The terms floor, level, or deck can also be used in this sense; except that one may use "ground floor" and "ground level" for the floor closer to what is considered the ground or street level, whereas "storey" is commonly used only for levels strictly above or below that level The words "storey" and "floor" also generally exclude levels of the building that have no roof, even if they are used by people—such as the terrace on the top roof of many buildings.
Houses commonly have only a few floors, often only one. Buildings are often classified as low-rise, mid-rise, and high-rise according to how many levels they contain; but these categories are not well-defined. The tallest skyscrapers in the world have about a hundred floors (as of 2009).
The height of each storey is based on the ceiling height of the rooms plus the thickness of the floors between each. Generally this is around ten feet or three metres total, however it varies widely from just under this figure to well over it. Storeys within a building need not be all the same height — often the lobby is more spacious, for example. Higher levels may be smaller in area than the ones beneath (a prominent feature of the Willis Tower).
In English, the principal floor or main floor of a house is the floor that contains the chief apartments; it is usually the ground floor, or the floor above. In Italy the main floor of a home is usually above the ground level, and may be called the ''piano nobile'' ("noble floor").
The attic or loft is a storey just below the building's roof; its ceiling is often slanted and/or at a different height than that of other floors. A penthouse is a luxury apartment on the topmost storey of a building. A basement is a storey below the main or ground floor; the first (or only) basement of a home is also called the lower ground floor.
Split-level homes have floors that offset from each other by less than the height of a full storey. A mezzanine, in particular, is typically a floor halfway between the ground floor and the next higher floor. Homes with a split-level entry have the entire main floor raised half a story height above the street entrance level, and a basement that is half a storey below this level.
There are also multi-storey car parks, also known as parking garages.
Floor numbering is the numbering scheme used for a building's floors. There are two major schemes in use across the world. In one system, used for instance all over Europe, the ground floor is the floor on the ground and often has no number or is assigned the number zero. Therefore the next floor up is assigned the number 1 and is the first floor. The other system, used in the United States for instance, counts the bottom floor as number 1 or first floor. The next floor up then becomes the second floor and so on. Having the first floor above the ground floor means that subterranean levels (often listed with increasing depth as B1, B2..) can be counted without having a gap at 0 (ground). In both systems, the numbering of higher floors continues sequentially as one goes up, as shown in the following table:
! Displacement from ground level | ! British convention | ! American convention |
3 storeys heights above ground | "3rd floor" | "4th floor" |
2 storeys heights above ground | "2nd floor" | "3rd floor" |
1 storey height above ground | "1st floor" | "2nd floor" |
at ground level | "Ground floor" | "Ground floor" or "1st floor" |
Each scheme has further variations depending on how one refers to the ground floor and the subterranean levels. The existence of two incompatible conventions is a common source of confusion in international communication, sometimes even between communities who speak the same language.
In all English-speaking countries, however, the storeys in a building are ''counted'' in the same way. Thus, for example, the phrase a seven-storey building would mean the same thing in Britain and in the US — namely, a building with seven covered floors, including one at ground level and six at higher levels; even though the topmost of those levels would be called "6th floor" in Britain, and "7th floor" in the US. Some count mezzanines as storeys, some ignore them.
This convention can be traced back to Medieval European usage. In countries that use this system, the floor at ground level is usually referred to by a special name, usually translating as "Ground Floor" or equivalent. For example, ''rez de chaussée'' ("street level") in France, ''Erdgeschoss'' ("ground floor") in Germany, ''pianterreno'' (lit. "ground plane") in Italy, ''begane grond'' ("ground floor") or ''gelijkvloers'' ("equal floor") in Dutch, ''planta baja'' ("bottom floor") in Spain, ''andar térreo'' ("ground walkplace") in Brazil, "rés-do-chão" ("close to the ground") in Portugal, ''földszint'' ("ground level") in Hungary, ''parter'' ("based on French ''par terre'' which means ''along ground''") in Poland, and ''pritličje'' ("close to the ground") in Slovenia. In some countries that use this scheme, the higher floors may be explicitly qualified as being above the ground level — such as in Slovenian ''prvo nadstropje'' (literally "first upper floor").
