
Posts Tagged ‘npac’

The results for the 2010 News Photographers Association of Canada Pictures of the Month awards are finalized. This is the sixth time since 2004 I have placed in the top 10. Here are my winning images from last year.

March, Portrait, First Place

May, General News, Second Place

May, General News, Third Place

June, Portrait, Second Place

July, General News, First Place

July, General News, Third Place

September, General News, Second Place

September, Portrait, Second Place

November, Portrait, Third Place

December, Sports, Second Place

My good friend and fellow Reuters photog Mark Blinch took home the top spot as Photographer of the Year. Check out Mark’s work here – markblinch.com

Cheers, Blair

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I am blogging for the News Photographers Association of Canada this week, so this one is on hiatus. 

Photographers Blog – Day 1
Photographers Blog – Day 2 
Photographers Blog – Day 3
Photographers Blog – Day 4
Photographers Blog – Day 5



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