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Help Keep Us Online in 2012

Dear Readers and Supporters of,

The way the corporate media is laughing at, distorting, and ignoring global protests against the crisis-ridden capitalist system reminds us once again that our revolutions will not be televised – at least, not until we construct strong and lasting alternative media outlets.

Venezuela learned that lesson in 2002 when the mainstream media fabricated images and invented facts to paint an elitist coup as a lawful and democratic transition of power. Day in and day out, the Venezuelan people’s movements, organizations, and struggles are replaced by falsities and manipulations of facts because they are in the process of constructing an alternative type of society.

Over the past eight years, the activist-journalists at (VA) have worked to make visible Venezuela’s achievements in reducing poverty and inequality, empowering women, ensuring universal health care, expanding access to education and the media, building food sovereignty, and promoting a peaceful, multi-polar world. We have provided honest, contextualized, and independent analysis of the nuances, obstacles, and shortcomings of the Bolivarian Revolution. We have also amplified the voices of worker unions, peasant federations, cooperative business owners, and community leaders who tell their stories and call for changes and corrections within the revolutionary process.

Venezuela’s revolution has a lot to offer the protesters worldwide from Occupy Wall Street to Greece, Egypt, Palestine, Australia, the U.K., and anywhere else where people believe a real alternative to neo-liberal capitalism is possible.

We at VA want to continue our in-depth coverage, but we absolutely cannot do so without your donations. Here are some ways you can help us:

  • Donate or become a sustainer now:  We are offering a Venezuelanalysis calendar, t-shirt, or a range of books as a gift if you make a donation of $100 or more, or become a monthly sustainer of $10 or more for one year. See below. For those of you who are based in the U.S., we have 501(c)3 status and your donations are tax deductable.

  • Send this letter to others who might be interested in VA and able to support our work! Share it in social networks like Facebook or Twitter.

Remember that your donation will go a long way at VA. With an annual budget of approximately $10,000 in 2011, VA sustained three part-time writers, enlarged our use of multi-media, and brought you interviews, images, translations, and reports from across Venezuela. If you help us go beyond this fundraising goal, we would like to bring in more writers, be able to transport our writers to and from important political events, and make VA an ever-expanding resource in 2012.

Finally, please remember that VA provides original news and analysis that is not found anywhere else. While the rich and powerful continue to pour funds into groups that destabilize Venezuela’s revolution, VA is dedicated to cutting through the mainstream media’s distorted reporting on Venezuela. But to continue to do so, we need your help.

Please make a meaningful  contribution to today.


The VA Team, November 2011
Gregory Wilpert, Kiraz Janicke, Tamara Pearson, Jan Kühn, James Suggett, Michael Fox, Juan Reardon, Federico Fuentes, Eva Golinger, Rachael Boothroyd, Ewan Robertson

P.S. And don’t forget to help spread the word!




To donate with a credit card directly or through PayPal, click one of the following buttons. If you would prefer to send us a check in the mail, send an email to for information on how to do so.

Sustainer Donation

$10 per month


$25 per month


$50 per month

One-Time Donation of Your Choice


Donation and subscription gifts

We are offering a Venezuelanalysis calendar, t-shirt or book as a gift if you make a donation of $100 or more, or become a monthly sustainer of $10 or more for one year.  Once you have made your donation or subscription we will email you asking for your choice of gift and your mailing address.


 The 2012 calendar includes Venezuelanalysis photos of various inspiring aspects of the revolution, as well as important Venezuelan revolutionary and historical dates.



T-shirt "In Venezuela People Have the Power" T-shirts come in medium and long sleaves. Limit of 20.

T-shirt T-shirt


Books and DVDs

Beyond Elections, by Michael Fox & Sílvia Leindecker - This adventurous feature length documentary film is a journey across the Americas - from Venezuela's Communal Councils, to Brazil's Participatory Budgeting, from Constitutional Assemblies to grassroots movements, recuperated factories to cooperatives. It attempts to answer one of the most important questions of our time: What is Democracy?  >> Visit the documentary's website *Limited 7 copies available onl7* 

Chavez: Venezuela & the New Latin America (Ocean Books) - In this extraordinary encounter, Chávez is interviewed by Aleida Guevara, the daughter of the legendary revolutionary Che Guevara.  >> Visit the editorial's website

Cuba and Venezuela (Ocean Books) - this book addresses the question everyone, both friend and foe of President Chávez, is asking: Is Venezuela taking the Cuban road?


More reasons to donate or subscribe:

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“Venezuela Analysis is an invaluable resource for anyone who wants to know what is happening today in one of Latin America's most dynamic countries. Unlike most mainstream media reporting about governments in Latin America, Venezuela Analysis provides a sorely missed counterpoint - presenting a progressive perspective on the news from Venezuela that is in-depth and also takes the views of the country's poor majority into account. Please support”

Oliver Stone
Film director, producer and screenwriter

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“ has regularly provided very useful description, analysis, and commentary on developments in Venezuela, rarely available in the US or the West generally, and valuable for a balanced understanding not only of Venezuela but of Latin American generally in the current very exciting phase of its history.”