The US system is also used in Russia and some countries of the former Soviet Union, in Scandinavian countries except Denmark, and in some (but not all) Latin American countries. So, for example, ''planta baja'' and ''primer piso'' ("first floor"), which are distinct in Spain and Mexico, are equivalent in Chile and Peru, and refer both to the ground-level floor (although ''primer piso'' is used mainly for indoor areas, while ''planta baja'' is also used for areas outside the building).
Most countries in eastern Asia, including China, Japan, and Singapore, follow the North American system. In the grammar of the respective languages, the numbers precede the word "floor", and are cardinals rather than ordinals; so they would translate literally as "1 floor, 2 floor" (etc.), rather than "1st floor, 2nd floor", or "floor 1, floor 2".
In Singapore, the British system of numbering originally prevailed, but this was replaced in the 1980s with the North American scheme to avoid confusion with the Chinese scheme. In order to emphasise the difference from the original scheme, reference is frequently made to storeys or levels rather than floors) - so the 3rd floor is the 4th storey (or storey 4) or 4th level (or level 4). Many buildings continue to label storeys or levels rather than floors. Some time later, some newer buildings began to use 'floors' instead of naming them as 'storeys' or 'levels'.
Occasionally, buildings in the United States and Canada will have both a "1st floor" (usually the main floor of the building) and a "ground floor" below it. This typically happens when both floors have street-level entrances, as is often the case for hillside buildings. In the UK, the lower of these floors would be called the ''lower ground floor'', while the upper would be called either the ''upper ground floor'' or simply the ''ground floor''.
Sometimes, floor number 1 may be assigned to the lowest basement level; in that case the ground floor may be numbered 2 or higher. Sometimes two connected buildings (such as a store and its carpark) have incongruent floor numberings, due to sloping terrain or different ceiling heights.
In Sweden the floors are numbered as in the North American scheme ("1st" = "ground", "2nd", etc.); but one can also refer to them by how many flights of stairs one needs to climb to reach them from the ground floor. So, ''2:a våningen'' ("2nd floor") is the same as ''1 trappa upp'' ("1 stair up"); ''3:e våningen'' ("3rd floor") is also ''2 trappor upp'' ("2 stairs up"); and so on. In modern lifts, however, floors are numbered according to British convention, where the street level is referred to E (for "entré", or entrance) or BV (for bottenvåning, or bottom floor) and the next floor is given the number 1.
American and Canadian buildings typically omit the thirteenth floor in their floor numbering because of common superstition surrounding this number. The floor numbering may either go straight from 12 to 14, or the floor may be given an alternative name such as "Skyline". In certain Asian countries, some buildings (especially hospitals) may lack floors numbered 4, 14, 24, etc., due to the similarity in pronunciation between the words "four" and "death" in the respective languages. Some governments frown on the practice of skipping floor numbers and even building numbers.
In Hong Kong, the British numbering system is now generally used, in English and Chinese alike. In some older residential buildings, however, the floors are identified by signs in Chinese characters that say "二樓" ("2 floor") at the floor just above ground, as in the North American system. For those buildings, the Chinese phrase "三樓" or its English equivalent "3rd floor" may refer either to the storey three levels above ground (as in the modern numbering), which is actually labeled "四樓" ("4 floor"); or to the storey with the sign "三樓" ("3 floor"), which is only two levels above ground. This confusing state of affairs has led, for example, to numerous errors in utility billing. To avoid ambiguity, business forms often ask that storey numbers in address fields be written ''as accessed from a lift''.
In some Chinese and Taiwanese buildings (typically high-rises), the 4th floor is actually omitted or skipped, with the floor above the third numbered as the fifth and so on. This is due to the Chinese word for "four" being very phonetically similar (though not exact homonyms in most dialects due to their intonations) to the word for "dead" or "die". Also for this reason, apartments on the 4th floor in Asian countries such as Taiwan have traditionally been cheaper to rent. This cultural superstition can be considered a form of tetraphobia.
In most of the world, elevator buttons for storeys above the ground level are usually marked with the corresponding numbers. In many countries, modern elevators also have Braille numbers—often mandated by law.
Example: in Polish language there is a clear distinction: ''parter'' means ground floor, ''piętro'' means floor above ''parter'', usually with ordinal: 1. ''piętro'', 2. ''piętro'' etc., therefore ''parter'' is the zeroth ''piętro''. Older elevators in Poland have button P for ground floor (''parter'') and S for basement (''suterena''). Elevators installed since 1990 have 0 for ''parter'' and -1, -2 ... for underground floors.
