich, one that will last a thousand years. We know yours didn’t last too long because of the greatness of America, but you had some good moves, for example blitzkrieg worked well, we call it shock and awe, and the gas ovens…we have cages in Gitmo, it’s less controversial but no matter. Our problem is that no one likes us. We need help! Surely, you must’ve learned from your mistakes!”

“Yes, I should’ve invaded Britain and left Russia alone. And those Japanese Frauleins bombing Pearl Cove, Gott Damen zer funny eyes!”

The rest is history at they say. Over fifty years Hitler has had many guises and many cosmetic interceptions. Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Cheney, he comes and goes, but always he is there, pulling zer strings, as they say too!

So if you are wondering why the U.S. has become a NAZIS nation with ambitions to control the whole world by military force, the explanation is simple and completely obvious. Hitler is running the show with the help of Dolly of the Grossen Boobies fame, and frequent injections!

To save the world we must march on the White House, find Hitler, release him, then send him to Hollywooooood, the home of American Kulture, where he will produce war movies that show what should have happened in WW2!

And America? With Hitler gone, surely it will find its soul, discover some values, adopt Buddhism, and live in peace for a thousand years.

P.S.That is my wishful-thinking thought for today!


Evangelicals Back Santorum – God Help Us!

Christian love is Divine, it teaches

What’s yours is mine, and that

Killing others is just fine.

We do it all the time!


Friends, I know that you know that I am an atheist. But this headline fills me with fear. Why, you ask?

It’s because politics and religion are supposed to be separate with good reason. And the reason is that religion brings about a dangerous kind of absence of reason. Religion inhibits rational thought, hallelujah, praise the Lord.

But when you choose political leaders you need to be mentally acute, sharp as a tack because most politicians will take you down as quick as a biting snake, yes they will.

I believe it’s fair to say that the  minds of religious people are filled with all manner of fantasies about angels, life after death, living forever, hell and eternal damnation, sins and lists thereof, etc, and that’s only the Christian religion. If you read up on all the claims of all religions you get a cocktail of things that is enough to drive you crazy. I mean, having 72 virgins waiting for you is enough to drive most men crazy, isn’t it?

But choosing a politician is an important thing so how do you get your mind in order, get the religious component out of it? Can scrambled eggs be unscrambled?

Well, Americans have solved the problem. They announce that they are supporting this religion-supporting politician or that hence spurning the clear separation that is supposed to separate politics and religion, praise the Lord, bring on the Rapture, hallelujah, hosannas!

It seems that the most important thing that each Presidential candidate needs to do is to appear to be more religious than all the others.

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The U.S. Is Pissing On The Whole World!

This is one face of the U.S., the ‘we are so noble, so peace-loving, so altruistic, so caring, so committed to human rights and equality and democracy’ one!

This is the other! “Buddy, you ought to see what we do when no one is looking!”


Friends, when I wrote the last post, I was struck by the gross symbolism of the photograph, how it seemed to convey much more than four sick marines desecrating the bodies of three dead Taliban fighters who were killed trying to protect their country from American imperialism.

Then, this morning, on Anti-War, I noticed an article by Arthur Silber, a well-known American commentator and, at its end, it finished with these words.

The rulers of the United States piss on you, and on every other human being on Earth not favored by privilege and power.

The link to his article, which makes powerful reading, can be found at the end of this post and obviously I recommend that everyone reads it. It is a strong indictment of the U.S. and everything it stands for.

The article stresses that the Rulers of the U.S. care about nothing or no one, not even America citizens. The only people who count in their estimation are Americans who hold power, wealth and privilege and their counterparts elsewhere in the West.

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The U.S. Exposed Again!


Friends, this photograph says more about the U.S. than a million words could ever do. It show four American marines urinating on the corpses of three dead Taliban fighters which is a crime.

Now you might say this is nothing more than some soldiers letting off steam, just treating the enemy with contempt. But it is far more than that. What is on display is the American attitude to anyone or anything that gets in their imperial road.

It shows American contempt for non-Americans, for those who disagree with American ‘values’ and American ‘ambitions’ and American ‘interests’. That Australia is closely allied with the U.S. I find deeply offensive.

I am in league with many Americans who are horrified by what their country is doing, by its warmongering, its insatiable killing and destruction, by its greed, by its arrogance and conceit.

