PambazukaThrough the voices of the peoples of Africa and the global South, Pambazuka Press and Pambazuka News disseminate analysis and debate on the struggle for freedom and justice.

Finance and Operations Director - Fahamu

This role will be based in Nairobi, Kenya but will have a remit covering the whole of Fahamu's pan-African programmes with offices in Kenya, Senegal, South Africa and UK.
The deadline for applications is February 3, 2012.

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Dust From Our Eyes cover Dust From Our Eyes
An Unblinkered Look at Africa
Joan Baxter

Joan Baxter eloquently exposes the diversity of Africa, the injustices Africans have faced and the strengths that have helped them weather adversity. She erodes the tired stereotypes of the western media and provides compelling evidence of the need for westerners to scrutinise their own countries' policies at home and abroad.

Buy now from Pambazuka Press

Latest titles from Pambazuka Press

From Citizen to Refugee

From Citizen to Refugee Uganda Asians come to Britain
Mahmood Mamdani
'On the face of it, life in the camp presented a sharp and favourable contrast to the open terror of living in Uganda. But it was the Kensington camp, and not Amin's Uganda, which was my first experience of what it would be like to live in a totalitarian society.' Mahmood Mamdani
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African Awakening

African Awakening The Emerging Revolutions
The tumultuous uprisings in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya have seized the attention of media but what about the rest of Africa? With incisive contributions from across the continent, "African Awakening" presents the 2011 uprisings in their African context.
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Demystifying Aid

Yash Tandon

Demystifying Aid This pamphlet from Pambazuka Press shows that 'development aid' is not what it purports to be - the effects of actions of well-meaning allies in the North who support aid to Africa for reasons of ethics or solidarity are, unfortunately, the opposite of their good intentions.
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To Cook a Continent

To Cook a Continent Destructive Extraction and the Climate Crisis in Africa
Nnimmo Bassey
Exploiting Africa's resources has delivered huge profits to the North and huge damage to Africa's environment and economies. Overcoming the crises of environment and climate change means also addressing corporate profiteering and resource extraction.
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Earth Grab

Earth Grab Geopiracy, the New Biomassters and Capturing Climate Genes
Diana Bronson, Hope Shand, Jim Thomas, Kathy Jo Wetter
As greedy eyes focus on the global South's resources this book 'pulls back the curtain on disturbing technological and corporate trends that are already reshaping our world and that will become crucial battlegrounds for civil society in the years ahead.
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Pambazuka News Broadcasts

Pambazuka broadcasts feature audio and video content with cutting edge commentary and debate from social justice movements across the continent.

See the list of episodes.


This site has been established by Fahamu to provide regular feedback to African civil society organisations on what is happening with the African Union.

Perspectives on Emerging Powers in Africa: December 2011 newsletter

Deborah Brautigam provides an overview and description of China's development finance to Africa. "Looking at the nature of Chinese development aid - and non-aid - to Africa provides insights into China's strategic approach to outward investment and economic diplomacy, even if exact figures and strategies are not easily ascertained", she states as she describes China's provision of grants, zero-interest loans and concessional loans. Pambazuka Press recently released a publication titled India in Africa: Changing Geographies of Power, and Oliver Stuenkel provides his review of the book.
The December edition available here.

The 2010 issues: September, October, November, December, and the 2011 issues: January, February, March , April, May , June , July , August , September, October and November issues are all available for download.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License.


‘This is not the democracy that we fought for’

Ricado Jacobs (2012-01-26)

‘The uprisings in Egypt and everywhere remind us that direct action is an important pillar for the poor and the oppressed all over the world.’

Nigeria: Was it a 14-day dream?

Sokari Ekine (2012-01-26)

It may appear like business as usual but people do not experience such an outpouring of solidarity and power and remain unchanged. The apathy barrier has been broken and there has been a shift in consciousness.