In modern signage, at least in North America, a five-pointed star (★) additionally appears beside the button for the "main entry" floor. In the United States, the five-pointed star marking is mandated by Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), as described in Section 4.10.12(2) of the ADA Accessibility Guidelines for Buildings and Facilities (ADAAG).
If there is more than one basement, the next level down may be marked SB for "Sub-Basement". The lower levels may also be numbered B1, B2, etc.. Negative numbers are sometimes used −1 for the first level below ground, −2 for the second one, etc..
One hotel in Toronto marks the first six floors as A, M, MM, C, H, and 1 (for "Arcade", "Main", "Main Mezzanine", "Convention", "Health Club", and "1st floor"). The North Carolina Museum of Art, whose entrance is on the third floor up, has the floors lettered C, B, A (the main floor), and O (for "Office"). The Festival Walk mall in Hong Kong has floors labelled LG2 and LG1 ("Lower Ground 2" and "1"), G ("Ground"), and UG ("Upper Ground").
Romania uses Roman numerals for floor numbers in postal addresses, but Arabic numerals in all but the oldest elevators.
In modern buildings, especially large ones, room or apartment numbers are usually tied to the floor numbers, so that one can figure out the latter from the former. Typically one uses the floor number with one or two extra digits appended to identify the room within the floor. For example, room 215 could be the 15th room of floor 2 (or 5th room of floor 21), but to avoid this confusion one dot is sometimes used to separate the floor from the room (2.15 refers to 2nd floor, 15th room and 21.5 refers to 21st floor, 5th room) or a leading zero is placed before a single-digit room number (i.e. the 5th room of floor 21 would be 2105). Letters may be used, instead of digits, to identify the room within the floor—such as 21E instead of 215. Often odd numbers are used for rooms on one side of a hallway, even numbers for rooms on the other side.
An offset may be used to accommodate unnumbered floors. For example, in a building with floors labeled G, M, 1, 2, ..., 11 and 12, the 4th room in each of those floors could be numbered 104, 114, 124, 134, ..., 224, and 234, respectively — with an offset of 11 in the floor numbers. This trick is sometimes used to make the floor number slightly less obvious, e.g. for security or marketing reasons.
In Portugal, the rule (official standard) is:
# In buildings with only two sides, all the apartments are marked as Esq. (Esquerdo = Left) or Dto. (Direito = Right). So we have C/V Esq. (Underground Floor Left), R/C Esq. (Ground Floor Left), 1º. Esq (1st Floor Left), etc.; and C/V Dto. (Underground Floor Right), R/C Dto. (Ground Floor Right) 1º. Dto. (1st Floor Right), etc.
# Buildings with more than two apartments per floor, are marked with letters, clockwise within each deck. So apartment 8º-D (not 8D) means the 8th floor (hence the character "º" meaning ordinal number), apartment D (counting in clockwise direction, for those who are in the floor entrance). But a very common form for buildings with three apartments per floor is, Esq.-Frt./Fte. (Frente, en: Front - for the apartment located between left and right)-Dto. These two rules, universally adopted, made many things easy, namely for blind people, who don't need to ask where is the apartment "X".
Category:Building Category:Identifiers Category:Floors
ar:طابق bg:Етаж cs:Podlaží da:Etage de:Geschoss (Architektur) eo:Etaĝo fa:طبقه (ساختمان) fr:Étage (architecture) ko:층 (건물) id:Tingkat (bangunan) it:Piano (architettura) kk:Қабат la:Tabulatum nl:Etage (bouwkunst) ja:階 nn:Etasje pl:Kondygnacja pt:Andar (arquitetura) ru:Этаж sv:Våning th:ชั้น (อาคาร) uk:Поверх (будівництво)This text is licensed under the Creative Commons CC-BY-SA License. This text was originally published on Wikipedia and was developed by the Wikipedia community.
name | Darlene Love |
background | solo_singer |
birth name | Darlene Wright |
birth date | July 26, 1938 |
origin | Hawthorne, California, |
genre | R&B; |
occupation | SingerActress |
years active | 1959–present |
label | ChallengeOKehRepriseOdeMGMBellLion |
spouse | }} |
Darlene Love ( Wright; born July 26, 1938 ) is an American popular music singer and actress. She gained prominence in the 1960s for the song "He's a Rebel," a #1 American single in 1962.
