Showing posts with label Soisong. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Soisong. Show all posts

Friday, December 11, 2009

Different take on Soisong Reunion Tour IKRA Moscow 29 Oct 2009

Part 2 of several. The rest to be found at the channel of Metaprium. Please do visit and comment. Lovely all over again!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Soisong The Reunion Tour : sounds, links, thoughts

The images used herein are from Soisong Myspace (above) and Soisong The Reunion Tour Page (below), both of which can be reached via the links provided. Do visit them. Worthwhile.
Now 3/5ths of the way through this leg of the tour, some lucky few in Poland and Germany still have the opportunity in a few days to catch Soisong on tour. IkeSnopes was kind enough to provide a lovely clip from the IKRA showing on 29 October 2009 in Moscow. Some incredible vid to back up the sounds. And the sounds. Full and realised. Fresh yet familiar.
Coming off that high (and shortly after posting said vid) a kind soul known only as substrom sent along a link and has graciously given permission to post it here. From the IKRA show, here is AUDIO. I have been listening to it fairly non-stop for the last 6 or so hours. One long track, as it should be. xAj3z is well-represented and just so damn well done. I keep hearing nuances not yet realised. Live, it must be spectacular. A killer take on jam talay say at the end to wrap it up nicely. Highly recommended. I can only hope there will be further recordings to surface as well as vid.
Thank you substrom.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Soisong Moscow 29 October 2009

Thank you to IkeSnopes for the video upload. beautiful. Do check their channel.
p.s. I don't know who substrom is, but thank you thank you thank you.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Oh YouTube and your denizens... THBC at Equinox, Soisong at the Experimenta Club Madrid '08, Sleazy and Ivan in Turin '08

First, Sleazy at Equinox. On the list, DH sends this with the header "Sleazy's Meryl Streep Story". Thank you very much for the heads up!
Again from zodkia (thankyouthankyouthankyou:), this, though, is the last song from the set. I have it on good and reliable authority (gods bless you F) that while the rest of the set was from the Amulet Edition, this piece is entirely new. Lovely!

From expclub we have some short clips of Soisong's Madrid set from last year:

IcaroLondon has graced us to the pre-show antics of Sleazy and Ivan in Turin 2008 prior to the reworking of Angelic Conversation.

There appear to be a clip or two more I hadn't seen, short though they be. Do a search for Soisong at Youtube for more.

That's all, folks (at least for now)

Monday, June 1, 2009

Two Things...

SoiSong has misplaced someone. Please help and follow the link in the pic:)

You really should check out "Sacred and Profane". It's Unkle Sleaze's picture pages yet to come.

Friday, April 24, 2009

New SoiSong :)


"Nothing here now but the recordings"

At least with regard to a point in recent time.


is now available, for those whom didn't know.

Go ahead, type it in here

but only after you purchase it here from SoiSong direct
or here from the western US, or other fine purveyors of such musicks

Saturday, October 11, 2008

The Threshold Houseboys Choir/CoH...from Russia with Love:)

A great big thank you to FrauSchmerz for taking the time to record and post these awesome offerings. Please take the time to let the good Frau know what a kind thing it is they have done.

More from these glorious musicians and others can be found at the FrauSchmerz link above.

Danke meine Frau!

SoiSong blog lists these as 9 October, while they are posted as 9 September.
Reghardless, awesome.




Sunday, July 6, 2008

SoiSong Live Sugar Factory Amsterdam 24 Mai 2008

Apparently no longer available through KinkFM, this originally aired 25 may 2008 on Kink's X-Rated program and was available for download at their site.
SoiSong's set begins about 8 minutes into the cast.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

SoiSong Friday 13 June 2008 Athens Synch 2008

All higher beings please bless exmas2006

SoiSong Synch 2008 part 1

And part 2:

Sweet Goodness.
Also of interest:
on DIME currently vid from SoiSong IKRA

A good father's Day for those in the US:)

Thursday, May 29, 2008

SoiSong IKRA Moscow 28 May YouTube

All thanks and blessings on The Shivering Manatee for the turn on and FXXIII for putting this up.

SoiSong IKRA Moscow 28 May

and this take from leathererror:

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Coil related: SoiSong at Youtube (from Amsterdam 24 May 2008)

All gods bless nightwatch01

What a beautiful find. Thanks to The Shivering Manatee for pointing it out.

parts 2-4 of 7
Please goto nightwatch01 (Thank you whomever you are) for all 7 lovely treats.

Also some lovely TG at the above link.


Look in the comments for location and directions for audio of this set:)

Monday, May 12, 2008

Prescription, Amsterdam, Shirt (chagrin:(

Well, I had a request and usually I am unable to fufill such things, but I am able to offer due to the sublime kindness of a most gracious fellow lover of Coil (and double thanks, as you'll see) the Prescription edition of Astral Disaster. Further back in these here postings is the Thresholdhouse edition. ...or so I thought.
I now know for 100% that the edition posted previously at wassonii (as Sleepless from Latvia tried to tell me in the comments) is indeed the Acme/Prescription edition. I'll post the recent acquisition for a little bit here (192)and will update the erroneous post. As always, I mean well, I lay claim to being a fan, but not necessarily to being the most knowledgable fan. Och well, at least there's a lesson learned. Ummm, I guess I'll be needing to hear the TH edition, then, as that's what I thought I was hearing:) Anyway, good infos follow.
This will likely come back into print at some point, so when that happens, I will pull it.
Please read the disclaimer. Grazie.
Oh yes. SOISONG info follows....

The following infos from the Sugar Factory site (follow link in above pic):
"VAL DENHAM feat. OLI NOVADNIEKS ./ dj ./SOISONG ./ live ./
The evening will start of with a new edition of the illustrious Darkness is Enlightning, presenting cutting edge avant garde acts to the Sugar Factory. With earlier editions inviting Psycic TV and Throbbing Gristle, we are very proud to bring Soisong and Val Denham to this edition.SoiSong is a new project by Peter Christopherson ( Coil;Throbbing Gristle) and IvanPavlov ( COH)The two-man show will combine Ivan's uncompromisingly-visceral computer based music with Christophersons decadent, dark and whimsical approach to artificial vocals and „South Seas2 instrumentation...The power and energy of Youth and the Russian Scientific Establishment with the filth, decay and corruption of English Maturity. SoiSong has been brewing for months in the gloomy Soi's, or alley-ways, of Bangkok, the world's most uninhibited Capitol city, where unlocked i-phones, hi-speed broadband, young brown flesh, and indeed Life itself, all come cheap.Val Denham is visual artist from Yorkshire, England. He has done work for (to name a few) Marc Almond, Throbbing Gristle, Psychic TV, The Sword Volcano Complex, and Cyclobe. Always refreshing and unconventional, be prepared for a performance that you will remember."

Follow the link in the shirt to Soisong's blog post regarding merchandize, that shirt and the disc, including other tasty infos;-)