
The Changing Face of Motherhood

Insights from three generations of mothers

Recession Generation

The report seeks to answer some specific questions about the changing face of motherhood and determine the extent to which modern ‘solutions’ to motherhood are more or less beneficial than the solutions of the past. more

The impact of the commercial world on children's wellbeing

Report of an independent assessment

The impact of the commercial world on children's wellbeing

Two years ago, in the Children's Plan, the DCSF committed itself to commission an independent assessment of the impact of the commercial world on children's wellbeing. That assessment, led by Professor David Buckingham, is now complete. As part of the process SIRC was commissioned to undertake two major reviews: Children and Family Life: Socio-Demographic Changes and The Ecology of Family Life. more

Recession Generation

Psychological impact & the lessons of recession

Recession Generation

There can be very few people in Britain who are unaware that we have been living in times of recession…It is clear that people — even those unaffected directly — are worried, especially about their future financial security. But are there some positive lessons to be learnt? more

Life in the UK today

The role and citizen impact of Public Service Broadcasting

Public Service Broadcasting

As a complement to the extensive work contributed by other players on the rapid advances in technology and consumer behaviour, the work is designed to review and present the available data on broader social trends which may impact on PSB in the future…more


SIRC is an independent, not-for-profit organisation based in Oxford, UK. We conduct research on a wide range of social topics and combine robust qualitative and quantitative methods with innovative analysis and thinking. We also conduct continuous monitoring of social and cultural trends. You will find most of our recent reports and articles in the Publications and Articles sections.

SIRC undertakes commissioned projects and conducts on-going research for European and UK government bodies, major companies, trade associations, etc. Some of our clients are listed here.

The Centre has recently completed a European Commission FP6 project in collaboration with the Amsterdam School of Communication (ASCoR). We have developed the original SIRC Guidelines on Science and Health Communication (in association with the Royal Institution and Royal Society) to give them a truly European provenance after detailed consultation with key actors and stake holders across the EU. The new Guidelines for Scientists on Communicating with the Media can be found in the MESSENGER section of the website. Additional reports and materials from the project are also available here.

We also focus on issues and topics simply because we find them important and interesting — and because we can. What we produce is regularly covered in the popular media. You can see some examples here

In the box below you will find some random examples of various SIRC reports. For a fuller list click on the Publications or Articles buttons on the navigation bar.

The SIRC team combines wide experience in research and publishing with youthful flair and imagination. SIRC’s role is also to initiate debate and to challenge preconceived notions that have somehow managed to replace rational thinking. We hope that you enjoy your visit and welcome your feedback, or argument!