With The Blossoms, Love also sang backing vocals on many of the biggest hits of the 1960s, including Spector's own "Da Doo Ron Ron" (allegedly recorded with her lead, which was later erased by Spector and re-recorded using Crystals' lead Dolores "LaLa" Brooks). Though credited by Spector as singles recorded by The Crystals, "He's A Rebel" and "He's Sure The Boy I Love" actually featured Love singing lead, backed by The Blossoms. "Today I Met The Boy I'm Gonna Marry" was released as a single by Spector, and featured Love's name as the artist. She says that Spector offered $3,000 for her rights to the song. And though he said it was going to be a hit, she took the money. But, in spite of that decision, she said that she has continued to have a career because people have loved hearing her sing her songs. She was also part of a trio called Bob B. Soxx & the Blue Jeans, who recorded a cover version of "Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah", an Oscar-winning song from the Walt Disney film, ''Song of the South'', which got into the Top 10 in 1963. The Blossoms landed a weekly part on ''Shindig!'', one of the top music shows of the era. They were part of the highly acclaimed ''Elvis Presley's '68 Comeback Special'', which aired on NBC.
"Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)" is a song by Darlene Love from the 1963 holiday compilation album, ''A Christmas Gift for You from Philles Records''. The song was written by Jeff Barry and Ellie Greenwich, along with Phil Spector, with the intention of being sung by Ronnie Spector of The Ronettes. According to Love, Ronnie Spector was not able to put as much emotion into the song as needed. Instead, Love was brought into the studio to record the song, which became a big success over time and one of Love's signature tunes.
In 1987, Love sang back-up for U2's cover of "Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)", while in 1990, Cher invited Love and her sister Edna Wright as her background vocalists for the Heart of Stone tour. She also released a minor single in 1992 with "All Alone on Christmas", written and composed by Steven Van Zandt, which can be found on the ''Home Alone 2: Lost in New York'' soundtrack. Love also contributed vocals to the soundtrack of the film ''Jingle All the Way''. In October 2007, Love released the holiday collection ''It's Christmas, Of Course'', featuring her versions of classic yuletide tunes from the 1970s and 1980s.
She continues to do a Christmas show every year in New York City, which is always capped by "Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)".
She was a special guest on the December 17, 2005, broadcast of ''Saturday Night Live'', singing "White Christmas" with the ''SNL'' band and providing the vocals for a Robert Smigel cartoon, "Christmastime for the Jews". Love was the musical guest on ''Late Show with David Letterman'' on May 7, 2007, performing "River Deep-Mountain High". Love performed with Bruce Springsteen and the E-Street Band in November 2009 at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 25th Anniversary Concert at Madison Square Garden.
Year | Title | Chart Positions | ||
! width="86" | ||||
1961 | "SON-IN-LAW" (The Blossoms) ''Challenge 9109'' | |||
1961 | "HARD TO GET" (The Blossoms) ''Challenge 9122'' | align="center" | ||
1962 | "THE SEARCH IS OVER" (The Blossoms) ''Challenge 9138'' | align="center" | ||
1962 | "HE'S A REBEL" (released as The Crystals) ''Philles 106'' | |||
1962 | "ZIP-A-DEE DOO-DAH" (released as Bob B. Soxx & the Blue Jeans) ''Philles 107'' | |||
1962 | "HE'S SURE THE BOY I LOVE" (released as The Crystals) ''Philles 109'' | |||
