Around 150 participants joined the Open Aid Data Conference in Berlin. The event was full with discussions and exchange on how open data can be used to achieve more transparency in the developing aid sector. The first day was split into two workshops – an ‘Aidinfo Data Training’ and ‘Hackday,’ to explore potential data sets and applications to make developing aid more transparent.

In this post I would like to share my experiences from the Hackday as a co-organizer. There was an interesting mix of participants, from different backgrounds, who worked in teams on different issues greatly facilitated by Marek Tuszynski from Tactical Technology Collective. Here is a link summarizing the discussions, some available data sets, and these are the main questions we dealt with:

- What do we need to know about Open Data for aid transparency?
- What data is out there?
- Who benefits from developing aid? Organizations?
- How does an organization implement Open Data? Read more

Open Aid Data conference and Hackday Berlin

Aug / 23 / 2011

The past year I have written on many occasions about the potential of open data and why it is much needed particular for the development aid sector. So I am happy to announce a Hackday I am organizing as part of the Open Knowledge Foundation Germany. The Hackday is linked with the Open Aid Data conference held [...]

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Learning cycling and the persistent illusion that all knowledge can be accessed online

Aug / 19 / 2011

Remember when you learnt cycling? The first time you stepped into a pedal and tried to balance the bicycle; the voice behind your neck telling you to keep pedaling and you will be fine. Learning cycling is a wonderful example of how difficult it is to “transfer” knowledge and that most of our wisdom is [...]

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