South Africa: People's land, housing and jobs summit

Jared Sacks (2012-01-26)

By taking back the commons, thousands of poor and working-class people, together with many middle-class allies, are saying that they no longer want to live in a city which remains segregated.

South Africa: The reign of thugs

Pedro Alexis Tabensky (2012-01-26)

One way of measuring the quality of a democracy is to assess the behaviour of its police. The recent brutal attack on the Unemployed People’s Movement leader Ayanda Kota reveals the sad state of democracy in South Africa.

South Africa: State of emergency 2.0

Christopher McMichael (2012-01-26)

Joint operations between the police and military are becoming increasingly commonplace. But maintaining a strict demarcation between the police and the military is essential to the protection of democracy.

ICC Kenya ruling: Deep democratic shifts and blow to impunity

Onyango Oloo (2012-01-26)

cc O S
The confirmation of charges against four Kenyans, three of them wealthy and powerful elites, is welcome news for the victims of the 2007/8 post-election violence. But there are thousands of other perpetrators who are still walking free.

Old Sudan and new Sudan

Christopher Zambakari (2012-01-26)

cc UN Photo
North and South Sudan will not find durable peace so long as the marginalised population in the border States continues to die. There must be stability in Abyei, Nuba Mountains, Blue Nile, Eastern Sudan and Darfur.

‘Aid is a dirty word, like colonialism’

Yash Tandon (2012-01-26)

There are at least a million people in the West who live off the aid industry. They have a vested interest in perpetuating it. But it will disintegrate over time and die slowly.

Africa, steer clear of this Ponzi climate scheme

Michael Dorsey and Patrick Bond (2012-01-26)

cc Oxfam
Climate gamblers have been led astray since 1997 when the Kyoto Protocol was amended to let corporations buy the right to pollute in exchange for endorsing the treaty. Predictably, Washington has refused to honour this ever since.

‘This is Africa to come’

Mandisi Majavu (2012-01-26)

cc S C
‘The Mozambique food riots of 2010 and the recent mass protests in Nigeria show that people are capable of forcing governments to back down from enforcing policies that have a negative impact on their lives.’

China and Japan currency swap

Horace Campbell (2012-01-26)

cc MM
China and Japan have taken a decisive step to diversify their reserve holdings away from the dollar. African peoples have a lot of lessons to learn from both the capitalist crisis in Europe and this new financial arrangement.

Tragedy of the new AU headquarters

Chika Ezeanya (2012-01-26)

cc Chuffin
It is an insult to the African Union and to every African that in 2012 a building as symbolic as the AU headquarters is designed, built and maintained by a foreign country – it does not matter which.

Liberia: End discrimination against LGBT

Stephanie C. Horton (2012-01-26)

cc Tedeytan
President Sirleaf won the 2011 Nobel Peace Prize and should know that the oppression and exclusion of any group is anathema to Alfred Nobel’s vision of an equal society.

Charles Taylor a CIA Informant?

Robtel Neajai Pailey (2012-01-26)

cc J T
The shocking news that the former Liberian strongman was indeed a CIA informant in the early years of his rise to notoriety calls into question America’s complicity in Taylor’s destruction of Liberia.

Rights for Scots, rights for Igbos

Herbert Ekwe-Ekwe (2012-01-26)

cc S V
The British government, which 46 years ago fully backed the brutal repression of the Igbo secession attempt is now not opposed to the independence of Scotland. For the Scots, Igbos or any other people, the right to self-determination is inalienable.

Will the real revolutionaries please stand up?

David Comissiong (2012-01-26)

cc Wikimedia
1649 is arguably the most revolutionary year in the history of Barbados. The oppressed Barbadian working class – the white indentured servants and the enslaved black Africans – erupted in revolt against the repressive white slave master class.

ISSN 1753-6839 Pambazuka News English Edition

ISSN 1753-6847 Pambazuka News en Français

ISSN 1757-6504 Pambazuka News em Português

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