1963 | "WHY DO LOVERS BREAK EACH OTHERS HEARTS?" (released as Bob B. Soxx & the Blue Jeans) ''Philles 110'' | |||
1963 | "TODAY I MET THE BOY I'M GONNA MARRY" ''Philles 111'' | |||
1963 | "NOT TOO YOUNG TO GET MARRIED" (released as Bob B. Soxx & the Blue Jeans) ''Philles 113'' | |||
1963 | "WAIT 'TIL MY BOBBY GETS HOME" ''Philles 114'' | |||
1963 | "I'M IN LOVE" (The Blossoms) ''Okeh 7162'' [This girl-group named "The Blossoms" had members Fanita James, Gloria Jones and Darlene Wright. They later changed their name to the D.C. Blossoms to avoid confusion with Darlene Love's group.] | align="center" | ||
1963 | "A FINE, FINE BOY" ''Philles 117'' | |||
1963 | "CHRISTMAS (BABY PLEASE COME HOME)" ''Philles 119'' | align="center" | ||
1964 | "STUMBLE AND FALL" ''Philles 123'' | align="center" | ||
1964 | "CHRISTMAS (BABY PLEASE COME HOME)" ''Philles 125'' | align="center" | ||
1965 | "GOOD GOOD LOVIN' / THAT'S WHEN THE TEARS START" (The Blossoms) ''Reprise 0436'' | align="center" | ||
1966 | "LOVER BOY" (The Blossoms) ''Reprise 0475'' | align="center" | ||
1966 | "LET YOUR LOVE SHINE ON ME" (The Blossoms) ''Reprise 0522'' | align="center" | ||
1966 | "TOO LATE TO SAY YOU'RE SORRY" ''Reprise 0534'' | align="center" | ||
1967 | "DEEP INTO MY HEART / GOOD GOOD LOVIN'" (The Blossoms) ''Reprise 0639'' | align="center" | ||
1967 | "Stoney End" (The Blossoms) ''Ode 101'' | align="center" | ||
1968 | "Tweedlee Dee" (The Blossoms) ''MGM 13964'' | align="center" | ||
1968 | "CRY LIKE A BABY" (The Blossoms) ''Ode 106'' | align="center" | ||
1969 | "STONEY END" - reissued (The Blossoms) ''Ode 125'' | align="center" | ||
1969 | "YOU'VE LOST THAT LOVIN' FEELIN'" (The Blossoms) ''Bell 780'' | align="center" | ||
1969 | "(YOU'RE MY) SOUL AND INSPIRATION" (The Blossoms) ''Bell 797'' | align="center" | ||
1970 | "I AIN'T GOT TO LOVE NOBODY ELSE" (The Blossoms) ''Bell 857'' | align="center" | ||
1970 | "ONE STEP AWAY" (The Blossoms) ''Bell 937'' | align="center" | ||
1972 | "TOUCHDOWN" (The Blossoms) ''Lion 108'' | align="center" | ||
1972 | "GRANDMA'S HANDS" (The Blossoms) ''Lion 125'' | align="center" | ||
1974 | "CHRISTMAS (BABY PLEASE COME HOME)" ''Warner/Spector 0401'' | align="center" | ||
1975 | "LORD, IF YOU'RE A WOMAN" ''Warner/Spector 0410'' | align="center" | ||
1977 | "THERE'S NO GREATER LOVE" (The Blossoms) ''Epic 50435'' | align="center" | ||
1988 | "HE'S SURE THE MAN I LOVE" ''Columbia 07984'' | align="center" | ||
1992 | "ALL ALONE ON CHRISTMAS" ''(from the film HOME ALONE II) Fox 10003'' | |||
2008 | "CHRISTMASTIME FOR THE JEWS" ''(from SNL) '' |
Category:1941 births Category:African American musicians Category:African American singers Category:African American female singers Category:American female singers Category:American pop singers Category:American rhythm and blues singers Category:Musicians from California Category:Living people Category:Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductees
cs:Darlene Love de:Darlene Love es:Darlene Love fr:Darlene Love no:Darlene Love ru:Лав, Дарлин sv:Darlene LoveThis text is licensed under the Creative Commons CC-BY-SA License. This text was originally published on Wikipedia and was developed by the Wikipedia community.
name | Tegan Quin and Sara Quin |
landscape | yes |
background | group_or_band |
birth date | September 19, 1980 |
birth place | Calgary, Alberta, Canada |
genre | Indie rock, New Wave, indie pop, indie folk |
years active | 1995–present |
label | Vapor, Sanctuary, Sire |
website | |
current members | Tegan QuinSara Quin }} |
Tegan and Sara are a Canadian indie band (born September 19, 1980). Both Tegan and Sara play guitar and keyboard and write songs.