Noam Chomsky
Linguist, philosopher, cognitive scientist, and activist

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“Mainstream media coverage of Venezuela tends to be overwhelmingly negative and biased against the government. is an extremely useful alternative news source that provides more nuanced, in-depth pieces and, most importantly, explores developments and issues in Venezuela that are critically important for understanding the political and social changes there, yet are typically ignored in mainstream coverage. The content often includes criticism of policies and actions of the Venezuelan government, but from a progressive perspective, rather than merely echoing the extreme views of right-wing opposition sectors, as mainstream outlets often do.”

Alex Main
Senior Associate for International Policy, Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR), Washington D.C.

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“For Latin America solidarity activists in Australia, is undoubtedly one of the most valuable sources of information and analysis of developments in Venezuela’s Bolivarian revolution. As a voice for the Venezuelan people’s struggles for sovereignty, democracy and justice, plays an indispensible role in educating and inspiring many of us on the other side of the world to build understanding and solidarity with one of the most important people’s movements for a better world for all.”

Lisa Macdonald
National Co-coordinator Australia-Venezuela Solidarity Network

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“It's important to support because it’s a direct way to find out, in English, about the really relevant events that are happening in Venezuela and that are silenced by the media, especially the international media.”

Elias Sánchez
Communal Council spokesperson in Merida, Venezuela

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“Venezuela Analysis has been an essential tool not just for those trying to keep up to date with developments in the Bolivarian revolution, but also because it provides an invaluable space for critical discussion about the process. This is particularly important given the role that the media plays in opposing the advances of the people. For this reason alone, the Venezuelan revolution needs websites like this, which in turn need your support to keep going.”

Marta Harnecker
Chilean journalist, psychologist, and author of Haciendo el camino al andar: Experiencias de ocho gobiernos locales de America Latina

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“Never has a country, its people, its politics, its leader, its myths and truths been so misreported and lied about as Venezuela in the past decade. Not only has Venezuelanalysis done much to correct this with its scrupulous attention to facts, both obvious and concealed, it has opened up a unique space for genuine critique of one of the world's most imaginative popular movements. I can't think of another website on the web more deserving of support.”

John Pilger
Documentary Filmmaker (“War on Democracy”) and author of Freedom Next Time (Bantam, 2006)

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“Venezuelanalysis is an invaluable source of information, a tribune of independent analysis and honest reporting.”

Greg Grandin
History Professor, New York University and author of Empire’s Workshop (Metropolitan Books, 2006)

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“Among other things, Venezuelanalysis is a superb tool for teaching! Students need the access it provides to English-language reports that are fresh, independent and give insight into what ordinary Venezuelans, not just government and opposition leaders are saying and doing.”

Daniel Hellinger
Professor of Political Science, Webster University, and co-editor of Venezuelan Politics in the Chavez Era (Lynne Rienner, 2003)

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“Venezuelanalysis is a refreshing corrective to the one-sided reporting in the establishment media on Venezuela. While sympathetic to the interesting and novel developments taking place in Venezuela, Venezuelanalysis is hardly a mouthpiece for the Chávez government.

“The kind of objective and critical analysis found on its pages is especially important given the current ideological vacuum at the world level. There is a lack of credible proposals for transformation at a time when the old system is becoming increasingly discredited. Only the right in the United States seems to be clear about what it wants. It is thus of paramount importance that the experimental path that Venezuela is currently going down be objectively reported upon and analyzed.

Venezuelanalysis publishes nuanced articles on internal developments in Venezuela, but not so with regard to international relations. With the activation of the U.S. Fourth Fleet last year (without consulting any Latin American nation), the U.S. decision the following year to utilize seven bases in Colombia, as well as the escalation of the war in Afghanistan (including the mass use of drones) at a time when withdrawal from Iraq is highly incomplete, there is little doubt as to who represents the greatest threat to world peace. Venezuelanalysis provides important information on this front as well, as it applies to Latin America. In short, Venezuelanalysis offers useful detail and analysis on pivotal issues that is unavailable from other media sources.”

Steve Ellner
Professor at the Universidad de Oriente and the Misión Sucre, Author of Rethinking Venezuelan Politics: Class, Conflict and the Chávez Phenomenon (Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2008)

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“Venezuela Analysis is my primary source on all things Venezuela. When people ask where to look for information and analysis about Venezuela, I point to it first, second, and third. Why? Because the writers and editors are incredibly well informed and eloquent, have their eye, ears, and minds situated amidst the events, and because the reporting and analysis is biased in the best way possible - it unabashedly takes the side of the country's poor, whether this means being in support of or critical of government policies.”