Dare I say it, the filthy, disgusting, sordid act shown above which, I am sure, is only one of many things that have taken place in Iraq and Afghanistan (and most other theaters of war) puts the icing on the cake for me.

Only the video of the helicopter crew mowing down Iraqi civilians comes close to this or perhaps the torture of naked Iraqis in Abu Ghraib with that dumb female smiling as if torturing was such fun or the cages in Guantanamo!

Friends, by their works ye shall know them! The world should be fully aware of what Americans are by now under their current ‘leadership’. There is plenty of evidence for those who want to seek it out.

And it proves that the U.S. must never be allowed to control the world, not under any circumstances!

P.S. Why not consider joining PEACE? Read the Charter first.




Two Mormons And A Capitalist Lead The Race!

“My God is better than yours, Ron!”

“I’ll hit you with my walking stick if you let me up!”


There are three people here, two of them trying to kill each other. The Referee is keeping close watch on proceedings following the Guillotine Choke.


Yes, friends, in the race to be the world’s most powerful man, it seems that we have two practicing Mormons, Romney and Huntsman (though I’m not sure whether that means they have multiple wives or not), and a Capitalist (Paul) who thinks that markets should rule the world (despite the mess that the world is in financially because of markets and Capitalism).

Yes, these three worthies are locked in battle to see which of them should oppose Obama, the glib lawyer who promised far more and delivered far less than Jesus has (thus far).

Yes, the world is agog with the spectacle of Americans going ga-ga over the contenders. We have seen them in debate and addressing selected audiences, a largely yawning spectacle indeed. All that is left is to see them in cage-combat, their faces contorted, their blood flowing as they apply choker-holds to their opposition.

Now look, let me state at the outset that I really don’t think Ron Paul should get into the cage. He’s too old. He might think he’s a budgerigar.

And the other two are just as likely to hold a prayer meeting and speak as George Bush used to, to their Mormon God, in the middle of a spine-breaker ankle throw, one perfected by the Ancient Aztecs during an erotic virility celebration.

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While Humans Wage War…

…other creatures are spending their lives making the Earth more beautiful,


… and are helping to fill the air with beautiful fragrances,


…and pollinating the fruit trees and flowers so that beauty and food is everywhere,


…and such creatures also provide honey to try to sweeten the nature of brutal, greedy, destructive human predators. Alas, to no avail!




Why We Need War!

We want the owner of this beach bungalow to feel secure, don’t we?


Politicians, who are rich themselves, look after their mates!


I read somewhere the other day why war is so necessary. I don’t know why it didn’t occur to me a long time ago. I mean it makes such good sense when you have it explained to you.

War, friends, is to keep the rich people feeling secure, feeling that their millions, their mansions, their luxury motor yachts are safe and not likely to be taken from them.

Of course, it’s hard for us ordinary folk, the ones who just get along, who just survive day by day, to understand how it must feel to have so much money that we just don’t know what to spend it on. I mean, to have that kind of pressure must be difficult to endure. I mean, to have to decide whether to buy a castle in Spain or a grand Villa in Italy must be gut-wrenching. Of course, many of these wealthy people would solve the problem by buying both!

And then, on top of that quandary, to have to face the possibility that someone might take away their vast wealth is another constant worry and, of course, I don’t mean the tax man! These wealthy people have the tax situation well under control. They set up schemes in all manner of places and pay little or no tax at all.

No, I mean ‘TERRISTS’. Yes folks, the world is full of terrorists who want to take the wealth from the ultra-rich and spread it around. Have you ever heard of such a terrible notion. I mean taking the wealth from a rich person must be the cruelest thing anyone has ever thought of.

Then, to add insult to injury, giving it to the great unwashed who would just waste it feeding their children and building a home for them is inconceivable. Shock, horror!

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What’s The Greatest Problem Facing The World?


You could be forgiven for thinking the world’s greatest problem is who Americans will elect as their next President. The television is filled with commentary about who said what to who and which male has his nose in front (of course, women don’t count in America)!

Yes, Ron Paulus, Mitt Romulus and Rick Sanitarium, some notables in the race, are strutting their stuff and defending their philandering or extremist reputations as best they can. Each one is being more religious than the others, more nationalistic than the others, more decisive than the others, in fact more everything to every voter than the others!