Two songs from ''Red tape'' appeared on their first album, ''Under Feet Like Ours'', which they released independently in 1999 under the name "Sara and Tegan". They changed their name to "Tegan and Sara" because it was easier to pronounce and later reprinted the album using that name. Also, they wanted their name to stand out amongst the other Sara musicians at the time such as Sarah McLachlan and Sarah Slean. Tegan was easier to remember. Neil Young's manager signed them to Young's Vapor Records label, and they released ''This Business of Art'' through Vapor in 2000. They have toured extensively since then.
In 2002, the band released ''If It Was You''. Their fourth album, ''So Jealous'', was released in 2004 and led to wider success. This album was released through both Vapor and Sanctuary. One track on the album, "Walking with a Ghost", was covered by The White Stripes, who released it on their ''Walking with a Ghost'' EP.
Their 2007 album ''The Con'' was released by Vapor and Sire because Sanctuary chose to no longer release new music in the United States. The album was co-produced by Chris Walla. Jason McGerr of Death Cab for Cutie, Matt Sharp of The Rentals and previously Weezer, Hunter Burgan of AFI, and Kaki King all appear on the album.
On October 27, 2009, Tegan and Sara released their sixth album ''Sainthood'', produced by Chris Walla and Howard Redekopp, as well as a three-volume book set titled ''ON, IN, AT'', which is a collection of stories, essays, journals, and photos of the band on tour in America in the fall of 2008, writing together in New Orleans, and touring Australia. The photographs in the book are by Lindsey Byrnes and Ryan Russell. While recording ''Sainthood'', Tegan and Sara spent a week writing songs together in New Orleans. The song "Paperback Head" appeared on the album, making it the first song on any Tegan and Sara album that they wrote together. ''Spin'' magazine gave ''Sainthood'' four out of five stars and wrote, "Tegan and Sara's music may no longer be the stuff of teens, but its strength remains in how much it feels like two people talking."
In 2011, they launched 2011: A Merch Odyssey, which will see the launch of at least one new item in the official online stores every month, all year long, while they take time off to write their 7th record and work on a DVD.
Their onstage banter, including stories and commentary about their childhood, politics, and life on the road, have become an indispensable part of their live shows.
They have performed at festivals including Sarah McLachlan's Lilith Fair 1999, Coachella, Lollapalooza,SXSW 2005, Austin City Limits, Bonnaroo, Falls Festival, Sasquatch!,Cyndi Lauper's True Colors Tour 2008; Southbound 2009,Glastonbury, Lilith Fair, Newport Folk Festival 2011 and Sasquatch! 2010.
In December 2010 Tegan and Sara supported Jack Johnson in New Zealand and Australia.
In April 2008, Tegan wrote and recorded a song titled "His Love" at the request of Augusten Burroughs as a contribution to the audio version of his book ''A Wolf at the Table''. The two headlined Spin's September 2008 ''Liner Notes'' benefit for Housing Works, a New York non-profit.
In addition to their own set, Tegan and Sara performed with DJ Tiësto during the Bonnaroo Music & Arts Festival on June 13, 2008. Tegan and Sara appeared as guests, providing live vocals for Tiësto's remix of "Back in Your Head". Tegan and Sara also collaborated with Tiësto on the song "Feel It in My Bones" from his 2009 album ''Kaleidoscope'' and appeared in the music video for this song.
Tegan and Sara are featured on Margaret Cho's 2009 album ''Cho Dependent'' on the track "Intervention". They are also featured in Margaret's video for the song.
Tegan and Sara released an "Alligator" remix album on iTunes in 2010. Contributors included Doveman, Four Tet, Passion Pit, Ra Ra Riot, and VHS or Beta.
Sara is featured on rapper/songwriter/producer Theophilus London's track "Why Even Try" from his 2011 Lover's Holiday EP.
Both Tegan and Sara appear in Sara Bareilles' star-studded music video for her song "Uncharted". The video premiered in March 2011 and also features, amongst others, Josh Groban, Laura Jansen, Ingrid Michaelson, Pharell Williams, Adam Levine, Ben Folds, Keenan Cahill, Jennifer Nettles, and Vanessa Carlton.
Tegan sings with Jim Ward, "Broken Songs."
NOFX's song "Creeping out Sara" is about the two sisters.
Sara appears in Kaki King's music video for "Pull Me out Alive."