Michael Albert
Co-founder, ZNet and author of Parecon: Life After Capitalism (Verso Books, 2003)

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“Venezuelanalysis is a vital source of sensible information about Venezuela and the new developments in Latin America, at a time of intense propaganda and corporate media lies.”

Dr. Tim Anderson
Senior Lecturer in Political Economy, University of Sydney

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“Around the world the private media dominates the airwaves, the press, the internet, depriving people of their own voice and popular expression. Internationally and internally there is a big campaign of private media lies against our revolutionary Bolivarian process, against our president and against the Venezuelan people. We are struggling against imperialist domination, for sovereignty, for control over our own resources, for control over our own destinies and to break the logic of exploitation of the capitalist system. I want to congratulate for reflecting the reality of our struggle.”

Gonzalo Gómez
Venezuelan journalist, co-founder

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“I like because it is my major source of information on what is actually taking place in the Bolivarian Revolution, and particularly in Venezuela. In Canada, like the US, there is no positive information about 21st century socialism. Being able to read bits and pieces of the developments and progress toward a better world that are occurring as the result of this peaceful revolution is possible for me primarily through My greatest desire is to see this information made much more readily available throughout North America.”

John Jones reader

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“Even while living in Caracas for the past year, I rely on Venezuelanalysis for high quality reporting of developments in Venezuela, and the region. These not only provide a counter-weight to mainstream media distortions, but offer constructively critical analysis for anyone with an interest in this contemporary social revolution.”

Dr. Tom G. Griffiths
Deputy Head of School of Education, University of Newcastle, reader

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“I enjoy Venezuelanalysis as a source of information and perspectives mostly unavailable in the US. The struggle to create a more humane and equitable society in Venezuela is one of the most important stories of the last decade, and your website promotes that effort in a nonsectarian and clear-headed way. Your reportage is an inspiration in two ways. First, most obviously, we now have hope that the reality of Venezuela\'s reforms and revolutionary changes will be known to people in the Anglosphere. Second, the mobilization of millions of venezolanos to take control of their own future warms the heart and feeds the soul, particularly in these demoralizing times in the US.”

Stephen Jones
New York, reader

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“Venezuela Analysis has been an important source of balanced information regarding Venezuela, Latin America and the Caribbean since its inception. Currently, as the months go by, one has to appreciate even more so the work that Venezuela Analysis is doing. This web site, through the devotion of its talented team of journalists and writers, is increasingly contributing to the world-wide serious opposition against the media war being waged by Washington and its principal allies with one sole objective as far as Latin America and the Caribbean is concerned: To take back what the US considers to be 'its own backyard.' Even though I specialize in the Cuban political system and US manoeuvres against this island, Cuba is not an island unto itself in the political sense as far relations with Venezuela and the south.

In fact, the whole region is bubbling with debate and discussion on participatory democracy, 21st century socialism and sovereignty while taking into account the history and traditions of each country. For this reason Venezuelan Analysis is of great assistance in my work and thus I encourage all those who are interested in Latin America and the Caribbean to strongly support Venezuela Analysis.”

Arnold August
Journalist/Writer/Lecturer, Montreal

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“Generally: Venezuela Analysis, which incidentally, I see quoted more and more in media of all kinds as an authority on Venezuela, is how I keep up with the Bolivarian Revolution, an unfolding experiment in socialism and the most important current attempt to find an alternative to capitalism. Specifically: Just this morning I needed an example of bias by Reporters Without Borders for something I was doing for my web log, and easily found a thorough Venezuela Analysis piece that served my needs.”

Frank Conway
Albuquerque, NM, Truck Driving and Socialism

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“Whenever I need to know what is really going on in Venezuela, I turn to, the best single source for all things Venezuelan. Because history has proven that we cannot trust the reporting of the corporate-controlled media, provides crucial balance for anyone wanting to get all sides of the story.”

Dr. Kevin Danaher, PhD
Co-Founder, Global Exchange

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“As the producer of Wake Up With Co-Op! a morning public affairs show on community radio in Vancouver, Canada, I find the articles in an invaluable source of reliable information on the Venezuelan revolution, and the entire movement for nation building in Latin America and the Caribbean. It is a truthful antidote to the barrage of disinformation from not only US monopoly owned media sources, but also, regrettably, from the publicly owned Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.

We are proud to have been the first in Canada to expose the blatant lie generated by the US state department and rebroadcast by the CBC in April 2002 that the crowds gathered at the Presidential Palace after President Chavez was kidnapped were there to 'cheer the coup d'etat'! We have been carrying ongoing reports on developments in Venezuela, and we thank for their direct assistance to us in helping take the truth of the Bolivarian revolution to our audiences whenever we've asked.”

Charles Boylan
Producer, Wake Up With Co-Op!