In the meantime, Emperor Obama continues on with his plans to take over the world and to that end he has planned a leaner, meaner army and you can’t get a meaner army than the Pentagon already has so hang onto your hats. The Romans might have had the short sword but that’s old hat when compared with drones, metal-melting, genetic-deforming, depleted uranium, napalm and phosphorus explosives and, of course, water-boarding, etc.

Actually, the Presidential coverage has had one benefit: it has taken some of the heat out of the Eurozone Crisis and just where the U.S. is up to in its invasion of the Free World. People are too busy wondering whether Ron will forget his name or speculating whether Mitt might have two or three first ladies in the White House or whether Rick will get into bed with the Gay Movement.

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Roman Empire Vs America: Cheese And Chalk!

The Roman Empire improved things wherever they went!


The Americans destroy wherever they go and create hatred!


Friends, I wonder whether you have been to Europe and seen the evidence of Ancient Rome’s empire on your travels. If you see the Roman Baths in Bath and perhaps some of the Roman ruins still left in Turkey or aqueducts in many place, you will get some idea of the extent and influence of the Ancient Roman Empire.

But it is not only the buildings that the Roman Empire left behind, but the roads, language, laws, etc. What follows is a brief description of the legacy of Rome just to refresh your memory:

“Despite the fact that the Western Roman Empire collapsed in the year 476, it has left a lasting impact on the world that continues to this day. The basis of its power was its Armed Forces which were largely invincible and were extremely well trained and led.

But the Romans did not attempt to exterminate or crush their conquests. Once they were brought under control then Rome set about setting up proper order and also began educating and building and improving the infrastructure and local government. They were smart!

Like the Greek civilization that came before it, the Roman Empire set the stage for what would become Western civilization. The influence of Rome was so powerful that a number of states claimed to be the successor of it in the many centuries that followed its collapse. An example of this would be the Holy Roman Empire. When the Ottomans captured Constantinople in 1453, the Sultan Mehmed II made the city his capital and said that it was the throne of the Roman Empire.

In addition to Western Civilization, the Roman Empire also had a lasting effect on Eastern Civilizations. A large number of nations would borrow their legal systems from Rome, and the technology for cement was based on discoveries that were made by the Romans. Christianity was also born during the Roman Empire, and it was Rome that introduced neo-classical architecture to the world. The Romans built an advanced road system that can still be seen today, thousands of years after their initial construction. They also built aqua ducts some of which are still in use. While Western civilization today may borrow much from the Greeks, their legal system is Roman at its foundation.”

Pretty impressive, eh! Now, by way of comparison, let us document the achievements of the emerging American Empire.

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Who Really Are ‘The Invented People’?

“Now, look, Fellow Founding Fathers, what will we call ourselves? I suggest Americans. It sounds grand, exceptional, noble, born to rule!”

“You may have invented yourselves earlier than us, but God has been watching over us for thousands of years. We are His chosen people. Too bad, eh?”


Friends, to answer this question requires an ability to think outside the box, to rid one’s mind of all indoctrination, all the nonsense that we have been fed since birth.

To begin, let me make this point: many nations have been going for centuries, some for millennia (thousands of years)! And some others have been going for a matter of a few hundred of years and one nation, one built upon racism and elitism, has been in existence since 1947! Wow!

Now, who are these ‘Johnny come Lately’ nations and how has their emergence affected the world? Let’s take the U.S. first.

As the flood of immigrants from Europe impacted upon the Native Indians on the North American Continent, the result was not good for the local inhabitants. To cut a long story short, they were ‘genocided’ out of existence.

Yes, the ‘white trash’ that moved from Europe did not bring with them nobility or generosity. No, they brought guns and created soldiers and quickly dispatched those who quarreled with the insatiable demands of the white invaders.

Once the ‘invaders’ dispatched the Native Indians, they then went to Africa and, without a second thought, stole black Africans to work on the cotton plantations as slaves. Boy oh boy, did those black slaves get a bad time of it.

Eventually, the ‘whites’ in the North of the new nation decided that slavery was not a good look, so the white ‘riffraff’ from Europe fought a bitter civil war with each other.

The ‘Americans’ also fought against Britain and France and anyone else who dared show their face in the ‘New World’. Soon, the white ‘riffraff’ moved elsewhere in the world, anywhere there was a buck to be made.

A few hundred years later this brash, warmongering nation lays claim to being exceptional and, modestly, claims it is the greatest nation in the history of the world forgetting about India and China and Greece completely. I guess if you don’t blow your own trumpet, who will?

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