List of joint and solo collaborations | ||||
! Member(s) | ! Year | ! Collaborator(s) | ! Song | ! Album |
Tiësto | ||||
Fucked Up | "Do They Know It's Christmas?" | |||
Margaret Cho | "Intervention" | ''Cho Dependent'' | ||
Vivek Shraya | "The Alphabet" | ''A Composite of Straight Lines'' | ||
David Usher | "Hey Kids" | ''If God Had Curves'' | ||
Melissa Ferrick | "Never Give Up" | ''In the Eyes of Strangers'' | ||
Kinnie Starr | "La Le La La" | ''In the Eyes of Strangers'' | ||
Rachael Cantu | "Saturday" | ''Run All Night'' | ||
2007 | Against Me! | "Borne on the FM Waves of the Heart" | ''New Wave'' | |
2008 | Alkaline Trio | "Wake Up Exhausted" | ''Agony & Irony'' | |
"Broken Songs" | ''In The Valley, On The Shores'' EP | |||
"Saturday" | ||||
"Thieves and Their Hands" | ||||
"Blue House Baby" | ||||
2011 | Astronautalis | "Contrails" | ''This Is Our Science'' | |
"We're So Beyond This" | ''Things Couldn't Be Better'' | |||
Ted Gowans and Kaki King | "Sweetness Follows" (R.E.M. cover) | ''Drive XV: A Tribute to Automatic for the People'' | ||
Vivek Shraya | "Your Name" | ''If We're Not Talking'' | ||
2009 | Dragonette | "Okay Dolore" | ''Fixin to Thrill'' | |
2010 | Emm Gryner | "Top Speed" | ''Gem and I'' | |
2011 | Theophilus London | "Why Even Try" | ''Lovers Holiday'' | |
Jonathan Coulton | "Still Alive" | ''Artificial Heart'' | ||
Tegan and Sara songs have been featured in the films ''Monster-in-Law'', ''Sweet November'', and ''These Girls'', and in the television shows ''90210'', ''Being Erica'', ''Ghost Whisperer'', ''Grey's Anatomy'', ''The Hills'', ''Hollyoaks'',''jPod'', ''The L Word'', ''Life Unexpected'', ''Melrose Place'' (2009 series), ''One Tree Hill'', ''Parenthood'', ''Rookie Blue'', ''Vampire Diaries'', ''Veronica Mars'',''Waterloo Road'' (2011) and ''What's New, Scooby-Doo?''.
In 2006, Tegan and Sara performed in ''The L Word'' episode "Last Dance" (season 3, episode 11). In 2008, they appeared on the kids music television show ''Pancake Mountain'' where they acted in a skit and performed their songs "Back in Your Head", "Hop a Plane", and an acoustic version of "Walking with a Ghost". In 2010, they appeared on CBC's ''Mamma Yamma'', revising their single "Alligator" into a children's song.
In 2011, Sara Quin was a panelist on Canada Reads defending Jeff Lemire's graphic novel ''Essex County''. The book was voted off after the first round.But showed her passion for the book and showed the first graphic novel to ever be on canada reads.
Backing Band
Former Members
Category:1980 births Category:Living people Category:People from Calgary Category:Canadian female singers Category:Canadian singer-songwriters Category:Family musical groups Category:Identical twins Category:Lesbian musicians Category:LGBT-themed musical groups Category:Sibling duos Category:Canadian indie pop groups Category:Canadian indie rock groups Category:Canadian New Wave musical groups Category:Musical groups from Calgary Category:Celebrity duos Category:Musical duos Category:Musicians from Alberta Category:Female rock singers Category:LGBT musicians from Canada Category:Sire Records artists Category:Sibling musical duos
da:Tegan and Sara de:Tegan and Sara et:Tegan and Sara es:Tegan and Sara fa:تگان و سارا fr:Tegan and Sara it:Tegan and Sara la:Tegan and Sara hu:Tegan and Sara nl:Tegan and Sara no:Tegan and Sara nn:Tegan and Sara pl:Tegan and Sara pt:Tegan and Sara ru:Tegan and Sara simple:Tegan and Sara fi:Tegan and Sara sv:Tegan and Sara zh:泰根與莎拉This text is licensed under the Creative Commons CC-BY-SA License. This text was originally published on Wikipedia and was developed by the Wikipedia community.
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